The origin of the Gods and of the Universe according to the Eleusinian Mysteries - Nicola Bizzi - E-Book

The origin of the Gods and of the Universe according to the Eleusinian Mysteries E-Book

Nicola Bizzi

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The knowledge of the divine genealogy, that is the birth and evolution of those subtle forces which at the same time are the builders and organizers of the Universe, of those forces that mankind has always called the Gods, the creators of physicality and nonphysicality, all this has always represented for the Eleusinians the very basis of the initiatory Knowledge and their erudition.
The Eleusinian religion, unlike many others before the Christian era, was a purely “eschatological” cult, that is not based – as Mircea Eliade has claimed – on a cyclical time and on the endless repetition of events, but on the two cardinal principles of Arké and the Eskaton, the Origin and the End. Basically, it was founded on the concept of a sacred time regulated by the Horizon of Events, which, starting from the creation, leads to an end of time regulated by a prophecy and a final regeneration. Therefore, one can well understand the attention that the Eleusinian Mystery Schools have always given to the connection between divine genealogy and the path of man on Earth.
These schools have transmitted to us a diagram of creation that is unique and very different from all the others which derive from classical antiquity and the ancient Near East. Unique and distinct precisely because it is “eschatologycal”, that is incorporated in time, both in the divine and in the human time.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

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Edizioni Aurora Boreale



Title: The origin of the Gods and of the Universe according to the Eleusinian Mysteries


Author: Nicola Bizzi


Publishing series: Telestèrion


Editing and illustrations by Nicola Bizzi


ISBN e-book version: 979-12-5504-064-4


Cover image: Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Uranus and the Dance of the Stars, 1834

(Berlin, Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität)
















Edizioni Aurora Boreale


© 2022 Edizioni Aurora Boreale

Via del Fiordaliso 14 - 59100 Prato - Italia

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The knowledge of the divine genealogy, that is the birth and evolution of those subtle forces which at the same time are the builders and organizers of the Universe, of those forces that mankind has always called the Gods, the creators of physicality and nonphysicality, all this has always represented for the Eleusinians the very basis of the initiatory Knowledge and their erudition.

The Eleusinian religion, unlike many others before the Christian era, was a purely “eschatological” cult, that is not based – as Mircea Eliade has claimed – on a cyclical time and on the endless repetition of events, but on the two cardinal principles of Arké and the Eskaton, the Origin and the End. Basically, it was founded on the concept of a sacred time regulated by the Horizon of Events, which, starting from the creation, leads to an end of time regulated by a prophecy and a final regeneration. Therefore, one can well understand the attention that the Eleusinian Mystery Schools have always given to the connection between divine genealogy and the path of man on Earth.

These schools have transmitted to us a diagram of creation that is unique and very different from all the others which derive from classical antiquity and the ancient Near East. Unique and distinct precisely because it is “eschatologycal”, that is incorporated in time, both in the divine and in the human time.

This diagram has been the subject of an intense exegesis that has been perpetuated by the Eleusinian Schools from the ancient times until present, and has always represented a fixed point for initiatory learning. In this essay I will present a summary, based on the studies by Guido Maria Stelvio Mariani di Costa Sancti Severi, 73rd Pritan of the Hierophants of the Eleusinians “Mother”, at the Eleusinian Mother School of Florence. Many of the names and terminologies present in this diagram are reported in their original version or Semata Ligra, “the language of the Tan Gods” (rather than in Ancient Greek), an archaic and secret language known, studied, and practiced only in the Eleusinian initiatory context. Not all these names and words can be translated into Greek or English, but I will try, as far as possible, to explain their meaning.

Precisely, because it is placed in time, this diagram presents the birth and evolution of the divine “basic” principles, that is of the primordial and absolute divine forces, occurred on a nonphysical world before the creation of the Universe itself and of physicality as well. Eventually, physicality was created, with a succession of following evolutions that place the birth of both the Gods and the human beings, their children, over time.

All this derives from absolute-total immobility, which is called Seln’s. It refers to the Primordial Khaos, which in a timeless dimension, and from it Tha was born, the Primordial Abyss (in Greek Τάρταρος, Tartarus).

From Tha, according to the Tradition, were born all the subtle cosmic principles, later called Gods by mankind.

Inside Tha, at the beginning, there was Tau, the absolute zero. There was no universe, no physicality, the only existing thing was the Supreme Mind, which contained the whole and the nonentity at the same time; a Supreme Mind that could not self-conceive itself at the moment, whose only manifestation was self-awareness, that is being. The Absolute Zero, total and primordial divine essence, had within itself the power to rise to the nth degree, self-conceiving itself as Supreme Conscious Mind. Thus, Tau – Absolute Zero became Tau – Absolute One, the Seed, the Whole, that is the pure thought of invisible matter understood as energy that spreads and transforms.



Giovan Francesco Capoferri, Magnum Chaos

(Bergamo, detail from a Chorus inlay inside Santa Maria Maggiore)


It is the utmost Eleusinian Deity, personifying the very essence of the Universe, the creative Deity from which it all began.

Tau – Absolute One gave life to Nuthe, the Two, the Creative and Germinating Night (in Greek Nύξ, Nýx), without which the seed could not become “product”.

Nuthe must be meant, like Tau, as an impersonal and incorporeal Entity (there is no physicality yet), being part and birth of Tau’s thought, and in It are conceived four aspects (which we will see later), including a maternal one, the Darkness-Matrix. This gives and maintains life both mentally and physically (aspect that the Aegean peoples called Lada, the Greeks Leto and the Romans Latona, which is «the sweetest and most tender of the Dark Mantel Entities»1. It also has a shining aspect (identified with Asteria, «the Night of the glowing Blue Mantel»2) that is the phase in which life explodes in its eternal flourishing thanks to the absolute immobility that keeps its product incorruptible.

Nuthe gave birth to Thekh’e, the Law, the product of the One and the Two which became the Three and that «kept what it had to»3.

This Divine Element stands for the Cosmic Law, without which the Universe could not, once created, exist.

Thekh’e is the rule of physicality as opposed to Khaos, it is a fundamental Entity on the path of creation, a nonphysical entity, but able to establish physical rules, since it is the law that regulates matter and cosmic energies. It is perpetual motion, gravity, magnetism, nature.