The Corpse in the Waxworks - John Dickson Carr - Hörbuch

The Corpse in the Waxworks Hörbuch

John Dickson Carr


  • Herausgeber: Soundings
  • Kategorie: Krimi
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Last night Mademoiselle Duchêne was seen heading into the Gallery of Horrors at the Musée Augustin waxworks, alive. Today she was found in the Seine, murdered. The museum's proprietor, long perturbed by the unnatural vitality of his figures, claims that he saw one of them following the victim into the dark; a lead that Henri Bencolin, head of the Paris police and expert of impossible crimes, cannot resist. Surrounded by the eerie noises of the night, Bencolin prepares to enter the ill-fated waxworks. Waiting within, beneath the glass-eyed gaze of a leering waxen satyr, is a gruesome discovery and the first clues of a twisted and ingenious mystery. First published in 1932 at the height of crime fiction's Golden Age, this macabre and atmospheric dive into the murky underground of Parisian society presents a puzzle delivered at a stunning pace.

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Zeit:9 Std. 9 min

Sprecher:John Telfer
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