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In September 2015, in Saudi Arabia, in the basement of the Great Mosque of Mecca, a team of archaeologists made a sensational discovery which was followed by an impressive massacre of pilgrims, caused by a mysterious and inexplicable energy. Since that moment, a chain of extraordinary events has affected our world, international politics, the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. Events passed under silence in the mainstream media and systematically censored on the main internet platforms and social media. Events which, starting from the Arabian Peninsula, involved Russia and Antarctica, involving the intervention of the Navy of the Russian Federation, the Orthodox Church and the Vatican, to secure in the Antarctic continent one of the most extraordinary "objects of power" that history has ever known. An "object" most likely not coming from our world, but which, if it had fallen into the wrong hands, could certainly have caused the destruction of our planet. A true story, deemed too dangerous to be told.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
Edizioni Aurora Boreale
Title: The Ark of Gabriel and the Secrets of Antarctica
Author: Nicola Bizzi
Series: Symbols & Myths
Editing and cover by Nicola Bizzi
ISBN e-book version: 979-12-5504-580-9
Edizioni Aurora Boreale
© 2024 Edizioni Aurora Boreale
Via del Fiordaliso 14 – 59100 Prato – Italy
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On Saturday 26 January 2019, an important conference entitled La Genesi delle Antiche Civiltà (The Genesis of Ancient Civilisations), was held in Florence at the Hotel Together Florence Inn. It was organised by myself and Mr. Leonardo Lovari and promoted by the Centro di Studi Eleusini Madre Sidera Tau 8, Edizioni Harmakis and Edizioni Aurora Boreale (two independent publishing houses, very attentive to the enigmas of history and the mysteries of our past). Several high quality talks were given by speakers who have long been known to readers of Archeomisteri and other magazines that investigate the mysteries of ancient civilisations and the innermost origins of the human species.
Alfredo Benni, author of the essay Codici Profetici, gave an interesting speech focused on the comparative study of ancient prophecies, first and foremost those of Nostradamus, in relation both with important historical events of our past and with facts and realities of our contemporary times, even outlining possible disturbing future scenarios. Leonardo Lovari, owner of Harmakis Edizioni, founder of Anubi Magazine and author of many essays on ancient Egypt, presented an interesting study on the controversial pharaoh Amenophis IV, better known as Akhenaton or the ‘Heretical Pharaoh’, which was followed by the journalist and writer Francesco Santocono’s presentation of Il Loto e il Papiro (The Lotus and the Papyrus), a musical drama destined to be performed in Cairo as part of the celebrations for the inauguration of the world’s largest new archaeological museum, the G.E.M. (Grand Egyptian Museum).
After the lunch break, the proceedings resumed with a highly applauded speech by researcher Massimo Barbetta, contributor to Archeomisteri and UFO-News, member of C.I.R.P.E.T. (Comitato Interdisciplinare per le Ricerche Proto-storiche e Tradizionali – Interdisciplinary Committee for Protohistorical and Traditional Research) and author of successful books such as Stargate and La Porta degli Dei (The Gate of the Gods). His speech focused on the hypotheses and evidence of celestial travel by the Gods of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and India. Then came the four researchers of the Rabdo Team (Marco Zagni, Loris Bagnara, Diego Marin and Andrea Lontani), who presented their book Il Risveglio degli Antichi (The Awakening of the Ancients), an absolute novelty in the publishing field of Frontier Archaeology. With this essay, for the first time, indeed, an affair dating back to the 1960s was made known, when a group of people led by an engineer, Alessandro Porro, and including an esteemed geologist, Professor Floriano Villa, and a well-known geologist, Professor Bagnara, were involved in the excavation of the site. Floriano Villa, and a well-known journalist from the Corriere della Sera, Mario Miniaci, became the protagonists – thanks to the use of sophisticated equipment invented and built by engineer Porro – of the discovery of the traces and vestiges of an ancient technological civilisation that existed in the area between the Pre-Alps and the Po Valley even in the Eocene epoch, i.e. several million years ago. Marco Zagni, himself a member of the Rabdo Team and co-author of Il Risveglio degli Antichi, as well as the protagonist of several archaeological expeditions to South America, then gave a talk focusing on the Paititi Project, a project organised by the archaeological association Campo Base in Rome under the scientific patronage of the Italian Geographical Society, aiming to reach the last lost city of the Inca, called Paititi, which has never been identified to date despite almost five hundred years of research.
As Marco Zagni has pointed out, up to now the various expeditions in search of Paititi have been based exclusively on the tales of ancient chronicles and local legends, and have always been unsuccessful because the jungle explored has been that to the south-east, east and north-east of the ancient Inca capital Cuzco. On the contrary, recent satellite images and archaeological findings show that the area where to focus the search should be the Amazon north of Cuzco, more precisely a portion of virgin jungle, inhabited by uncontacted and potentially dangerous indigenous people. Within that territory, the research team led by Zagni has identified an area of archaeological potential called the ‘Mesopotamian Plateau’, because it lies between two rivers, the Timpìa and the Ticumpinia.
Roberto Pinotti, internationally renowned writer and ufologist, as well as editor of the magazine Archeomisteri and President of C.I.R.P.E.T., gave a highly appreciated speech on the subject of alien presences in ancient times, a topic that has become hotly debated in recent years thanks also to successful books that are strongly undermining the now obsolete paradigms of ‘academic’ archaeology. A speech in which he also dwelt at length on the recent republication, personally edited by him and published by Edizioni Harmakis, of David Davenport and Ettore Vincenti’s famous essay 2000 a.C. distruzione atomica (2000 B.C. Atomic Destruction), a true archaeological bestseller from the 1970s that is now finally available in bookshops.