Sisters Go Both Ways: Taboo Incest Erotica - Brandy Anne Koch - E-Book

Sisters Go Both Ways: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Brandy Anne Koch

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She closed her eyes and let herself drift. She had been feeling a driving sexual need all day. It began in the morning a little while after her husband Dave left for work. She had tried to ignore the urgings that came from her cunt, but the more she tried to ignore them, the stronger they got. She surrendered herself to them.
She imagined Dave's big hands playing over her. Just like the other night. It felt so good. He would begin touching her neck, just lightly, knowing that the touch of his fingertips drove her crazy. She remembered how she moaned then.
Abruptly, his hands were replaced on her neck by his lips, and his hands cupped her ample breasts. Her attention focused there, as the tender flesh was molded and squeezed. Her breasts, already large, always seemed to grow larger with each play, seeming to stretch outwards. She liked the feeling. Her whole body was more sensitive when she was turned on, but the change happened first and fastest with her titties.
His fingers found the stiff, taut nubbins of her nipples. Dianne was not one of those women whose nipples hid from view. Even when not aroused, they strained at the fabric of the flimsy blouses she liked to wear. When first mated, she had tended to dress a bit more conservatively than before, thinking that Dave might be angry at the lustful glances she always got in public. She was surprised to discover that, far from being angry, he actually encouraged her to dress more and more provocatively.

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Sisters Go Both Ways

Brandy Anne Koch

Copyright © 2017






Table of Contents














She closed her eyes and let herself drift. She had been feeling a driving sexual need all day. It began in the morning a little while after her husband Dave left for work. She had tried to ignore the urgings that came from her cunt, but the more she tried to ignore them, the stronger they got. She surrendered herself to them.

She imagined Dave's big hands playing over her. Just like the other night. It felt so good. He would begin touching her neck, just lightly, knowing that the touch of his fingertips drove her crazy. She remembered how she moaned then.

Abruptly, his hands were replaced on her neck by his lips, and his hands cupped her ample breasts. Her attention focused there, as the tender flesh was molded and squeezed. Her breasts, already large, always seemed to grow larger with each play, seeming to stretch outwards. She liked the feeling. Her whole body was more sensitive when she was turned on, but the change happened first and fastest with her titties.

His fingers found the stiff, taut nubbins of her nipples. Dianne was not one of those women whose nipples hid from view. Even when not aroused, they strained at the fabric of the flimsy blouses she liked to wear. When first mated, she had tended to dress a bit more conservatively than before, thinking that Dave might be angry at the lustful glances she always got in public. She was surprised to discover that, far from being angry, he actually encouraged her to dress more and more provocatively.

"Hell, let 'em look!" he had said. "If anybody wants to look at my wife, that's fine. I take it as a compliment, and so should you." Dave admitted that he got a thrill out of the sexual attention she got. He encouraged her to dress as well as possible in as little as possible, and early on in their relationship they had made an agreement not to interfere with each other in sexual matters. Which was probably why their sex together was still so fantastic, even after ten years together.

Her body shivered when his fingers began kneading her nipples. He was less cautious now, and she tensed at the almost painful stimulation.

"Oh, I love that!" she whispered huskily. "Please-suck my titties now, please! Suck them hard!"

"Sure, honey, anything you say." His voice was a little uneven from his eagerness. "You know how much I like to. Let's get you out of this blouse."

Their hands worked together at unbuttoning her top. Finally the twin mounds fell into view, the nipples strained and waiting for the caresses of his knowing mouth and tongue.

Her body was arched with need. She wanted his big cock in her cunt, wanted to feel his throbbing rod slide in and out of her. She felt a delightful wetness beginning to ooze from her quivering cunt. She thrust her stiff nipples toward him. He descended on them, his wet tongue just barely flicking the tips. He took his time, going from one to the other. Each time he did, a shivering groan escaped from her lips. His teeth finally found one bursting nipple and fastened around the base while his tongue was busily whipping around the top. It hurt just a little, but it was a good hurt.

Her body shook, and she pulled his head down harder on her. "Harder now! Bite me harder! OOOHHHH!"

His hand snaked down across her smooth belly and found the snap at the top of her shorts, then the zipper. They slid easily down her thighs to her knees, and she kicked them off. As usual, she was wearing no underwear. When she opened her thighs she could feel the wet sex fluid flow down between her swollen pussy lips and then to her anus.

She was more than ready, and he knew it. While his mouth continued working on her titties, his right hand began moving on her cuntal mound. The pubic hair was sparse, which he liked. Easier to get to the right places, he thought. But the hair was also soft and silky. It had a nice feeling as he ran his fingers through it.

She jerked. She was electrified. His probing middle finger had found her naked clit. It stood up above her open cuntlips, waiting to be touched in the right way. He was certainly doing that.

She could feel the molten waves of pleasure building in an agonizing prelude to her orgasm. His finger began making circular motions around and around, lubricated by her vaginal secretions. He began to dart his finger in and out of her, occasionally moving it up her slit to touch the sensitive pleasure button. She writhed in ecstasy as he made his own little sounds of enjoyment.

Her hand found the bulge in his pants. She caressed it through the thick material, then opened the zipper. His own sexy wetness was there, and she loved the slippery feel of it on her fingers. Her hand closed round his enormous cock and she squeezed. The ponderous tool throbbed in her hand, telegraphing signals of his growing delight.

"Fuck me now, oh please fuck me, I need it, I need to feel you inside me, fuck me now, COME IN ME!"

That did it. In a few moments, he was out of hiss clothes. His breathing was fast, and she knew that it wouldn't be long for him either. His whole glans gleamed with wetness, and a pearly drop hung at the hole in the middle. His eyes drank her in for a couple of seconds. Then he moved over her, ready to thrust his dick into her hot cunt.

"Now. Now!! want him inside me..."

"Dianne? Dianne?" The voice intruded and seemed to come from far away.

Dianne jerked into alertness, opening her eyes. My God, she thought dizzily, was I sleeping? Wow!

"Dianne? You OK?" The voice was that of her kid sister, Bobbi.

"Yeah, Bobbi, thanks, I guess I just sort of drifted off. I just sat down here for a second to rest, and the next thing I knew I was daydreaming. Maybe I overdid it working outside today. I sure was tired."

"Must have been some daydream," Bobbi said, taking a plate from the sink where she was washing dishes and putting it in the drainer. "You were starting to move around and make noises."

Dianne took a deep breath and let it out. "Yeah, it was." She straightened up in the chair and stretched her slim body. The movement made her aware of her nipples straining against her flimsy yellow halter. They were still erect from her memory session. She also felt a telltale wetness at her crotch, which was still ready for Dave's plunging cock.

And she was still horny. She didn't often have to masturbate, but if Dave came home late from work again tonight, she'd have to. The sexual pressure was too much to bear.

Oddly, she didn't feel any embarrassment at the thought that Bobbi had watched her earlier. They often talked together about sex, though Bobbi still was a little shy about revealing exact details. She was sure that Bobbi's cherry was still intact. But then, Bobbi was only eighteen years old, just graduated from high school. There would be plenty of time, plenty of opportunities for her in the next few years at Southwestern State University. She'd make some boy very happy.

With her ripe, young body, she'd more likely make a lot of boys very happy. Dianne smiled to herself. If only she can get over that damn reluctance she has.

"I just wanted to ask you what you wanted done after I finish these," Bobbi said. "I can only stay a couple hours more. Ron's taking me out tonight."

"Ron again? You've sure been spending a lot of time with him lately."

Bobbi shrugged her pretty shoulders making her long brown hair ripple. "Yeah, I know. But he's fun to be with, easy to talk to, and nice to look at. Is that enough?"

"Sure, that's plenty." Dianne's inner tension put her into a teasing mood. "But what I want to know is when you're going to take him up to that nice apartment of yours. It's about time-really, long overdue. If you don't pretty soon, I will."

Bobbi's face colored a little. "Come on, sis, you know I'm not into that right now. Besides, I don't want that dirty old landlord Mr. Giddings to get any idea. He's always saying nasty things when I come in. I wish I didn't have to go by his door to get to the stairs up to my place. It seems like he'd always at home."

"Well, if isolation from other people is that you wanted, you should have paid more money and moved into a high-rise." Dianne stood up and walked over near the sink. "Anyway, Paul Giddings isn't so old. I'm only thirty, he's in his forties, and he looked pretty good to me."

Dianne had met him a couple times when she was helping Bobbi move out of their parents' house and into her new apartment. New for her, anyway. The place was really pretty old, the rambling top floor of an old house, the red brick kind that had been popular in the 1920's. Old, but well preserved. There was even some original stained glass in a couple odd places. It had its quirks, but it was cheap, the sort of thing Bobbi could afford on a student's income.

Dianne and Dave had chosen a similar house in the same neighborhood, only three blocks away from Bobbi's. Unfortunately, theirs wasn't in such good shape. A dump, really, when they bought it. But a lot of work over the past two months had transformed it into a livable, warm place. Fixing up the old house was fun in a way, but Dianne was glad that the bulk of the job was nearly done.

Bobbi dried her hands on a towel. "Well, he does keep himself in pretty good condition. I think he's some kind of physical culture freak. I saw barbells and that kind of stuff in his living room last month when I paid the rent. By the way, could you give me the money now? The rent's due again today. I hate to get behind on it-it'll just give him an excuse to come up and bother me."

"Oh, sure. It's right here in my purse." They had been paying Bobbi to come over and help fix up their house-paying her pretty well, considering. But she and Dave knew Bobbi needed the money, especially with her first year of college coming up. She fumbled in her purse for a few seconds before finding the money and handing it to Bobbi. "Here you go, sis. Spend it in good health." She gave Bobbi a little hug, delighting in the feel of Bobbi's firm, smooth against her own.

"Thanks, Dianne," Bobbi said, returning the hug. Her response was short, but warm, and it sent shivers through Dianne's still-aroused body.

Dianne wondered if she had ever been with another girl. She tried to imagine Bobbi's silken thighs curling around her own, their breasts flattening against each other, tongues fencing against each other in a lusty battle. She wouldn't mind fooling around a bit; maybe she could teach her younger sister a few things about But what was she thinking! Bobbi was her sister, and eleven years younger than her, at that!

Still. . . the thought of taking Bobbi to bed aroused her. But no. At her age, if The wasn't interested in men, it probably meant she just wasn't interested in sex yet. No chance for Dianne to start something. But what if...

Dianne pushed the wicked thoughts from her mind as she moved out of the seemingly innocent embrace.

Hurry up, Dave! If you're not here soon, I'll end up raping my own sister, right here in the kitchen!

"Uh, Bobbi, if you want to, you could unpack those boxes over there in the corner and put the books in the new bookshelves in the living room. I'm going to take a shower now and clean up a little. Go ahead and leave whenever you need to. And don't worry about how the books go up. We can mange them later."

Dianne left the kitchen quickly, leaving Bobbi to her task. All I need, she thought, is a good fuck. I'll get that after Dave gets home. A little supper, a little to drink, and we'll both get real relaxed. Why, what I'm feeling is just my standard horniness, and it's overflowing onto Bobbi.

Dianne entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She stripped off her halter and shorts quickly, carefully placing them next to the sink. She paused to look at herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door.

Not a bad body, not a bad body at all. The jutting breasts were still almost as firm as they were when she was Bobbi's age. She took the nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, delighting in the sight when they perked up and grew larger.

She could see her hardened clit peeking out of her pussy lips, and her hand moved to it. She pressed the little button and felt a thrill rush through her body.

Time for that soon, she thought. She showered quickly, lathering completely and letting the sharp, invigorating water of the shower needle into her soft skin. When she got out, her tiredness was gone. She toweled off, putting on a light bathrobe that barely came to the middle of her thighs. She tied the robe together and went out into the bedroom. She heard voices coming from the living room.

Dave must be home! As she came into the living room, she saw Dave and Bobbi standing by the door. He had taken off his coat and tie and laid them on the big couch, and he turned when she entered.

"Hi, beautiful!" He eyed her bathrobe, letting his gaze travel down from, her face to where the robe ended. "Well, it's not hard to tell who's been working around here today."

They laughed. He glanced at Bobbi. "Maybe we should double her salary," he said, "and cut yours in half."

"Oh, I did my share today, don't worry," Dianne said as she moved up to him. "I just stopped a little while ago to clean up." Her arms curled around his strong shoulders. "For you. I have ways of making up for my laziness, anyway."

As she drew his mouth to hers, he was surprised to feel the top of her thigh press against his crotch. At the same time, she maneuvered her body so that the robe she wore parted at the front, and her naked cunt lips rubbed against him. Her slick tongue went into the soft, dark cavern of his mouth and moved furiously. He felt his prick tingle in answer to her ministrations. Her unexplained intensity surprised him, and he drew himself gently out of her embrace.

"Hey, what got into you?" he asked.

"Nothing yet, lover," she answered coyly. She had wanted to wait until this evening, but she could see now that her pulsing cunt would not allow that. "I was hoping you'd see to that."

"Take it easy, now you're going to embarrass our guest here."

"I doubt it. Come on in here," Dianne said, motioning toward the bedroom as she pulled his arm. "Bobbi, you can leave now if you like."

"No, that's OK, I want to stay and finish putting up those books. You two go ahead."

Dianne had always thought it odd that Bobbi was so unembarrassed about the lovemaking she and Dave engaged in. Well, that seemed natural enough; certainly Bobbi had been around the house often enough during their sex-play. And. she wasn't ignorant. She was probably just used to it by now. And since she had spent many a night sleeping on their fold-out sofa, she must have heard plenty. Dianne tended to be noisy when she fucked.

There was no time to waste. She couldn't wait any longer. Holding his hand, she pulled him into their bedroom and shut the door.

Immediately she was on him, her hungry mouth seeking his and resuming the unfinished exploration which had begun a few minutes before. She was like a hungry animal, sucking his mouth and clawing his back. He felt her hands slide down his back to clasp his ass. She began to revolve her hips in frenzied motion, grinding her tender pussy against the growing bulge in his pants. Her hands clasped him tighter to her, increasing the pressure of her movement.

His hands hiked up the material of the robe so that he could find the cheeks of her ass. He clasped them tightly in his hands, squeezing roughly. As excited as she was, he knew she would probably want him to touch her a little less gently.

He was right. He was rewarded with a soft moan which vibrated in his mouth. She arched her back slightly, bringing her buttocks up in supplication for his touch. In return, he trailed his fingers slowly over her soft, hot ass flesh.

Her mouth broke its contact with his. Then he felt her humid breath as her tongue began to caress the folds of his ear. While she continued her taunting activity, he gently pulled her ass cheeks apart. Using-the middle finger of one hand, he slowly drew a line from the end of her backbone down the cleft which began there. When he reached the small ring of her asshole, he stopped, feeling the already tight muscles tighten up even more in response to his touch.

"Ooooohhh!" she cried, moving back and dislodging his hands. "That's nice, but my pussy is where the action is. Here." She took one of his hands and put it on her upthrust cunt. Her robe was now open in front He could feel her trembling.

"First," she panted, "let's get rid of these clothes. They're just in the way."She shrugged off the short covering, exposing her glorious tits and her pussy to view. She lay down on the bed and spread her legs. The thicker outer lips of her cunt spread apart of their own accord, showing him the coral hue of the tender inner lips. They glistened with the sexual dew of her excitement.

"Like it, baby?" Her knees fell to the bed, fully exposing her cunt. There was absolutely no shyness in her pose, only open need. Her hands went to her breasts, cupping them and emphasizing the red points at the tips. "It's all yours. But hurry."

Shedding the last of his clothes, he obliged her by sitting down beside her and brushing his fingers upwards along the inside of her smooth thigh. Her breathing quickened, and he knew that it would not be long until she came. He recognized the signals her body was giving him.

Suddenly, without any warning or preliminaries, he plunged his thick middle finger into her waiting cunt. His quick movement brought an immediate response.