Silent Love - Nitin Thorat - Hörbuch

Silent Love Hörbuch

Nitin Thorat

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She is as beautiful as a celestial nymph! She looks just like the fairies shown on TV; her skin so fair, like the fur of a white rabbit. When she comes with me to wander about in the field, I shall take her to the farm where the roses bloom. But, what if a thorn pricks her delicate skin? Well what of it? I shall be there to help her. I shall tear a bandage from my shirt and tie it around her hand. Her hand would be so soft to touch, just like the wings of a sparrow. I shall lead her to the nest of the weaver bird. She would surely like it. Girls like birds' nests. Should I give her a weaver bird's nest as a gift? No, no, she wouldn't like it. What if she tells me, 'The poor bird worked so hard to make that beautiful nest. How could you take it and leave the fledglings homeless? I don't like it. I hate you...' No, no, let me not do anything like that. Listen to the Silent Love story of Raamya.

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Zeit:1 Std. 0 min

Sprecher:Ankit Goswami
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