Silk and Service - David Kudler - E-Book

Silk and Service E-Book

David Kudler

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Not all assassins wear black

Some come wearing silk

A young Takeda warrior meets a servant who is much more than she seems. And teaches him what a warrior truly can be.

(Historical adventure short story. Teen assassin, love in a time of war, medieval Japan)

This is the second of the Kunoichi Companion Tales, prequel stories to David Kudler’s historical novel Risuko: A Kunoichi Tale:

1. White Robes — Mired in her own grief, Lady Mochizuki Chiyome encounters two young women who give her a whole new, much more interesting opportunity (now available!)

2. Silk & Service — A young Takeda warrior meets a servant who is much more than she seems (now available!)

3. Waiting for Kuniko — Mieko is waiting at a rendezvous behind enemy lines. In the rain. Without a hat. The person who comes up the road is the last person she expected to encounter.

4. Wild Mushrooms — A Hōjō commander is delighted when two pretty young shrine maidens enter his camp on the evening before a battle. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been.

5. Ghost — At a banquet to celebrate a new alliance, Chiyome contemplates murder, and discovers a new servant (now available!)

6. Schools for Talented Youngsters: Monthly Headmistresses’ Dinner — Three unique ladies get together once a month to share the joys and challenges involved teaching young ladies with very particular… talents. (Historical fantasy/crossover — now available!)

Coming soon: Shining Boy — Plucked off of the streets of the capital, an orphan girl tries to figure out what story she’s wandered into

Coming soon: Blade — Toumi doesn’t want anyone messing with her business

Coming soon: Little Brother — Returning to the monastery turns out to be as hard as leaving it was


“Get my purse, boy!” growled Captain Oniyama, “And more sake!”

Masugu watches the girl appear as if from out of the floor to pour the rice wine into the captain's cup: smooth gait, smooth hair, smooth—

“Boy! My purse!”

Masugu shakes himself, blushing, and leaps to his feet. “Yes, Oniyama-sama!”

The captain is usually patient and polite, but at these regular mahjong games with the other Imagawa commanders, he drinks. And Masugu doesn't like being around him when he's drunk. Doesn't like watching him lose at games.

Also, the girl...

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Table of Contents

Silk and Service

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Preview: Risuko - A Kunoichi Tale


Table of Contents

Silk & Service

Kunoichi Companion Tales #2

(A Risuko Prequel)


David Kudler


Stillpoint Digital Press

Mill Valley, California, USA

Copyright © 2016 by David Kudler

All right reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, or other—without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. For more information, contact the publisher at

[email protected]

First edition, October 2016

Version 1.0.1 (Pronoun)

Also by David Kudler

The Seven Gods of Luck

Shlomo Travels to Warsaw

How Raven Brought Back the Light

Risuko: A Kunoichi Tale (now available)

Samurai, Assassins, Warlords...

and a Girl Who Likes to Climb

Though Japan has been devastated by a century of civil war, Risuko just wants to climb trees. Growing up far from the battlefields and court intrigues, the fatherless girl finds herself pulled into a plot that may reunite Japan -- or may destroy it. She is torn from her home and what is left of her family, but finds new friends at a school that may not be what it seems.

Magical but historical, Risuko follows her along the first dangerous steps to discovering who she truly is.

(Teen historical adventure novel)

Coming Soon!

Bright-Eyes(Seasons of the Sword #2)

Find out more on Risuko.Net

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Silk and Service

“Get my purse, boy!” growled Captain Oniyama, “And more sake!”

Masugu watches the girl appear as if from out of the floor to pour the rice wine into the captain's cup: smooth gait, smooth hair, smooth—

“Boy! My purse!”

Masugu shakes himself, blushing, and leaps to his feet. “Yes, Oniyama-sama!”

The captain is usually patient and polite, but at these regular mahjong games with the other Imagawa commanders, he drinks. And Masugu doesn't like being around him when he's drunk. Doesn't like watching him lose at games.

Also, the girl...

As Masugu leaves the room, he hears Captain Katsumada chuckle, “What can you expect from a Takeda.”

Masugu has been a guest in the Imagawa household since he was eleven. Well, strictly speaking, he's been a hostage — a pledge of faith by his clan to their neighbor, ally, and sometime enemy the Imagawa. Captain Oniyama's son has been living with Masugu's clan.

It's supposed to be a way of strengthening the alliance. Mostly, it’s been an opportunity for Masugu to practice patience. And humility. Lots of humility.

“Ignore him,” whispers Katsudama’s page Toki as he slips back into the room.