Studies in Pessimism
Studies in Pessimism
Arthur Schopenhauer
Unlesssufferingis the
direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely
fail of its aim. It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of
pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and originates in needs
and necessities inseparable from life itself, as serving no purpose
at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as
it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional; but
misfortune in general is the rule.I know of no greater absurdity than that propounded by most
systems of philosophy in declaring evil to be negative in its
character. Evil is just what is positive; it makes its own
existence felt. Leibnitz is particularly concerned to defend this
absurdity; and he seeks to strengthen his position by using a
palpable and paltry sophism.[1] It is the good which is negative;
in other words, happiness and satisfaction always imply some desire
fulfilled, some state of pain brought to an end.[Footnote 1:Translator's Note, cf.Thèod,
§153.—Leibnitz argued that evil is a negative quality—i.e., the absence of good; and that
its active and seemingly positive character is an incidental and
not an essential part of its nature. Cold, he said, is only the
absence of the power of heat, and the active power of expansion in
freezing water is an incidental and not an essential part of the
nature of cold. The fact is, that the power of expansion in
freezing water is really an increase of repulsion amongst its
molecules; and Schopenhauer is quite right in calling the whole
argument a sophism.]This explains the fact that we generally find pleasure to be
not nearly so pleasant as we expected, and pain very much more
painful.The pleasure in this world, it has been said, outweighs the
pain; or, at any rate, there is an even balance between the two. If
the reader wishes to see shortly whether this statement is true,
let him compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of
which is engaged in eating the other.The best consolation in misfortune or affliction of any kind
will be the thought of other people who are in a still worse plight
than yourself; and this is a form of consolation open to every one.
But what an awful fate this means for mankind as a
whole!We are like lambs in a field, disporting themselves under the
eye of the butcher, who chooses out first one and then another for
his prey. So it is that in our good days we are all unconscious of
the evil Fate may have presently in store for us—sickness, poverty,
mutilation, loss of sight or reason.No little part of the torment of existence lies in this, that
Time is continually pressing upon us, never letting us take breath,
but always coming after us, like a taskmaster with a whip. If at
any moment Time stays his hand, it is only when we are delivered
over to the misery of boredom.But misfortune has its uses; for, as our bodily frame would
burst asunder if the pressure of the atmosphere was removed, so, if
the lives of men were relieved of all need, hardship and adversity;
if everything they took in hand were successful, they would be so
swollen with arrogance that, though they might not burst, they
would present the spectacle of unbridled folly—nay, they would go
mad. And I may say, further, that a certain amount of care or pain
or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. A ship without
ballast is unstable and will not go straight.Certain it is thatwork, worry,
laborandtrouble, form the lot of almost all men their whole life long. But
if all wishes were fulfilled as soon as they arose, how would men
occupy their lives? what would they do with their time? If the
world were a paradise of luxury and ease, a land flowing with milk
and honey, where every Jack obtained his Jill at once and without
any difficulty, men would either die of boredom or hang themselves;
or there would be wars, massacres, and murders; so that in the end
mankind would inflict more suffering on itself than it has now to
accept at the hands of Nature.In early youth, as we contemplate our coming life, we are
like children in a theatre before the curtain is raised, sitting
there in high spirits and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. It
is a blessing that we do not know what is really going to happen.
Could we foresee it, there are times when children might seem like
innocent prisoners, condemned, not to death, but to life, and as
yet all unconscious of what their sentence means. Nevertheless,
every man desires to reach old age; in other words, a state of life
of which it may be said: "It is bad to-day, and it will be worse
to-morrow; and so on till the worst of all."If you try to imagine, as nearly as you can, what an amount
of misery, pain and suffering of every kind the sun shines upon in
its course, you will admit that it would be much better if, on the
earth as little as on the moon, the sun were able to call forth the
phenomena of life; and if, here as there, the surface were still in
a crystalline state.Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode,
disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence. And, in any case,
even though things have gone with you tolerably well, the longer
you live the more clearly you will feel that, on the whole, life
isa disappointment, nay, a cheat.If two men who were friends in their youth meet again when
they are old, after being separated for a life-time, the chief
feeling they will have at the sight of each other will be one of
complete disappointment at life as a whole; because their thoughts
will be carried back to that earlier time when life seemed so fair
as it lay spread out before them in the rosy light of dawn,
promised so much—and then performed so little. This feeling will so
completely predominate over every other that they will not even
consider it necessary to give it words; but on either side it will
be silently assumed, and form the ground-work of all they have to
talk about.He who lives to see two or three generations is like a man
who sits some time in the conjurer's booth at a fair, and witnesses
the performance twice or thrice in succession. The tricks were
meant to be seen only once; and when they are no longer a novelty
and cease to deceive, their effect is gone.While no man is much to be envied for his lot, there are
countless numbers whose fate is to be deplored.Life is a task to be done. It is a fine thing to saydefunctus est; it means that the man
has done his task.If children were brought into the world by an act of pure
reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a
man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to
spare it the burden of existence? or at any rate not take it upon
himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood.I shall be told, I suppose, that my philosophy is
comfortless—because I speak the truth; and people prefer to be
assured that everything the Lord has made is good. Go to the
priests, then, and leave philosophers in peace! At any rate, do not
ask us to accommodate our doctrines to the lessons you have been
taught. That is what those rascals of sham philosophers will do for
you. Ask them for any doctrine you please, and you will get it.
Your University professors are bound to preach optimism; and it is
an easy and agreeable task to upset their theories.I have reminded the reader that every state of welfare, every
feeling of satisfaction, is negative in its character; that is to
say, it consists in freedom from pain, which is the positive
element of existence. It follows, therefore, that the happiness of
any given life is to be measured, not by its joys and pleasures,
but by the extent to which it has been free from suffering—from
positive evil. If this is the true standpoint, the lower animals
appear to enjoy a happier destiny than man. Let us examine the
matter a little more closely.However varied the forms that human happiness and misery may
take, leading a man to seek the one and shun the other, the
material basis of it all is bodily pleasure or bodily pain. This
basis is very restricted: it is simply health, food, protection
from wet and cold, the satisfaction of the sexual instinct; or else
the absence of these things. Consequently, as far as real physical
pleasure is concerned, the man is not better off than the brute,
except in so far as the higher possibilities of his nervous system
make him more sensitive to every kind of pleasure, but also, it
must be remembered, to every kind of pain. But then compared with
the brute, how much stronger are the passions aroused in him! what
an immeasurable difference there is in the depth and vehemence of
his emotions!—and yet, in the one case, as in the other, all to
produce the same result in the end: namely, health, food, clothing,
and so on.The chief source of all this passion is that thought for what
is absent and future, which, with man, exercises such a powerful
influence upon all he does. It is this that is the real origin of
his cares, his hopes, his fears—emotions which affect him much more
deeply than could ever be the case with those present joys and
sufferings to which the brute is confined. In his powers of
reflection, memory and foresight, man possesses, as it were, a
machine for condensing and storing up his pleasures and his
sorrows. But the brute has nothing of the kind; whenever it is in
pain, it is as though it were suffering for the first time, even
though the same thing should have previously happened to it times
out of number. It has no power of summing up its feelings. Hence
its careless and placid temper: how much it is to be envied! But in
man reflection comes in, with all the emotions to which it gives
rise; and taking up the same elements of pleasure and pain which
are common to him and the brute, it develops his susceptibility to
happiness and misery to such a degree that, at one moment the man
is brought in an instant to a state of delight that may even prove
fatal, at another to the depths of despair and
suicide.If we carry our analysis a step farther, we shall find that,
in order to increase his pleasures, man has intentionally added to
the number and pressure of his needs, which in their original state
were not much more difficult to satisfy than those of the brute.
Hence luxury in all its forms; delicate food, the use of tobacco
and opium, spirituous liquors, fine clothes, and the thousand and
one things than he considers necessary to his
existence.And above and beyond all this, there is a separate and
peculiar source of pleasure, and consequently of pain, which man
has established for himself, also as the result of using his powers
of reflection; and this occupies him out of all proportion to its
value, nay, almost more than all his other interests put together—I
mean ambition and the feeling of honor and shame; in plain words,
what he thinks about the opinion other people have of him. Taking a
thousand forms, often very strange ones, this becomes the goal of
almost all the efforts he makes that are not rooted in physical
pleasure or pain. It is true that besides the sources of pleasure
which he has in common with the brute, man has the pleasures of the
mind as well. These admit of many gradations, from the most
innocent trifling or the merest talk up to the highest intellectual
achievements; but there is the accompanying boredom to be set
against them on the side of suffering. Boredom is a form of
suffering unknown to brutes, at any rate in their natural state; it
is only the very cleverest of them who show faint traces of it when
they are domesticated; whereas in the case of man it has become a
downright scourge. The crowd of miserable wretches whose one aim in
life is to fill their purses but never to put anything into their
heads, offers a singular instance of this torment of boredom. Their
wealth becomes a punishment by delivering them up to misery of
having nothing to do; for, to escape it, they will rush about in
all directions, traveling here, there and everywhere. No sooner do
they arrive in a place than they are anxious to know what
amusements it affords; just as though they were beggars asking
where they could receive a dole! Of a truth, need and boredom are
the two poles of human life. Finally, I may mention that as regards
the sexual relation, a man is committed to a peculiar arrangement
which drives him obstinately to choose one person. This feeling
grows, now and then, into a more or less passionate love,[1] which
is the source of little pleasure and much suffering.[Footnote 1: I have treated this subject at length in a
special chapter of the second volume of my chief
work.]It is, however, a wonderful thing that the mere addition of
thought should serve to raise such a vast and lofty structure of
human happiness and misery; resting, too, on the same narrow basis
of joy and sorrow as man holds in common with the brute, and
exposing him to such violent emotions, to so many storms of
passion, so much convulsion of feeling, that what he has suffered
stands written and may be read in the lines on his face. And yet,
when all is told, he has been struggling ultimately for the very
same things as the brute has attained, and with an incomparably
smaller expenditure of passion and pain.But all this contributes to increase the measures of
suffering in human life out of all proportion to its pleasures; and
the pains of life are made much worse for man by the fact that
death is something very real to him. The brute flies from death
instinctively without really knowing what it is, and therefore
without ever contemplating it in the way natural to a man, who has
this prospect always before his eyes. So that even if only a few
brutes die a natural death, and most of them live only just long
enough to transmit their species, and then, if not earlier, become
the prey of some other animal,—whilst man, on the other hand,
manages to make so-called natural death the rule, to which,
however, there are a good many exceptions,—the advantage is on the
side of the brute, for the reason stated above. But the fact is
that man attains the natural term of years just as seldom as the
brute; because the unnatural way in which he lives, and the strain
of work and emotion, lead to a degeneration of the race; and so his
goal is not often reached.The brute is much more content with mere existence than man;
the plant is wholly so; and man finds satisfaction in it just in
proportion as he is dull and obtuse. Accordingly, the life of the
brute carries less of sorrow with it, but also less of joy, when
compared with the life of man; and while this may be traced, on the
one side, to freedom from the torment ofcareandanxiety, it is also due to the fact
thathope, in any real sense,
is unknown to the brute. It is thus deprived of any share in that
which gives us the most and best of our joys and pleasures, the
mental anticipation of a happy future, and the inspiriting play of
phantasy, both of which we owe to our power of imagination. If the
brute is free from care, it is also, in this sense, without hope;
in either case, because its consciousness is limited to the present
moment, to what it can actually see before it. The brute is an
embodiment of present impulses, and hence what elements of fear and
hope exist in its nature—and they do not go very far—arise only in
relation to objects that lie before it and within reach of those
impulses: whereas a man's range of vision embraces the whole of his
life, and extends far into the past and future.Following upon this, there is one respect in which brutes
show real wisdom when compared with us—I mean, their quiet, placid
enjoyment of the present moment. The tranquillity of mind which
this seems to give them often puts us to shame for the many times
we allow our thoughts and our cares to make us restless and
discontented. And, in fact, those pleasures of hope and
anticipation which I have been mentioning are not to be had for
nothing. The delight which a man has in hoping for and looking
forward to some special satisfaction is a part of the real pleasure
attaching to it enjoyed in advance. This is afterwards deducted;
for the more we look forward to anything, the less satisfaction we
find in it when it comes. But the brute's enjoyment is not
anticipated, and therefore, suffers no deduction; so that the
actual pleasure of the moment comes to it whole and unimpaired. In
the same way, too, evil presses upon the brute only with its own
intrinsic weight; whereas with us the fear of its coming often
makes its burden ten times more grievous.