The Antichrist - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - E-Book

The Antichrist E-Book

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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The Antichrist by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche  The Antichrist (German:  Der Antichrist) is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1895. Although it was written in 1888, its content made Franz Overbeck and Heinrich Köselitz delay its publication, along with  Ecce Homo.

The German title can be translated into English as either  The Anti-Christ or  The Anti-Christian, depending on how the German word  Christ is translated.

Nietzsche claims in the preface to have written the book for a very limited readership. To understand the book, he asserts that the reader "must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of hardness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion."

The reader should be above politics and nationalism. Also, the usefulness or harmfulness of truth should not be a concern. Characteristics such as "[s]trength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage for the  forbidden" are also needed.

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