She Hated Men: Taboo Erotica - Victorian Longwood - E-Book

She Hated Men: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Victorian Longwood

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


The word was ripped from him like the bellow of an animal in the rutting season. "Now, I'm going to have you I I'm going to have it all! I been wanting it like a man needs food and water and now I'm going to have it!"
It was as if the awe and desire bled from Herb's wide eyes. His hands moved on her like crawling slime, but it was his eyes that made her ill.
They were not Herb's eyes, they were the eyes of a man she had thought she had forgotten, wild and eager and crazed with delight and lust eyes that she saw she had not really forgotten, but had only put away in the dark crannies of her mind so she could live with herself.
With a wild cry, Carol tried to tear herself away from his grasp, but those arms circled her like hot, wet serpents, and those hands closed with a fierce, unbelievable strength. His mouth parted and smashed down over hers. Then he lifted her against him, carrying her to the bedroom.
She tried to scream, but she could not. She tried to fight free but he held her as if she were without strength. She beat wildly at him, but he did not even feel the puny blows of her fists. He dumped her on the bed and fell beside her
He thrust her legs apart and she felt him moving in between them and she wailed, knowing the sound was unuttered, lodged deep in her own mind.
"Hold still!" His harsh voice rasped at her.
She tried to shut it all out of her mind. She felt him thrusting closer and closer to her, felt the fiery burst of pain when he lunged down hard, taking her brutally with all his force. She wailed aloud then in agony and terror, but he did not even hear her.
He drew her body up close to him, moving upon her faster and faster, insensible to her weeping. He pressed her tightly to him and he was blotted out. Then it was not Herb with her, it was another nightmare creature with the same fierce reality. It rushed back over her from the darkness where she had kept it concealed these six years, even from herself ...

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She Hated Men

Victorian Longwood

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

"Round and round I go, down and down you go-"

"What, Herb?"

"Nothing." He turned, looking at her, that upsetting fire in his eyes. They didn't focus well. She'd suspected he'd been secretly drinking these past four hours, and now she knew it. "Just singing, Carol, that's all."

She tried to get the conversation on a safe plane. "You've a reason to sing all right, Herb. And a reason to be proud."

"You're right, baby." Herb laughed and put his hand on her leg far above her knee. "I'm about to burst with pride."

"The baby is beautiful. And Laura is a lovely mother, isn't she, Herb?"

"Oh, Laura's a great little mother all right."

"Did you ever see a lovelier baby? No wonder you're singing."

Herb laughed again. "Not singing about the baby, Carol."

He held his hand tightly on her upper leg, his fingers biting into her flesh. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. She caught at his fingers, clinging to them. He looked at her and laughed even louder. Then he glanced over his shoulder toward the lights of the Rockmount Hospital shimmering through the rain. "Baby's in the hospital. Laura's in the hospital. You and me, we're not in the hospital. That's why I'm singing, honey. I'm singing about you."

Carol shook her head. She tried to laugh. "Oh, Herb, don't be a kook."

"You think I'm kookie, hon? I been looking forward to this for a long time. You and me. Alone in that house together. Just sweet, juicy, eighteen-year-old little Carol and ole Herb. Lord, how I been looking forward to this!"

"Herb! Don't talk like that!"

"Why not? It's the living truth!"

"Herb, you've been drinking."

"AH right. I've been drinking. Don't preach, Carol! When you preach at me, you sound like your sister."

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