The Contemporary Testament - Aldivan Torres - E-Book

The Contemporary Testament E-Book

Aldivan Torres

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This is the book of God. Does this seem contradictory to you? Taking notes here and there, it was written through the greatest force in the universe in partnership with the seer and is a rereading of important biblical parts explaining the will of the creator which can be recognized through faith. As Jesus said, those who are from God recognize his words and have this book as a loving letter from a father wanting to find his children again.

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Seitenzahl: 235

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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The Contemporary Testament

Aldivan Torres

The Contemporary Testament


Author: Aldivan Torres

©2018- Aldivan Torres

All rights reserved


This book, including all parts of it, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the author's permission, resold, or transferred.

Printing and distribution by the author:

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The work, including portions of it, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the content. Any use is not permitted without your consent. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of the author, who can be contacted at: tredition GmbH, department "Impres-sumservice", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.

Dedication and thanks

I dedicate this book to all who are ardently seeking knowledge.  Of course, the contemporary Testament will add a great deal of information to your baggage.

I thank my good God for the opportunity to once again express his teachings so that the whole world knows him.  The father is wonderful.

The Contemporary Testament

The Contemporary Testament

Dedication and thanks


The family, foundation of the whole society

At work

Miscellaneous topics

Seeking dignity and honesty

Tomorrow's faith and uncertainty

Tolerance to the specifics of the other

The struggle for unity among peoples

The challenge of living in a world of evil and lies

urban and rural violence

Who am I?

the experience of pain

The defining moments of my life

living the right ethics

the robbery

Are you disappointed?

Materialism and Kingdom of God

the excellent duality

Human and God's mercy

What does God represent in your life?

The question of summoning the dead

The sad end of those who manipulate the force of darkness

Why are so many bad things allowed in the world?

lend to God

be like the ant

The things that God hates

man's legacy

the sin of omission

man's salary

Discipline x disobedience

The righteous will stand forever

The number of years is measured by justice

hope in God

The value of discretion

The important role of a leader

the bail issues

the value of beauty

fighting for a goal

Law of Return

how to progress in life

the early bird catches the worm

Who will find God?

How much do you love me?

learning from mistakes

life made of appearances

A significant decision

Tell me your works, and I'll tell you who you are

don't be deceived

the good and bad children

What moves me to do good

the danger of power

How much are you worth?

The life trees

the good answer

The importance of planning

the end of man

the day of justice

what pleases me

Man makes his projects, but the answer comes from God

Am I or am I not acting correctly?

Why does nothing go right in my life?

Here I am the beginning, middle and end of things

My soul

true happiness

a reflection

I am your guide


what I abhor

behold I call my son

know how to share

the gift of the word

Sweetness, kindness, and generosity

tell me with who are you walking, and I'll tell you who you are

The value of experience


The destiny

My school

Paths to God

stand firm


behold I did all things

Know how to distinguish


pay well with good

I will always love you

The challenge of living with rebels

the grace of God

Behold, I love you for all eternity

The fate of groups

cheer up

the bribe


know how to listen

I am deep and torrential water

My strength comes from God

for desperate hearts

to give or not to give the gift?

luck and bad luck

good is to be well

I am the son of God


there is no harm that lasts

Social relationships

prayer to father

what should you do?

the favor of the powerful

the good father corrects the son

Who is part of my flock?

How do I know if my conduct is approved by God?

Where is the faithful man?

There is no one bigger than me

all are sinners


Damn you

The value of promises

Everything in the right measure

I am your guide and fortress

the bread that didn't have

At school

friendship is rare

Unrequited loves

the hard time and the resurrection

the guarantor

the poor and the rich

what to look for

the value of knowledge

the day of doom

the future of the righteous

don't confuse things

They lie

respect your limits

the shot arrows

keep your promises

don't get into trouble

the pilgrims

wherever you are, I will be with you

No separation is final

what I'm looking for

I'm a city closed with walls

The honor of man and of God

the unjust curse

Don't get in trouble

Don't play with what you don't know

the mask of evil

Do you love Me?

With a kiss, you betrayed me

Don't complain about the current situation

Value your roots

Who is my neighbor?

The breaking of the pure heart

how can you find me?

A life reviews

Feed yourself with the fruit of your work

be bold like a lion

my kingdom

I will never abandon you

I am the owner of all power and wisdom

the law of God

the prayer I want

Woe to the wicked

I will give you everything

be realistic and simple


the weight of sin

define yourself

live reality

Easy money

constructive criticism

parents are sacred

recognize the needy

avoid the sexual abomination

be firm

Control of opposing forces

the oppressor and the oppressed

My confidence comes from God

God, I'm small

Donation and detachment have a limit

the path of the eagle in the sky

The path of snakes on rocks

the ship's way at sea

The Way of a Man with a Young Girl

I want the best for you

Social inequality in the world

only the righteous will remain

I will give you the gift of eternity

the contempt

don't want to take anybody's place

my apostle ants

rats and the rocks

I am the king of kings and lord of lords

A message for those who use the occult arts

mine know me

I am the lion of David

Mother's Advice to a King

the relationships

don't worry about vain things

Happiness comes from God

Corporal death is the end of all

just think of the eternal kingdom

the unrestrained competition

Unity is strength

not settle down


loss of fortune

a wise advice

stay serious

Faced with the impossible, don't be discouraged

Who will I choose?

separating things

The future

the golden rules

don't blaspheme

Where is my happiness?

I am unfathomable

the importance of life

I am the snake charmer

Oppression of man and divine mercy

Divine salvation when least expected

abhor the omission

the divine promise

know how to discern

My mission

From the tenebrous abyss of darkness, I called my son

trust me more

Pests from Egypt

The exterminator

Israel as an example to the world

I will walk with you to the end of the world

the Saturday day

I am living water and food

raised hands

the commandments

I don't want human blood

I will make myself known

my name is justice

the true act of generosity

the sacrifice for sin

What is impure?

the question of the disease

Ritual formalities

Issues related to sex

do everything in the right measure

The issue of homosexuality

those in darkness

Living an ongoing charity

Treat others as you expect to be treated

an unconditional relationship

I promise my support

the righteous will possess the land

I will never abandon you

practice forgiveness

Equal rights

I love you

Confidence produces victory

I chose you

Behold, my salvation will be accomplished

The true heritage

The seriousness of the promises

I don't want more wars

The danger of images

Be careful

I look for the good and faithful man

I'm God

There is no middle ground

The question of obedience

Here is the way of salvation

Don't forget your origins

Be an example

Respect the freedom and belief of each one

Help the poor

Don't join the bad guys

Act positively

Behold, I am in your midst

Respect the rights of others

The danger of language

A special message

In the face of sin, I just cry

Love must be lived fully

Be considerate

Respect the goods of others

Fundamental rights

The right to be happy

Practice justice

The right to land

Honor the memory

Don't hurt the other

Equality, freedom, and fraternity

Know how to be grateful

Be faithful

The rewards

My love is bigger than anything

Don't worry about the incomprehensible

Circle your heart

The breach of trust

the things I abhor

Who loves me?

I am source of life

Don't believe in charlatans

Not alienate through religion

I'm not a God of Wars

Be rational

the spirit of unity

The revenge

The value of experience

I manifest myself in humility

the intrigue

the danger of power

The danger of the treacherous partner

Choose the right person

The example of the priesthood

God's project

God is sovereign

I will make you triumph

Not all hell can defeat me


Who loves protects and cares?

Is it possible to recover?

Man's mission

Nobody deceives God

How to act?

A signal

Who am I?

Letter to my son

A compassionate god

The way to act that God wants

Human blood

The two prostitutes and the case of the boy's dispute

A temple for me

The question of animal sacrifices

There's nobody like me

a promise

You have value

Where is the faith?

Prayer of justice

From Egypt, I called my son

One explanation

the wars

I still believe

Have faith

the smallness of man

Don't give in to the enemy's malice

the lion of David

the fair does not pervert

Say no to idolatry

God will provide

A little light during darkness

The human being reaps exactly what he sowed

Consultation with evil spirits

My memory will remain forever

Family value

I will transform your life

The miracle

The health

Take advantage for the Lord


The killer

To the rulers

Love can turn to hate

the offspring of Christ

Seek true happiness

You believe?

I want to pray for you

Don't be unfair

the true law

The question of sacrifices

Always remember me


My name is God, and I am the beginning, middle and end of all things that exist.  Through my word, the foundations and structures of the universe took shape transforming what was just a dream into full reality.  My creative work never ceases because the essence of life is eternal.

Earth is one of the most beautiful living planets in the universe.  Like your firstborn Kalenquer where I created the angels, I placed in these beings with a refined degree of intelligence for the purpose of ordering the planet.  These beings are called men and were created in my image and likeness.

During the human age, I have always sent prophets on my behalf to warn, organize and lead my faithful on the planet.  However, for the most part, they were rejected in this world where evil reigns.

This is my last attempt to reconcile with humanity that if it remains rebellious it will suffer the due consequences, shortening the time for the arrival of the apocalypse by two thirds.

Therefore, watch, pray and listen to my son who once again deigned to visit the earth.  To him, all honor, glory, and adoration always, amen!

The family, foundation of the whole society

Nobody is born in a brooder.  They all come from a man and a woman and are welcomed into a family.  It has been like this since the beginning of time.  The importance of the family group is reflected in each one's personal life.  If we have a good family base with solidified values, we have a great chance of being good parents, children, brothers, co-workers, in short, being real people.

How can the current family group be defined?  A family is a group of people with similar personalities and goals that do not necessarily need to be of the same blood and even communities of friends.  Family is all good, and they are the ones that we can really count on in difficult times.

Children are a delicate part of the family.  Adults should strive to create in them an affectionate bond in such a way that they obey it.  Avoid bad influences for their children and protect them from violence and criminality to perpetuate themselves for a lifetime.

  Creating bonds and strengthening existing ones with those closest to you brings more happiness and security to human beings. Value those who are by your side throughout life and overcome differences to have a pleasant coexistence.  Be happy.

Blood and heart family: There are reported cases of abuse between family members and rejection.  Often separation is inevitable and human beings discover greater support among strangers.  The heart family, the one who accepts you as you are, should be valued as a consanguine.  Be grateful if you find these angels on earth.

Role of family members: A family is a social group with defined rules among its members.  Parents and older children have the obligation to provide support and guidance for younger children while they must be obedient, helpful and dedicate themselves to studies. It is a mutual exchange.  If there is a breach of this contract, things can become unsustainable.

The importance of a religious orientation: From a young age, children must be oriented about the existing religious matrices.  The fact that the parents are of a certain religion does not give them the right to impose their will on their children.  Respect the autonomy and free will of these little beings is an essential exercise for a good relationship.  Regardless of their decision, love will not change.

Values to be worshiped: humanity, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, fear of God, love, wisdom, cooperation, union, respect, dignity, companionship, tolerance, freedom, evolution, courage, faith, and hope.

Rules: Cleaning the house, waking up early, cooking, washing the dishes, tidying the room, reading a good book, greeting others, behaving at meals, asking for permission when going out and entering rooms, letting you know when you are going out, listening to a good relaxing music, working, doing good, talking, giving advice, guiding, studying, sharing objects of common use, welcome visitors.

At work

Karamandu is a young black man who recently moved to São Paulo.  Coming from the interior of Bahia, more specifically from Porto Seguro, he never thought that life in the main capital of the country was so dynamic.  He had rented an apartment about fifty miles from work because it was cheaper.  When he arrived at work, in a metallurgical plant, he barely had time to talk to his colleagues due to the complexity of functions and excessive work.  This routine cycle was also repeated in his spare time and on weekends when he left home with the wife. In the capital and its surroundings, life was very mechanical, which distanced people differently from their country life.

The reason he moved to the southeast of the country was the internal crisis in the labor market in his state.  The fact that he had little education had also contributed to this.  The only way out was to travel at the invitation of one of his cousins from São Paulo, who facilitated you the employment placement.

Relying on his experience when he started working, turning ten, he adapted to the new job naturally.  The secret for him and for any profession is to be aware of new trends, know how to treat people from higher and lower levels, be assiduous, be punctual, be flexible, be responsible, kind, and polite, do not complain about overtime, when necessary, work with a team spirit, have ambition and new ideas.  Man is only worthy when he works and strives to make this world an environment better.  It just tends to grow.

  Life anywhere in the world is difficult but having the even Karamandu's warrior spirit, things can truly happen.  What you can't do is being afraid of taking risks or at least trying.  Even now living in a metropolis, he will never forget his little piece of land in Bahia and his family that stayed there.  His origins make him proud.

Internally, he requests that everything works out, have his children, grow old in the capital, but he has a project when he retires to have a quiet life, leaving his probable children in the capital and returning to his northeast.  After all, there is a time that human beings have that rest and enjoy life better.  Well, we are rooting for your success and happiness in your projects.

Work Tips: Relationship with bosses: Always treat your boss with respect, attention and listen to his advice.  Having him as that is essential for your future in the company.  If you can't stand the criticism, you must rethink your plans and whether you really want to be an employee.

Never miss meetings and work commitments unless with a serious justification.  Remember the importance of work in being your source of income, perhaps for a lifetime.

Don't trust too much in co-workers because you will be disappointed.  Don't give your friendship to just anyone, know how to separate things.  Friends you make in life and at work you usually only find colleagues.

Be careful with the gossips as they won't think twice about turning you over to the boss for any trivial reason.  This type of person only wants to earn points with superiors at their expense and doesn't deserve any kind of consideration.  Ignore them and stay away from them.

Know how to recognize your role in the company.  The employee must live up to his salary dedicating himself in his working hours fully to his functions.  Try not to access the internet, social networks, cell phones, frequent visits from relatives, acquaintances.  This is reason for distraction and, depending on the severity, reason of the dismissal.

In the sacred moment of vacation, completely forget about your obligation.  Travel, read a lot, go out with friends, pay more attention to your children and spouse, take in a movie, a theater, a football game, or any other sport, in short, get distracted enough because it's your right.  On the way back, you'll have renewed strength.

Always have a good network of contacts.  In case of unemployment, you will have someone to turn to.

Get close to your family and have a good relationship with them.  They are the ones you can really count on in times of stress.

“A friend in the square is worth more than money in the box.” This wise saying guides us to always stay aside those we have affinity. Value the friendly hands that always welcome you.

At work, only leave early with justification.  Don't want to take advantage of your boss's goodwill to work fewer hours.  Justify your salary, the personal investment and trust they have placed in you.

Never come to work drunk or drugged.  In fact, do not use these things.  Be convinced that maintaining a healthy life is best for yourself.

Whenever you can, attend the social events with co-workers.  It is a way to strengthen relationships by getting to know better the other.

Finally, do it in such a way that work is a pleasurable activity and makes you grow as a professional and as a person.  Climb the steps of the hierarchy little by little.  To you, worker, my respect. 

Miscellaneous topics

1) Love: Everything that exists and that comes to exist comes from the infinite love of God.  He adjusted the structures of the universe so that all his creatures were his reflection, uniting with each other through this feeling.  Undoubtedly, the most powerful force that exists capable of creating worlds, caressing the soul, and performing miracles.  An example of this were all the forces of good sent to the evolving universes to transform relationships.  Jesus, the good shepherd who gives everything for his servants and the examples of mothers, mirrors of Mary of Nazareth, unparalleled love with her children.  This is spiritual love.

Carnal love is what happens between a man and a woman, for example.  There are also full, carnal, and spiritual loves, and those who experience this are in a higher degree spiritually speaking.  It's a partnership which also produce a strong feeling.  Regardless of the form, love is gorgeous and those who experience it are happy.  People dry in love do not bear fruit and their destiny is not good.  Therefore, love without reservations.

1.1) Everything is forgiven to the one who loved so much: “One of the Pharisees invited him to have dinner with him.  Jesus, entering the Pharisee's house, took his place at the table.  There was a woman in the city who was a sinner; she, knowing that he was dining in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster vase of perfume, and, laying herself at his feet, weeping, began to water them with tears, and wiped them with the hair of his head, and he kissed her feet and anointed them with the perfume.  Seeing this, the Pharisee who had invited him said to himself: If this man were a prophet, he would know who it is that touches him and what sort of woman she is because she is a sinner.  Jesus said to the Pharisee: Simon, I have something to tell you.  He replied: Say it, Master.  A certain creditor had two debtors: one owed him five hundred dollar, and the other fifty.  Having neither of them pay, he forgave the debt to both.  Which of them, therefore, will love you the most?  Simon replied: I suppose he was the one he forgave the most.  He replied: You have judged well.  Turning to the woman, he said to Simon: See this woman?  I went into your house, and you gave me no water for my feet; She did, however, bathe my feet with tears and wipe them with her hair.  You didn't kiss me; she, however, since I entered, has not ceased kissing my feet.  You did not anoint my head with oil, but this one with perfume has anointed my feet.  Therefore, I say to you: Her sins have forgiven her, which are many because she loved so much; but the one whom little is forgiven, loves little.  He said to the woman: Your sins are forgiven.  Those who were with him at the table began to say to themselves: Who is this one who even forgives sins?  But Jesus said to the woman: Your faith has saved you; go in peace.

This parable of Jesus reflects human reality well.  All but the children of God are sinners and must give an account of their failures to the Creator.  Although human sin is like scarlet, there is the possibility of divine forgiveness and mercy.  Would this be possible?  Jesus gives the example of the dedicated woman who goes to great lengths to please him.  So, will it be in the judgment of their debts? Because much is forgiven who really loved.

1.2) Love as renunciation and suffering: In a relationship between friends, relatives, between God and humanity, and between two partners, it is effortless to say that one loves.  Many do not even really know the force of what they really say.  Whom truly loves, cares, is dedicated, accompanies, guides, knows how to demonstrate what she feels at the right moments, she suffers for the other and even renounces her self-love, definitively moving away for the good of the person.  Painful to be made, but necessary in certain cases.  This is illustrated by the surrender of Jesus on the cross for all of us, the parents' renunciation of a rebellious child, a separation between a couple. On these occasions, distance and time teach a lot and solidify the feeling or fall asleep.  However, it will always exist, being true.  To love with delivery, demonstrate how much you love the other.

1.3) Love shown through actions: Well, the saying goes that with good intentions, hell is full.  This applies exactly to love, which must be demonstrated in attitudes.  Give advice, help financially, be a gentleman, embrace, keep secrets, share your goods, cooperate for good, protect your neighbor and give yourself for the other are some examples of this. 

1.4) Not giving up love in the face of disappointment: All the time, in this world, our feelings are put to the test.  Many times, the other does not correspond to the expectations that we create around him/her because when love is strong, it makes us blind.  Then comes a time when it is no longer possible to continue with the relationship, often generating a serious trauma.  The injured person disbelieves in love and loses faith in other people.  Currently, very calm, it is not the end.  There are several reasons to keep living and try to seek happiness.  First, no one is equal to anyone.  Maybe you won't find someone nice (Not perfect) with whom you can share good times.  Happiness must come from the inside out.  A person with values, a belief, a good family base and an occupation is fully capable of being happy on his own.  The other will only be an extension of his fortune.  When we take the Insane decision to be happy the universe conspires for this.  Always remember: "No matter what happens, never give up on yourself."

1.5) Love as a pretext for breaking rules: Most people have been through situations in which the other uses love as an argument to realize certain actions.  For example, in a jealous crisis, hitting, beating, or even killing a rival, cheating to be accepted, stealing to appear rich, preventing the other's freedom, pursuing the end of a relationship, inspecting, and always making a point of your presence. The kind of feeling can be called anything but love, believe me.  According to 1 Cor 13, love is patient, helpful, not envious, not proud, not arrogant.  Does not rejoice with injustice but rejoices with the truth.

1.6) Secret love: Have you ever thought how many people we meet in life?  Not many?  We have social relationships in the family, at work, in our neighborhood and even in our city and neighboring towns.  Other social relationships: Meeting people on trips, virtual friendship on the internet, cell phone, eccentric.  We call this relationship virtual.  In this case, secret love is as healthy as an open one and by discovering it we can experience a unique feeling of bliss.  Happy are those who love and are loved, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

1.7) The steps to reach full love: First, when we meet a person, what calls our attention is the aesthetic or commonly called physical attraction.  At this moment, little is known about the other in terms of taste and values. Those who believe in love at first sight are romantic and idealistic because, in my experience, it is not possible to love someone at first.  Is married or single, customs and if we could get closer, we talk and if we realize that the interest is mutual, contacts are exchanged.  At this stage, there is greater contact between the couple, where we deeply know each other's defects and qualities.  If mutual interest persists, the relationship evolves into an engagement or perhaps even a lasting marriage.  Then yes, when you have two or three years of living together, and we already have enough intimacy with the person, we can say whether we love or not with more firmness and certainty.  This feeling can evolve even more, and it will become a full love.

1.8) Implications of love: Love is a deep and surprising feeling.  It comes from the depths of our soul and blossoms in the natural environment.  This is act of courage, faith, and hope.  One does not choose to love whom, neither when nor where.  It simply happens.  To these blessed creatures, capable of feeling and understanding this sublime feeling, several questions are involved: First, now if you can expect reciprocity or the same intensity in the other, understand that each one is a world and with different perceptions from yours.  Second, love is like a plant, it must be cultivated every day so that it can bear fruit and not die.  Those who love, take care.  Distance can help in some bad moments when each one can think about themselves and their relationship.  When the good times are remembered, it's because the feeling is true.  Expect a lot of difficulties in living together and do not expect to agree or agree on everything with your partner.  To love does not mean the abandonment of your individuality.  Fourth, do not be excessively jealous, let your partner have the freedom