The concept of prejudice-conscious education. Possibilities and limits of its use in day care centers - Nadine Wackenhut - E-Book

The concept of prejudice-conscious education. Possibilities and limits of its use in day care centers E-Book

Nadine Wackenhut

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Bachelor Thesis in the subject Pedagogy - Nursery Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education, grade: 1,5, Karlsruhe University of Education, language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the concept of prejudice-conscious education and the possibilities and limits of its use in day care centers. It examines the question of how children learn about prejudice and discrimination and what functions and consequences this has. Furthermore, the "anti-bias approach" is presented, which not only deals with how a good handling of stereotypes and prejudices can be acquired, but also stands for viewing diversity as enriching and valuable. The basic principles and methods of implementation provided for this purpose are the focus of the work and are examined in terms of their feasibility in early childhood education and care facilities. In addition to parental work and methods or strategies such as the "Persona Dolls", the work of the pedagogical staff as well as the design of the facility and the materials are the main focus. An additional component of this work is the presentation of the project "Kinderwelten" from Berlin, which represents a program adapted to Germany for prejudice-conscious education. It was also explained that the contents and topics of intercultural work must differ depending on culture and society, since each country is characterized by a different history.

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