Statistics II for Dummies - Deborah J. Rumsey - E-Book

Statistics II for Dummies E-Book

Deborah J. Rumsey

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The ideal supplement and study guide for students preparing for advanced statistics Packed with fresh and practical examples appropriate for a range of degree-seeking students, Statistics II For Dummies helps any reader succeed in an upper-level statistics course. It picks up with data analysis where Statistics For Dummies left off, featuring new and updated examples, real-world applications, and test-taking strategies for success. This easy-to-understand guide covers such key topics as sorting and testing models, using regression to make predictions, performing variance analysis (ANOVA), drawing test conclusions with chi-squares, and making comparisons with the Rank Sum Test.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012

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Statistics II For Dummies®

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Table of Contents

About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
What You’re Not to Read
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Tackling Data Analysis and Model-Building Basics
Part II: Using Different Types of Regression to Make Predictions
Part III: Analyzing Variance with ANOVA
Part IV: Building Strong Connections with Chi-Square Tests
Part V: Nonparametric Statistics: Rebels without a Distribution
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Tackling Data Analysis and Model-Building Basics
Chapter 1: Beyond Number Crunching: The Art and Science of Data Analysis
Data Analysis: Looking before You Crunch
Nothing (not even a straight line) lasts forever
Data snooping isn’t cool
No (data) fishing allowed
Getting the Big Picture: An Overview of Stats II
Population parameter
Sample statistic
Confidence interval
Hypothesis test
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Multiple comparisons
Interaction effects
Linear regression
Chi-square tests
Chapter 2: Finding the Right Analysis for the Job
Categorical versus Quantitative Variables
Statistics for Categorical Variables
Estimating a proportion
Comparing proportions
Looking for relationships between categorical variables
Building models to make predictions
Statistics for Quantitative Variables
Making estimates
Making comparisons
Exploring relationships
Predicting y using x
Avoiding Bias
Measuring Precision with Margin of Error
Knowing Your Limitations
Chapter 3: Reviewing Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests
Estimating Parameters by Using Confidence Intervals
Getting the basics: The general form of a confidence interval
Finding the confidence interval for a population mean
What changes the margin of error?
Interpreting a confidence interval
What’s the Hype about Hypothesis Tests?
What Ho and Ha really represent
Gathering your evidence into a test statistic
Determining strength of evidence with a p-value
False alarms and missed opportunities: Type I and II errors
The power of a hypothesis test
Part II: Using Different Types of Regression to Make Predictions
Chapter 4: Getting in Line with Simple Linear Regression
Exploring Relationships with Scatterplots and Correlations
Using scatterplots to explore relationships
Collating the information by using the correlation coefficient
Building a Simple Linear Regression Model
Finding the best-fitting line to model your data
The y-intercept of the regression line
The slope of the regression line
Making point estimates by using the regression line
No Conclusion Left Behind: Tests and Confidence Intervals for Regression
Scrutinizing the slope
Inspecting the y-intercept
Building confidence intervals for the average response
Making the band with prediction intervals
Checking the Model’s Fit (The Data, Not the Clothes!)
Defining the conditions
Finding and exploring the residuals
Using r2 to measure model fit
Scoping for outliers
Knowing the Limitations of Your Regression Analysis
Avoiding slipping into cause-and-effect mode
Extrapolation: The ultimate no-no
Sometimes you need more than one variable
Chapter 5: Multiple Regression with Two X Variables
Getting to Know the Multiple Regression Model
Discovering the uses of multiple regression
Looking at the general form of the multiple regression model
Stepping through the analysis
Looking at x’s and y’s
Collecting the Data
Pinpointing Possible Relationships
Making scatterplots
Correlations: Examining the bond
Checking for Multicolinearity
Finding the Best-Fitting Model for Two x Variables
Getting the multiple regression coefficients
Interpreting the coefficients
Testing the coefficients
Predicting y by Using the x Variables
Checking the Fit of the Multiple Regression Model
Noting the conditions
Plotting a plan to check the conditions
Checking the three conditions
Chapter 6: How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Leave? Regression Model Selection
Getting a Kick out of Estimating Punt Distance
Brainstorming variables and collecting data
Examining scatterplots and correlations
Just Like Buying Shoes: The Model Looks Nice, But Does It Fit?
Assessing the fit of multiple regression models
Model selection procedures
Chapter 7: Getting Ahead of the Learning Curve with Nonlinear Regression
Anticipating Nonlinear Regression
Starting Out with Scatterplots
Handling Curves in the Road with Polynomials
Bringing back polynomials
Searching for the best polynomial model
Using a second-degree polynomial to pass the quiz
Assessing the fit of a polynomial model
Making predictions
Going Up? Going Down? Go Exponential!
Recollecting exponential models
Searching for the best exponential model
Spreading secrets at an exponential rate
Chapter 8: Yes, No, Maybe So: Making Predictions by Using Logistic Regression
Understanding a Logistic Regression Model
How is logistic regression different from other regressions?
Using an S-curve to estimate probabilities
Interpreting the coefficients of the logistic regression model
The logistic regression model in action
Carrying Out a Logistic Regression Analysis
Running the analysis in Minitab
Finding the coefficients and making the model
Estimating p
Checking the fit of the model
Fitting the movie model
Part III: Analyzing Variance with ANOVA
Chapter 9: Testing Lots of Means? Come On Over to ANOVA!
Comparing Two Means with a t-Test
Evaluating More Means with ANOVA
Spitting seeds: A situation just waiting for ANOVA
Walking through the steps of ANOVA
Checking the Conditions
Verifying independence
Looking for what’s normal
Taking note of spread
Setting Up the Hypotheses
Doing the F-Test
Running ANOVA in Minitab
Breaking down the variance into sums of squares
Locating those mean sums of squares
Figuring the F-statistic
Making conclusions from ANOVA
What’s next?
Checking the Fit of the ANOVA Model
Chapter 10: Sorting Out the Means with Multiple Comparisons
Following Up after ANOVA
Comparing cellphone minutes: An example
Setting the stage for multiple comparison procedures
Pinpointing Differing Means with Fisher and Tukey
Fishing for differences with Fisher’s LSD
Using Fisher’s new and improved LSD
Separating the turkeys with Tukey’s test
Examining the Output to Determine the Analysis
So Many Other Procedures, So Little Time!
Controlling for baloney with the Bonferroni adjustment
Comparing combinations by using Scheffe’s method
Finding out whodunit with Dunnett’s test
Staying cool with Student Newman-Keuls
Duncan’s multiple range test
Going nonparametric with the Kruskal-Wallis test
Chapter 11: Finding Your Way through Two-Way ANOVA
Setting Up the Two-Way ANOVA Model
Determining the treatments
Stepping through the sums of squares
Understanding Interaction Effects
What is interaction, anyway?
Interacting with interaction plots
Testing the Terms in Two-Way ANOVA
Running the Two-Way ANOVA Table
Interpreting the results: Numbers and graphs
Are Whites Whiter in Hot Water? Two-Way ANOVA Investigates
Chapter 12: Regression and ANOVA: Surprise Relatives!
Seeing Regression through the Eyes of Variation
Spotting variability and finding an “x-planation”
Getting results with regression
Assessing the fit of the regression model
Regression and ANOVA: A Meeting of the Models
Comparing sums of squares
Dividing up the degrees of freedom
Bringing regression to the ANOVA table
Relating the F- and t-statistics: The final frontier
Part IV: Building Strong Connections with Chi-Square Tests
Chapter 13: Forming Associations with Two-Way Tables
Breaking Down a Two-Way Table
Organizing data into a two-way table
Filling in the cell counts
Making marginal totals
Breaking Down the Probabilities
Marginal probabilities
Joint probabilities
Conditional probabilities
Trying To Be Independent
Checking for independence between two categories
Checking for independence between two variables
Demystifying Simpson’s Paradox
Experiencing Simpson’s Paradox
Figuring out why Simpson’s Paradox occurs
Keeping one eye open for Simpson’s Paradox
Chapter 14: Being Independent Enough for the Chi-Square Test
The Chi-square Test for Independence
Collecting and organizing the data
Determining the hypotheses
Figuring expected cell counts
Checking the conditions for the test
Calculating the Chi-square test statistic
Finding your results on the Chi-square table
Drawing your conclusions
Putting the Chi-square to the test
Comparing Two Tests for Comparing Two Proportions
Getting reacquainted with the Z-test for two population proportions
Equating Chi-square tests and Z-tests for a two-by-two table
Chapter 15: Using Chi-Square Tests for Goodness-of-Fit (Your Data, Not Your Jeans)
Finding the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic
What’s observed versus what’s expected
Calculating the goodness-of-fit statistic
Interpreting the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic Using a Chi-Square
Checking the conditions before you start
The steps of the Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
Part V: Nonparametric Statistics: Rebels without a Distribution
Chapter 16: Going Nonparametric
Arguing for Nonparametric Statistics
No need to fret if conditions aren’t met
The median’s in the spotlight for a change
So, what’s the catch?
Mastering the Basics of Nonparametric Statistics
Signed rank
Rank sum
Chapter 17: All Signs Point to the Sign Test and Signed Rank Test
Reading the Signs: The Sign Test
Testing the median
Estimating the median
Testing matched pairs
Going a Step Further with the Signed Rank Test
A limitation of the sign test
Stepping through the signed rank test
Losing weight with signed ranks
Chapter 18: Pulling Rank with the Rank Sum Test
Conducting the Rank Sum Test
Checking the conditions
Stepping through the test
Stepping up the sample size
Performing a Rank Sum Test: Which Real Estate Agent Sells Homes Faster?
Checking the conditions for this test
Testing the hypotheses
Chapter 19: Do the Kruskal-Wallis and Rank the Sums with the Wilcoxon
Doing the Kruskal-Wallis Test to Compare More than Two Populations
Checking the conditions
Setting up the test
Conducting the test step by step
Pinpointing the Differences: The Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Pairing off with pairwise comparisons
Carrying out comparison tests to see who’s different
Examining the medians to see how they’re different
Chapter 20: Pointing Out Correlations with Spearman’s Rank
Pickin’ On Pearson and His Precious Conditions
Scoring with Spearman’s Rank Correlation
Figuring Spearman’s rank correlation
Watching Spearman at work: Relating aptitude to performance
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Chapter 21: Ten Common Errors in Statistical Conclusions
Claiming These Statistics Prove . . .
It’s Not Technically Statistically Significant, But . . .
Concluding That x Causes y
Assuming the Data Was Normal
Only Reporting “Important” Results
Assuming a Bigger Sample Is Always Better
It’s Not Technically Random, But . . .
Assuming That 1,000 Responses Is 1,000 Responses
Of Course the Results Apply to the General Population
Deciding Just to Leave It Out
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Get Ahead by Knowing Statistics
Asking the Right Questions
Being Skeptical
Collecting and Analyzing Data Correctly
Calling for Help
Retracing Someone Else’s Steps
Putting the Pieces Together
Checking Your Answers
Explaining the Output
Making Convincing Recommendations
Establishing Yourself as the Statistics Go-To Guy or Gal
Chapter 23: Ten Cool Jobs That Use Statistics
Ornithologist (Bird Watcher)
Sportscaster or Sportswriter
Crime Fighter
Medical Professional
Marketing Executive
Stock Broker
Appendix: Reference Tables
Cheat Sheet
End User License Agreement

Statistics II For Dummies®

Published byJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774

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To my husband Eric: My sun rises and sets with you. To my son Clint: I love you up to the moon and back.

About the Author

Deborah Rumsey has a PhD in Statistics from The Ohio State University (1993), where she’s a Statistics Education Specialist/Auxiliary Faculty Member for the Department of Statistics. Dr. Rumsey has been given the distinction of being named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. She has also won the Presidential Teaching Award from Kansas State University. She’s the author of Statistics For Dummies, Statistics Workbook For Dummies, and Probability For Dummies and has published numerous papers and given many professional presentations on the subject of statistics education. Her passions include being with her family, bird watching, getting more seat time on her Kubota tractor, and cheering the Ohio State Buckeyes on to another National Championship.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Thanks again to Lindsay Lefevere and Kathy Cox for giving me the opportunity to write this book; to Natalie Harris and Chrissy Guthrie for their unwavering support and perfect chiseling and molding of my words and ideas; to Kim Gilbert, University of Georgia, for a thorough technical view; and to Elizabeth Rea and Sarah Westfall for great copy-editing. Special thanks to Elizabeth Stasny for guidance and support from day one; and to Joan Garfield for constant inspiration and encouragement.

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So you’ve gone through some of the basics of statistics. Means, medians, and standard deviations all ring a bell. You know about surveys and experiments and the basic ideas of correlation and simple regression. You’ve studied probability, margin of error, and a few hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. Are you ready to load your statistical toolbox with a new level of tools? Statistics II For Dummies picks up right where Statistics For Dummies (Wiley) leaves off and keeps you moving along the road of statistical ideas and techniques in a positive, step-by-step way.

The focus of Statistics II For Dummies is on finding more ways of analyzing data. I provide step-by-step instructions for using techniques such as multiple regression, nonlinear regression, one-way and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square tests, and nonparametric statistics. Using these new techniques, you estimate, investigate, correlate, and congregate even more variables based on the information at hand.

About This Book

This book is designed for those who have completed the basic concepts of statistics through confidence intervals and hypothesis testing (found in Statistics For Dummies) and are ready to plow ahead to get through the final part of Stats I, or to tackle Stats II. However, I do pepper in some brief overviews of Stats I as needed, just to remind you of what was covered and make sure you’re up to speed. For each new technique, you get an overview of when and why it’s used, how to know when you need it, step-by-step directions on how to do it, and tips and tricks from a seasoned data analyst (yours truly). Because it’s very important to be able to know which method to use when, I emphasize what makes each technique distinct and what the results say. You also see many applications of the techniques used in real life.

I also include interpretation of computer output for data analysis purposes. I show you how to use the software to get the results, but I focus more on how to interpret the results found in the output, because you’re more likely to be interpreting this kind of information rather than doing the programming specifically. And because the equations and calculations can get too involved by hand, you often use a computer to get your results. I include instructions for using Minitab to conduct many of the calculations in this book. Most statistics teachers who cover these topics hold this philosophy as well. (What a relief!)

This book is different from the other Stats II books in many ways. Notably, this book features

Full explanations of Stats II concepts. Many statistics textbooks squeeze all the Stats II topics at the very end of Stats I coverage; as a result, these topics tend to get condensed and presented as if they’re optional. But no worries; I take the time to clearly and fully explain all the information you need to survive and thrive.

Dissection of computer output. Throughout the book, I present many examples that use statistical software to analyze the data. In each case, I present the computer output and explain how I got it and what it means.

An extensive number ofexamples. I include plenty of examples to cover the many different types of problems you’ll face.

Lots of tips, strategies, and warnings. I share with you some trade secrets, based on my experience teaching and supporting students and grading their papers.

Understandable language. I try to keep things conversational to help you understand, remember, and put into practice statistical definitions, techniques, and processes.

Clear and concise step-by-step procedures. In most chapters, you can find steps that intuitively explain how to work through Stats II problems — and remember how to do it on your own later on.

Conventions Used in This Book

Throughout this book, I’ve used several conventions that I want you to be aware of:

I indicate multiplication by using a times sign, indicated by a lowered asterisk, *.

I indicate the null and alternative hypotheses as Ho (for the null hypothesis) and Ha (for the alternative hypothesis).

The statistical software package I use and display throughout the book is Minitab 14, but I simply refer to it as Minitab.

Whenever I introduce a new term, I italicize it.

Keywords and numbered steps appear in boldface.

Web sites and e-mail addresses appear in monofont.

What You’re Not to Read

At times I get into some of the more technical details of formulas and procedures for those individuals who may need to know about them — or just really want to get the full story. These minutiae are marked with a Technical Stuff icon. I also include sidebars as an aside to the essential text, usually in the form of a real-life statistics example or some bonus info you may find interesting. You can feel free to skip those icons and sidebars because you won’t miss any of the main information you need (but by reading them, you may just be able to impress your stats professor with your above-and-beyond knowledge of Stats II!).

Foolish Assumptions

Because this book deals with Stats II, I assume you have one previous course in introductory statistics under your belt (or at least have read Statistics For Dummies), with topics taking you up through the Central Limit Theorem and perhaps an introduction to confidence intervals and hypothesis tests (although I review these concepts briefly in Chapter 3). Prior experience with simple linear regression isn’t necessary. Only college algebra is needed for the mathematics details. And, some experience using statistical software is a plus but not required.

As a student, you may be covering these topics in one of two ways: either at the tail end of your Stats I course (perhaps in a hurried way, but in some way nonetheless); or through a two-course sequence in statistics in which the topics in this book are the focus of the second course. If so, this book provides you the information you need to do well in those courses.

You may simply be interested in Stats II from an everyday point of view, or perhaps you want to add to your understanding of studies and statistical results presented in the media. If this sounds like you, you can find plenty of real-world examples and applications of these statistical techniques in action as well as cautions for interpreting them.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is organized into five major parts that explore the main topic areas in Stats II, along with one bonus part that offers a series of quick top-ten references for you to use. Each part contains chapters that break down the part’s major objective into understandable pieces. The nonlinear setup of this book allows you to skip around and still have easy access to and understanding of any given topic.

Part I: Tackling Data Analysis and Model-Building Basics

This part goes over the big ideas of descriptive and inferential statistics and simple linear regression in the context of model-building and decision-making. Some material from Stats I receives a quick review. I also present you with the typical jargon of Stats II.

Part II: Using Different Types of Regression to Make Predictions

In this part, you can review and extend the ideas of simple linear regression to the process of using more than one predictor variable. This part presents techniques for dealing with data that follows a curve (nonlinear models) and models for yes or no data used to make predictions about whether or not an event will happen (logistic regression). It includes all you need to know about conditions, diagnostics, model-building, data-analysis techniques, and interpreting results.

Part III: Analyzing Variance with ANOVA

You may want to compare the means of more than two populations, and that requires that you use analysis of variance (ANOVA). This part discusses the basic conditions required, the F-test, one-way and two-way ANOVA, and multiple comparisons. The final goal of these analyses is to show whether the means of the given populations are different and if so, which ones are higher or lower than the rest.

Part IV: Building Strong Connections with Chi-Square Tests

This part deals with the Chi-square distribution and how you can use it to model and test categorical (qualitative) data. You find out how to test for independence of two categorical variables using a Chi-square test. (No more making speculations just by looking at the data in a two-way table!) You also see how to use a Chi-square to test how well a model for categorical data fits.

Part V: Nonparametric Statistics: Rebels without a Distribution

This part helps you with techniques used in situations where you can’t (or don’t want to) assume your data comes from a population with a certain distribution, such as when your population isn’t normal (the condition required by most other methods in Stats II).

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Reading this part can give you an edge in a major area beyond the formulas and techniques of Stats II: ending the problem right (knowing what kinds of conclusions you can and can’t make). You also get to know Stats II in the real world, namely how it can help you stand out in a crowd.

You also can find an appendix at the back of this book that contains all the tables you need to understand and complete the calculations in this book.

Icons Used in This Book

I use icons in this book to draw your attention to certain text features that occur on a regular basis. Think of the icons as road signs that you encounter on a trip. Some signs tell you about shortcuts, and others offer more information that you may need; some signs alert you to possible warnings, while others leave you with something to remember.

When you see this icon, it means I’m explaining how to carry out that particular data analysis using Minitab. I also explain the information you get in the computer output so you can interpret your results.

I use this icon to reinforce certain ideas that are critical for success in Stats II, such as things I think are important to review as you prepare for an exam.

When you see this icon, you can skip over the information if you don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty details. They exist mainly for people who have a special interest or obligation to know more about the more technical aspects of certain statistical issues.

This icon points to helpful hints, ideas, or shortcuts that you can use to save time; it also includes alternative ways to think about a particular concept.

I use warning icons to help you stay away from common misconceptions and pitfalls you may face when dealing with ideas and techniques related to Stats II.

Where to Go from Here

This book is written in a nonlinear way, so you can start anywhere and still understand what’s happening. However, I can make some recommendations if you want some direction on where to start.

If you’re thoroughly familiar with the ideas of hypothesis testing and simple linear regression, start with Chapter 5 (multiple regression). Use Chapter 1 if you need a reference for the jargon that statisticians use in Stats II.

If you’ve covered all topics up through the various types of regression (simple, multiple, nonlinear, and logistic) or a subset of those as your professor deemed important, proceed to Chapter 9, the basics of analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Chapter 14 is the place to begin if you want to tackle categorical (qualitative) variables before hitting the quantitative stuff. You can work with the Chi-square test there.

Nonparametric statistics are presented starting with Chapter 16. This area is a hot topic in today’s statistics courses, yet it’s also one that doesn’t seem to get as much space in textbooks as it should. Start here if you want the full details on the most common nonparametric procedures.

Part I

Tackling Data Analysis and Model-Building Basics

In this part . . .

To get you up and moving from the foundational concepts of statistics (covered in your Stats I textbook as well as Statistics For Dummies) to the new and exciting methods presented in this book, I first go over the basics of data analysis, important terminology, main goals and concepts of model-building, and tips for choosing appropriate statistics to fit the job. I refresh your memory of the most heavily referred to items from Stats I, and you also get a head start on making and looking at some basic computer output.

Chapter 1

Beyond Number Crunching: The Art and Science of Data Analysis

In This Chapter

Realizing your role as a data analyst

Avoiding statistical faux pas

Delving into the jargon of Stats II

Because you’re reading this book, you’re likely familiar with the basics of statistics and you’re ready to take it up a notch. That next level involves using what you know, picking up a few more tools and techniques, and finally putting it all to use to help you answer more realistic questions by using real data. In statistical terms, you’re ready to enter the world of the data analyst.

In this chapter, you review the terms involved in statistics as they pertain to data analysis at the Stats II level. You get a glimpse of the impact that your results can have by seeing what these analysis techniques can do. You also gain insight into some of the common misuses of data analysis and their effects.

Data Analysis: Looking before You Crunch

It used to be that statisticians were the only ones who really analyzed data because the only computer programs available were very complicated to use, requiring a great deal of knowledge about statistics to set up and carry out analyses. The calculations were tedious and at times unpredictable, and they required a thorough understanding of the theories and methods behind the calculations to get correct and reliable answers.

Today, anyone who wants to analyze data can do it easily. Many user-friendly statistical software packages are made expressly for that purpose — Microsoft Excel, Minitab, SAS, and SPSS are just a few. Free online programs are available, too, such as Stat Crunch, to help you do just what it says — crunch your numbers and get an answer.

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Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!

Lesen Sie weiter in der vollständigen Ausgabe!