The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee - Tristan Stephenson - E-Book

The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee E-Book

Tristan Stephenson



The definitive guide to the extraordinary world of coffee from growing and roasting to brewing and serving the perfect cup. This is the ultimate guide to the history, science and cultural influence of coffee according to coffee aficionado and master storyteller Tristan Stephenson. You'll explore the origins of coffee, the rise of the coffee house and the evolution of the café before discovering the varieties of coffee, and the alchemy responsible for transforming a humble bean into the world's most popular drink. You'll learn how to roast coffee at home in the fascinating Roasting section before delving into the Science and Flavour of Coffee and finding out how sweetness, bitterness, acidity and aroma all come together. You'll then get to grips with grinding before learning about the history of the espresso machine and how to make the perfect espresso in the Espresso chapter. Discover how espresso and milk are a match made in heaven, yielding such treasures as the Latte, Cappuccino, Flat white and Macchiato; you'll also find out how to pour your own Latte art. Other Brewing Methods features step-by-step guides to classic brewing techniques to bring the coffee to your table, from a Moka pot and a French press to Aeropress and Siphon brewing. Finally, why not treat yourself to one of Tristan's expertly concocted recipes. From an Espresso Martini to a Pumpkin Spice Latte and Coffee Liqueur to Butter Coffee, this really is the essential anthology for the coffee enthusiast.

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First published in 2015 by

Ryland Peters & Small

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Text © Tristan Stephenson 2015

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© Ryland Peters & Small 2015

See page 192 for full photographic credits.

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e-ISBN: 978-1-84975-908-3

ISBN: 978-1-84975-563-4

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Note: the metric system is often favoured by coffee enthusiasts because it is more accurate when it comes to precision measurement, but imperial measurements are also provided in this book. Purchasing a set of digital scales is recommended to ensure accuracy.

















For a lot of people, a cup of coffee need only be something of passable quality and sufficient heat that delivers the expected caffeine kick. The daily grind of life becomes a more evenly matched contest when there’s a mug of coffee at your side or a paper cup of it in your hand. I can’t deny that I’ve enjoyed the energizing effects of caffeine, and it’s certainly questionable whether this book would have been completed without it!

The adoption of Italian espresso culture over the past 60 years has awarded the humble cup of joe with a refreshing new makeover, transforming coffee into something evocative, aspirational and sexy, while at the same time asking even the most macho of men to embrace fashionable Continental terms like ‘macchiato’. The espresso bar has, in turn, paved the way for the rise of the now ubiquitous American style chain-café which, these days, stands as a cultural middle ground between home and work, relaxation and concentration, comfort and functionality… oh, and they sell coffee, too.

We are now seeing a new wave of qualityfocused coffee shops that aim to pique our curiosity and satisfy our desire for a delicious drink, and, for a growing number of people, a good coffee is becoming much more than a simple agent of stimulation. We are beginning to recognize that coffee can contain a wealth of appreciable and sometimes unexpected flavours, but also that those who make good coffee are worthy of the same degree of recognition that any other complex culinary field would warrant. These baristas carry an air of quiet erudition about them as the new breed of coffee shop aspires to engage its customers in earnest dialogue over such things as coffee origin, roast style and brewing method.

The plethora of flavours and aromas that a cup of coffee can offer has, in turn, inspired us to dig deeper, and we are beginning to discover the fact that a great cup of coffee has a story behind it, too. The history of coffee’s ascent to prominence is part of that, but also the physical journey of a cup of coffee and the concerted efforts of numerous people across various parts of the world. Recognizing the fragility of this journey, coupled with the occasional glimpses of liquid perfection as every element comes together, is what makes some of these moments exploring coffee very special indeed.

We live in a time where our raw and roasted coffee has never tasted better, and the individuals who are driving its quality and success forward have never been more empowered. The coffee trade is more transparent than ever and delicious speciality coffee is easily obtainable. This book explores how coffee has reached this stage of development, the processes that it takes to get to us, why it tastes the way it does, and the considerations and practices that go into brewing amazing coffee drinks.


The first section of this book documents coffee’s extraordinary history. It’s fair to say that coffee has influenced the world we live in, having played its part in politics, economics, philosophy and technology for over 500 years and continuing to fuel the thoughts of the great thinkers of the modern era. Books like this one only exist as a result of the things that have come before, and when writing this book I found myself taking time out from all the scientific geekery of brewing delicious drinks, and grounding myself in a piece of history from coffee’s turbulent past.

The next chunk of the book covers all things concerning the production of coffee. This takes us from tropical farms, through to the processing of coffee cherries and on to the multifarious art of coffee roasting. All the stages of coffee production are necessary practical steps towards creating a physical cup of coffee, but within that they each harbour idiosyncrasies in the form of practices or methods, derived either from trial and error or tradition, which through scientific understanding can now be manipulated and exploited to great effect. Each of these factors combines and culminates in the coffee that you’re sipping on now, whether it’s a sad and lifeless cup of instant or the finest speciality coffee brewed to perfection. In this section, I also endeavour to explore some of the science of coffee flavour, while looking into such things as caffeine, water and the physics and chemistry of extracting flavour from ground coffee.

The following part of the book is about grinding and brewing (the latter is split into three chapters: espresso, espresso-based drinks and other brewing methods). We start with the different grind sizes and the impact on the resulting cup of coffee. From there, we move on to the vast array of brewing paraphernalia available to the modern barista, each unique in its approach towards separating brewed coffee from spent coffee grounds, and each unique in its ability to cast light on the numerous contours of coffee’s character.

The final section in the main part of the book includes a range of coffee-based drinks that I have developed over the years. Some are original creations, and others are based on food and drink that you are very likely familiar with – albeit with a twist. These recipes are diverse, but the one thing that they have in common is the celebration of coffee flavour.

At the rear of the book, I’ve included an appendix, split into two parts. The first is an exploration of 40 coffee-producing countries, with a concise description of their respective histories, the size of their operations and the style and quality of some of their most exciting coffees. The second part focuses on a dozen different varieties of coffee, along with their respective features and merits. Just like grapes in wine, specific varieties produce a range of different-looking coffee beans that go on to produce quite different-tasting cups of coffee.



Just like the human race, coffee’s origins can be traced to Ethiopia. Who’d have thought that the legendary discovery of a humble goatherder would have gone on to lead to the formation of nations, revolutions and pioneering scientific inventions. Don’t believe me? Pour yourself a cup and read on...

It may be pure chance that coffee arrived in what we know now as the Middle East at the dawn of an unprecedented period of learning and enlightenment in the 9th and 10th centuries. It could also be a coincidence that in the 1,000 years that followed, on more than a few occasions, the cultural discovery of coffee preceded a sharp ascent to global power: from Ottoman, to British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and American.

It’s probably also a coincidence that coffee-drinking establishments have, time, and time again, fertilized new ways of thinking, challenged class systems and fostered learning and debate. Indeed, some of the greatest names in history lived in a space and time surrounded by coffee-drinking culture, and sipped on more than a few cups themselves – from Isaac Newton, to Beethoven, Napoleon and even Steve Jobs. In some instances, the influence of coffee and coffee houses has sparked some of history’s most significant revolutions, civil wars and uprisings. Coincidence perhaps, but plausible enough that religious leaders, kings and politicians have smelled the coffee, pointed the finger, and in some cases even banned the bean altogether.

Coffee has only been consumed in Europe in the last four centuries. It only crossed the Atlantic to the New World a mere 300 years ago. And yet, in that time, it has been responsible for the formation of nations, the perpetuation of slavery, the creation of media platforms and the incarnation of massive trading conglomerates, and established financial institutions that are intrinsic to our global economic infrastructure. Its legacy has seeped into many aspects of our lives, not least politics, journalism, science and literature.


Our journey begins in Ethiopia. While it is generally accepted that Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, it’s quite likely that it was simply the first place that the crop truly flourished after spreading from the Sudan. Exactly when its leaves, cherries, or beans were first consumed is a mystery, though. What we do know is that around 2,000 years ago, the nomadic Oromos tribe, living in the kingdom of Kefa (in modern-day Ethiopia), were known to have moulded the leaves and fruit of the coffee tree into a kind of cake that could be sucked and chewed on – rather like a caffeinated chewing gum – giving them a temporary boost of energy. Later evidence is rather circumstantial, however. In the 5th century AD, the Kingdom of Aksum ruled northern Ethiopia and parts of southern Egypt, and at this time, Aksum was doing a roaring trade with the Roman Empire, but, alas, there’s no record of a Roman ever drinking a cup of coffee…

It’s possible that coffee was planted in the kingdom of Himyar (now part of modern-day Yemen) shortly after the Kingdom of Aksum had invaded. Failing that, the 7th century saw plenty more interaction between the people of Ethiopia and Yemen, on both a political and intellectual level. It also saw the rise of Islam – much to coffee’s benefit. Some time later, the Arab trading routes from Yemen, namely the port of Mokha, became responsible for coffee’s domination of the Middle East.

The legendary tale of coffee’s discovery is worthy of a mention, though. The story goes that it was first discovered by a young Ethiopian goatherder called Kaldi. This story, more than any other, has stuck because it’s cute, vaguely believable, and open to a touch of embellishment. Kaldi was tending to his herd one evening when he noticed that they exhibited a certain friskiness after nibbling on the leaves and red cherries of a particular tree. Confused, and a more than a little intrigued, Kaldi tried the fruit for himself. The effect was almost immediate – he felt energized, motivated and alert. Kaldi had discovered caffeine, the most widely consumed drug in the world today. What happened next is open to debate; some say Kaldi took the fruit and leaves to elders, or religious men nearby, while others say that the influence of coffee made Kaldi rather ‘attached’ to his herd.

In time, Yemen developed its own story of the discovery of coffee, which tells a tale of a man called Omar who was condemned to die outside Mokha’s city walls. During his wanderings in the wilderness, Omar found a coffee tree and ate its fruit, which gave him the energy he required to return to the city. His survival was seen as a blessing, and so too was the discovery of the coffee plant, which subsequently became the beverage of choice for the residents of Mokha. The Arabs called the drink qwaha (the Arab word for wine), and since Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee was probably about as close as they were likely to get to a bottle of plonk.


Coffee spread with Islam, as it was commonly used in the performance of religious ceremonies to assist with all-night prayer sessions. It was probably at some point during this time, while Europe was wallowing in the Dark Ages, that the seeds (beans) of the coffee plant were first dried, roasted and ground up to make the first cup recognizable by today’s standards.

Coffee became an important trading commodity for Arab nations, with the world’s first coffee houses probably popping up in Yemen by the end of the 15th century. But following a trend that was destined to repeat itself, some leaders took a disliking to the stimulation that coffee granted their subjects. In 1511, Mecca’s governor, Kha’ir Beg, presented a pot of coffee to a council of legal experts and literally put it on trial for purportedly ‘making people drunk, or at least dispos’d them to commit disorders forbidden by the Law’. He was successful, too – coffee was burned in the streets and coffee houses were forced to cease trading the drink. The ruling was revoked only a few months later, by orders from higher up the chain of command, but over the following 200 years, similar decrees were made, then subsequently revoked, by sultans, governors, kings and authorities of other Arab regions and beyond.

A 19th-century painting of three noblewomen (and a child) enjoying a pot of coffee in one of Bethlehem’s coffee houses.

Once the Ottoman Turks took control of Yemen in 1517, they recognized how valuable a commodity coffee was, and passed strict laws on how coffee was exported, the aim being to reduce the risk of coffee being grown anywhere outside of Yemen. Coffee cherries had to be first steeped in boiling water, or partially roasted before being shipped to Suez, then overland to Alexandria for trading with European ports. This worked for a while, but inevitably someone managed to sneak some seeds out (by taping them to his stomach, so the story goes) and they were successfully cultivated in India.

There were mentions of coffee in European literature towards the end of the 16th century, and the first illustration of the plant appeared in Prosper Alpin’s Book of Egyptian Plants (1592). Alpin even mused that the Turks used the berries to make a ‘decoction or drinke’. Further interest in the exotic plant and the Turkish drink that it made was recounted by the Dutch physician known as Paludanus in his Itinerario (1596):

‘This drinke they take every morning fasting in their chambers, out of an earthen pot, being verie hote [...] and they say it strengtheneth and maketh them warme, breaketh wind, and openeth any stopping.’

In 1610 Constantinople (present day Istanbul), the gem in the crown of the Ottoman empire, was the largest and richest city in the world. At the time, the most popular drink was called Coffa, ‘black as soote, and tasting not much unlike it’. The strange practices of the powerful Ottoman empire piqued the curiosity of the Europeans. Here, after all, was one of the largest empires that had ever existed, stretching from Northern Africa to Eastern Europe, and at the height of its power right up to the gates of Vienna. The Coffa plant and its fruit became a subject of great interest for European botanists and physicians, but the benefits of drinking coffee piqued the curiosity of nearly everyone.

Coffee has always been a social drink, as this 1870 illustration of an Arabian coffee house portrays.


By the early 1600s, the coffee bean had made its way to British shores and in 1652 the first European coffee house opened in London. Pasqua Rosee’s coffee house was actually more of a stall, located in the churchyard of St Michael’s, just off London's bustling Cornhill. Rosee was thought to have been born early in the 17th century in Sicily. A shrewd businessman, he teamed up with Christopher Bowman, a freeman of the City of London, in order to appease the resistance of local alehouse owners to an outsider. The store was a big hit, and as the benefits of this magical drink became apparent (‘good after-relish’ and ‘breaking of wind in abundance’ were two ways that it was described) the stall soon became a large house, as it relocated across the road.

Coffee shops popped up in London like toadstools in the night. A mere ten years after Rosee’s shop served its first cup, there were thought to be nearly 100 ‘coffee men’ in London, with coffee houses also opening in Oxford and Cambridge. By the turn of the 18th century, some estimated the number at more than 1,000.

Coffee was the great soberer in a time where breakfast consisted of a small beer and when two pennies would get you extremely drunk. It was the antidote to alcohol’s generally debilitating effects, including the numbing of the senses and propensity to lead to toxic daytime brawls. This Turkish drink stimulated the mind, provoked discussion, ritualized debate, and encouraged rational enquiry on all manner of topics between like-minded people. As one anonymous English poem from 1674 put it, coffee was, ‘...that grave and wholesome liquor, that heals the stomach, makes the Genius quicker, Relieves the memory, revives the sad, and cheers the spirits, without making mad.’

Seats could not be reserved in a coffee house, there were no class prejudices, and besides women no one would be refused entrance. Here, merchants, politicians, lobbyists, intellectuals, scientists, journalists, scholars, poets and common men alike all took seats, sometimes to discuss business, but most of the time simply to enjoy a coffee and partake in the discourse and debate of their chosen subject, all to the ‘rattling noise of Kettle, Skimmers and Ladles among the Braziers’.

John Starky’s A Character of Coffee and Coffee-Houses (1661) eloquently summarizes the situation:

‘Here is no respect of persons. Boldly therefor let any person, who comes to drink Coffee sit down in the very Chair, for here a Seat is to be given to no man. That great privilege of equality is only peculiar to the Golden Age, and to a Coffee-house.’

Coffee houses were ideal places to chew the political fat, too, which could, and probably did, include talk of dissent and treason. Charles II (1660–85) of England placed spies in the London’s coffee shops then attempted to ban the establishments altogether, claiming in a proclamation issued on 29th December 1675 that they caused men to, ‘mis-spend much of their time, which might and probably would otherwise by imployed in and about their Lawful Callings and Affairs.’ The bill was never passed, however, thanks to appeals from coffee men and politicians alike.

The interior of an early London coffee house shows a room that is buzzing with activity.

By the end of the 17th century, some London coffee shops had started to become referred to as ‘penny universities’. They became a breeding ground for new ways of scientific thinking, an incubator for hypotheses and theories, and sometimes even a staging ground for what were termed ‘natural philosophy’ demonstrations and experiments.

Since many coffee houses specialized in specific fields of business, news, arts, discussion or learning, it was shops such as the Grecian, Marine and Garraways that the likes of Christopher Wren (the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral) and the English scientist Robert Hooke would visit. The Marine also became the stage for James Hodgson, one of London’s earliest celebrity scientists. Isaac Newton’s eponymous work, Principia, in which he shared his gravity theory for the first time, was published in 1687, and some would say, had more to do with his local Cambridge coffee house than it did with fallen apples.

The Scottish academic Adam Smith wrote a large part of what is perhaps the most important piece of literature concerning economics and finance of any time – The Wealth of Nations – in the British Coffee Shop in London. Coffee houses like the British Coffee Shop functioned as common rooms in which to discuss the topics of trade and commerce, where a network of runners could rapidly disseminate stock-sensitive news from the colonies among all the relevant coffee shops. Jonathan’s coffee shop was one such coffee hangout that became a popular alternative trading post to the Royal Exchange when strict protocols were enforced by the crown. Almost 100 years later, in 1773, a group of traders broke away and established a new coffee shop, called New Jonathan’s. That name lasted only a short time, however, and it became known as the Stock Exchange (now known as the London Stock Exchange).

Dishes of coffee adorn the table of this 17th-century English coffee house.

One of the world’s largest insurance brokers, Lloyds of London, also started life as a coffee shop, and even today the porters who work there are referred to as waiters. Well-known publications such as The Spectator, The Guardian and Tatler were either directly birthed from or heavily influenced by the coffee shop, too. News and commentary that would previously have only been the preserve of the higher social ranks was suddenly available to the masses. Tatler, when it first launched in 1709, even had section headers named after prominent London coffee shops.

And what of the coffee itself? Not so good, it seems. In his 1661 book, A Character of Coffee and Coffee Houses, John Starky colourfully describes the drinks he received with such phrases as ‘boiled soot’, ‘made with the scent of old crusts’, and I have seen other references to ‘horse pond liquor’, and ‘hot hell-broth’. Most coffee houses roasted their own, of course, and given the above descriptions it is fair to say they may have been on the darker side, but it’s likely that questionable brewing methods, adopted from Ottoman practices, where coffee is repeatedly boiled, is the cause for the strongly brewed and bitter brews that most shops served. Some 17th-century recipes even recommended using water that has been previously boiled for 15 minutes with old coffee grounds to season it. The appearance of the drink perhaps took greater precedence over its flavour and some shop owners experimented with elaborate filtration techniques, using egg whites and isinglass (a substance extracted from the swim bladders of fish) in an attempt to clarify their brews and remove some of the sludge. It was also commonplace to brew all the coffee in the morning, then reheat it to order throughout the day, which is another practice that would have done no favour for the flavour.

Paris' first coffee house opened in 1672, 20 years after London, with some sources even suggesting that the our old friend Pasqua Rosée was involved in its conception. Virtually all traces of its existence appear to have been lost to time, unfortunately. This contrasts with Café Procope, which was established in 1686, and became a famous meeting place of the French Enlightenment; Rousseau, Diderot and Voltaire frequented it. Indeed, Voltaire, who was rumoured to have consumed 40 cups of coffee a day, arguably conceived his Encyclopédie, the world's first modern encyclopedia at Café Procope. Two of America’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, were also known to meet at Café Procope, which still exists today, incidentally.

Another popular Parisian coffee house, Café de Foy, was the stage for the rallying cry that started the French Revolution. Under the watchful eyes of police spies, while standing on a table brandishing a pistol, Camille Desmoulins roused his countrymen with his historic appeal ‘Aux armes, citoyens!’ on 12th July 1789. The Bastille fell two days later, and the French Revolution had begun.

Although it was irrefutably London that was hit hardest by the coffee-house bug, most European cities had at least one coffee house by the close of the 1670s and the first American shop was opened in Boston in 1671. New York had to wait another 25 years to get its first, which was opened by a British immigrant on South Broadway.

Coffee became a revolutionary drink in 1789, when Camille Desmoulins leaped onto a table at Café de Foy in Paris to exhort his comrades to arms.


At the beginning of the 18th century, coffee consumption in Europe was higher than it have ever been and European nations were becoming increasingly nervous about their reliance on coffee shipped from Mokha through the trading port of Venice. The Dutch were the first to take action when they successfully cultivated seedlings in India’s Malabar region and in Dutch Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and then in 1699 took some seedlings to Batavia (the former name of the present-day capital, Jakarta) in Java. Around a decade later, 360 kg/800 lbs of Dutch-grown Java coffee arrived in Amsterdam and sold for a very high price. The Arab monopoly on coffee had been broken, and before too long, the Dutch megacorporation known as the VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie), was shipping over half of all the coffee consumed in Europe from its colonial ports in Java, a city that would forever be synonymous with coffee.

Around the same time that the Dutch began growing coffee in Indonesia the French took small trees to the island of Bourbon (now known as Réunion), which lies 800 km/500 miles east of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean. Some reports suggest that these trees came from Java, while others suggest that they were a gift from a Yemeni Sultan; other reports even claim that coffee was indigenous to the island. However it got there, it was a pivotal moment in the development of coffee as we know it today, because the tree mutated into a new variety that later became known as bourbon.

Bourbon varieties produce around 20 per cent more fruit than typical varieties (see page 24), and when one French official visited Bourbon in 1711 he found ‘wild coffee trees, of a height of ten to twelve feet, fill of fruit’. It took another 150 years before the variety was planted in Brazil, but thanks to the clean acidity and balance that bourbon varieties exhibited – of which there are now nearly two dozen including mutations and hybrids – they are among the most highly respected in the world today.

Gabriel de Clieu famously sharing water rations with his precious coffee sapling during the long voyage across the Atlantic in 1720.

The Netherlands was also probably the first nation to cultivate coffee in the West Indies, having sent plants to its Surinam colony in the Guianas (in north-eastern South America) as early as 1713. The more popular legend of coffee’s arrival in the Americas occurred seven years later, however, in 1720, when Gabriel de Clieu, a captain in the French navy, transported a single coffee plant across the Atlantic. The story of the escapade is detailed in his personal account, Année littéraire, published in 1774. If de Clieu is to believed (or even if not, for that matter) then Hollywood is surely missing a trick, as it turns out to be a tale of blockbuster proportions.

De Clieu correctly determined that coffee would grow just fine in any region where sugarcane flourished, so the French island of Martinique was a sure bet. However, our hero didn’t own a coffee plant himself and would first need to acquire one. The slight hitch was that at the time there was only one known example in all of France – a gift from the Mayor of Amsterdam to King Louis XIV – and it was contained within the greenhouses of the French royal gardens. De Clieu used his good looks and charm to seduce a local 'lady of good quality' and persuaded her to court one of the royal physicians. His arm sufficiently twisted, the physician stole the plant from the greenhouse and gave it to de Clieu.

Wasting no time, de Clieu secreted himself and his prize (safely contained within a terrarium of his own making) aboard a French navy ship destined for Martinique. What perils genuinely befell him will remain a mystery, but according to his account he safeguarded his plant through storms, attack by Tunisian pirates, attempted theft by a Dutch spy (who apparently manage to rip a few leaves off the plant), starvation, sea monsters, and much more besides. For some weeks during the voyage, the rationing of drinking water was in effect and de Clieu was even forced to share his ration with his beloved sapling. None of it was in vain, though, as de Clieu successfully planted the tree on Martinique and seeded new plants. The numbers vary wildly, but one count of coffee trees on the island a mere nine years later totalled around 3 million.

Following the success on Martinique, other French islands took cuttings or were gifted coffee seedlings. Coffee plantations around the Caribbean and central America grew at an exponential rate. Coffee hit Colombia in 1723, Brazil in 1727 – allegedly smuggled in a bouquet of flowers that was gifted from the wife of the governor of French Guyana to a Brazilian lieutenant-colonel – Jamaica in 1728, Venezuela in 1730, Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 1735, Guatemala in 1747 and Cuba in 1748.

By 1780, San Domingo in Haiti provided no less than half of the world’s supply of coffee. Virtually all the coffee in the Americas, and indeed nearly all the coffee in commercial production at the time, could trace its lineage to a single tree planted in the conservatory of King Louis XIV in 1713.


The development of sugar beet as an alternative to sugarcane in the early 1800s caused the price of that most reliable of new world crops to plummet. Demand for coffee in Europe remained on the increase, however, so many of the colonies in Central and South America ramped up production and provided a ready supply of green beans. If the events of the Boston Tea Party on 6th December 1773 wasn’t enough to get America drinking coffee, the War of 1812, which temporarily cut off tea shipments as well as seeing America adopt all things French, including coffee, was enough to secure coffee as the national drink.

No one gained more from this than Brazil, where coffee was seen less as agriculture and more as industry – an approach that remains largely in place even today. Huge swathes of land in the Paraíba River area, near the city of Rio de Janeiro, were swallowed up to coffee plantations, employing the efforts of entire legions of slaves and lining the pockets of the super-rich coffee barons. By 1920, Brazil claimed up to 80 per cent of the world’s coffee supply; today it is around 35 per cent.

Unfortunately the themes of slavery, inequality and capitalism were not unique to Brazilian coffee history. The passage of this black gold through the 19th and 20th centuries sees, time and time again, the interference of the Europeans and later on the Americans, who leveraged their economic might to quietly manipulate or brashly and unashamedly bend a coffee-producing nation to their will. For many of these countries, coffee became a ball and chain that bridled them in their early developmental stages, and served only to fulfil the needs of wealthy western nations. In many African coffee-producing countries, colonialism, mostly under the British and Belgians, crippled and constricted development. The likes of Kenya and Malawi had no ownership or control over their farms, but things were even worse in Burundi where, in 1933, every farmer in the Belgian- controlled central African nation was forced to grow a minimum of 50 coffee trees.

Even when decolonization began after World War II, many of the world’s coffee-producing countries continued to struggle through civil uprising, social upheaval, economic depression, political instability and foreign trade embargoes, not to mention coffee leaf rust (see page 28), coffee market instability and drought. And in far too many cases the newly installed governments of these damaged nations were no better than the ones that had come before. The stories of such acts make for depressing reading, such as the indigenous families of Guatemala who were displaced from their land to make way for coffee plantations, or the indigo farmers of El Salvador who received little or no compensation when their smallholdings were seized by the state to grow coffee.

China is famous for its tea-drinking, but even this backstreet in Chengdu has not escaped the Starbucks treatment.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom, of course, but squeaky-clean success stories are few and far between. In Central America, it is Costa Rica that stands as the pin-up coffee nation, and this is partly thanks to a government that has, for almost 200 years, gently encouraged its citizens to grow coffee – at one time they even gave away coffee seeds and land for free!

In general, the 20th century saw a continuous rise in demand for coffee. Coffee consumption in the US grew more or less every year, reaching a peak in 1946, when the average American was consuming nearly 1 kg/2.2 lbs a month – twice that of the figures for 1900. The popularity of instant soluble coffee has increased American imports, and this in turn drove the market for cheaper robusta coffee (see page 24), which has helped put coffee-producing countries like Vietnam on the map.

Prior to the introduction of instant coffee, the past 200 years has seen the dynamic between green coffee and the consumer change significantly. Coffee began as an exotic drink that was served to people who visited coffee houses, before evolving into something that was both roasted and brewed in the family home. The shift to buying pre-roasted coffee took much longer than it probably should have and this was largely down to (quite rightly) consumer fear about shady counterfeit coffee, made from chicory, peas, corn… pretty much anything. An important law was passed in Germany in 1875 that forbade the sale of ‘substitute’ coffee beans marketed as coffee. Counterfeit and adulterated coffee had been blighting the German market for some time, with one journal for housewives, published in 1845, advising women to wash their coffee beans before grinding to check if ink leaches out. The new legislation did great things for consumer faith in off-the-shelf roasted coffee though, rapidly killing off the home-roasting tradition, while hugely increasing demand for commercially roasted coffee.

The average mid-20th century coffee consumer was furnished with much more information than most of us are today, as this advertisement for Chase & Sanborn Coffee shows.

It might seem hypocritical to celebrate the death of home roasting in a book that teaches you how to roast at home (see pages 58–59) but I think it goes without saying that things have moved on since then. It’s important to note, though, that Germany was perhaps more ahead of the time that any other nation in creating a stable commercial coffee roasting industry with quality at its core, which goes some way towards explaining why German coffee roasters are the most sought after.


For most of the world it has been the rise of espresso drinking culture that has driven coffee consumption outside of the home over the past 50 years. In Europe, the Italians did an exceptional job of arousing a sense of romance and passion in us when it comes to the no-longer-so-simple act of drinking a cup of coffee. Espresso bars first appeared in the 1950s, in London, Melbourne, Wellington and San Francisco, and were initially perceived by many as fake, showy, overly-stylized and downright weird. The sociologist, Richard Hobbart described that atmosphere of one London espresso bar in 1957 as ‘spiritual dry-rot amid the odour of boiled milk’. Those that frequented such establishments tended to be of the younger generation and were labelled by their elders as ‘wild, sexually promiscuous and irresponsible’ – although this seems a common complaint between one generation and the next. It seems plausible to me that those who were embracing the espresso bar were experiencing a taste of not just a new type of coffee, but also of the enlightenment and liberation that had been granted to those who frequented the coffee houses of the 17th century.

Over the decades that followed, the knee-jerk reaction that had initially fought to culturally fendoff the espresso bar slackened into an embrace, as all things Continental became a badge of honour. The espresso machine became an icon of modernity in its time, and remains a powerful statement of well-cultured taste even today.

But the truly authentic espresso bar, as Continentally quintessential as it may sound – where a 60-second visit grants one enough time to order, demolish, and pay for a drink without even taking a seat – has never truly found traction outside of Italy. It has been softened and adapted to meet the standards of the working-class man, business executive and lady who lunches (among many others) alike. In many respects the Italian roots of espresso have paled over the past 20 years, only to be replaced by a new style of coffee appreciation that, rather alarmingly, has little to do with actual coffee (although they would have you believe otherwise).

Growth of the American-style coffee chain, born out of the West Coast anti-establishment and wholefood movement of the late 1960s, still pushes on, and the likes of Starbucks now adorn not only the towns and cities of the western world, but the rest of the world, too. The commercialization of ‘milk and sugar coffee’ has in fact reached such a point of ubiquity that, some would say, the cities of our world are quickly becoming carbon copies of one another, with the same inescapable shop fronts (and café interiors) wherever you go – ironic, given the motivations behind their humble origins.

This kind of success doesn’t come without being popular, however, which means that, for many of us, the prevalence of such places is a positive thing. The most obvious reason for this is the function that they serve as a ‘third place’ between work and home: one which is reliable, unchanging and accessible wherever you are. While some of the individuality may be lost in these chains, in many respects they are the same as those of the 17th century, acutely aware of and cleverly balancing the dual purpose of being both a place that coffee can be enjoyed and somewhere where higher cultural values can be appreciated. Think about it: a seat in Starbucks grants one access to a forum for any kind of discussion, limitless creative space, research tools for the sciences and arts, media libraries and cutting edge news – all you need is a laptop and a WiFi password. Coffee is optional, as the Starbucks’ logo would attest to; once proudly stating ‘Starbucks Coffee’, it now makes no mention coffee at all.

One major development of the past 20 years is how discerning in our ordering rituals we have become. The element of choice in a café has become a expressive device with which we can communicate personal taste and product understanding in an otherwise homogenized high-street environment. The coffee menu at a typical chain store offers maybe six varieties of drink, four types of milk, two or three espresso sizes, half-a-dozen flavoured sauces and three beverage sizes, totalling well over 1,000 different permutations. The trick is in the demystifying design of the menu, which seeks to process and output our order as rapidly as possible. Of course our decision is more often made before we even walk in, but even when some deliberation occurs, it is surprising how rapidly we can trim 1,000 options down to a single order.

And now it is the notion of removing choice – which only a short time ago was celebrated by the world’s best cafés – that defines the new wave of quality-driven hipster hangouts. In these minimalist inner-city sanctuaries, we see the counter-culture movement once again partnering with coffee, where quality, knowledge and attention to detail are the overriding themes (sometimes at the sacrifice of good service) and excellent coffee the backbone. Many of these cafés hold their product in such high regard that they will roast their own coffee, directing consumer decision-making specifically to the brew method and the origin and processing method of the coffee. In most instances, it is expertise of the barista in which we place our trust, which broadens the dynamic further. In this way the entire concept of a cup of coffee evolves from being an indulgent treat, caffeinated pick-me-up or expression of individuality, into a beverage that contains all the nuance and refinement of a fine wine or gourmet steak, naturally drawing attention to our apparent appreciation of such things in the action of drinking it.

Where cafés will go next is difficult to say, but it will no doubt be beneficial to everyone. Certainly it would appear that the large chains are becoming increasingly influenced by the focus on provenance and traceability of the smaller, craft-focused independents; improvements among the large chains in the areas of training and quality should follow. If I were putting my neck on the line, I would argue that many of the independents could learn a lot from the customer service standards of some of the chains, especially in the US. Some cutting-edge coffee shops have succumbed to a certain elitist attitude, validated by their belief in their own superiority through the acquisition of coffee knowledge, which can come across stand-offish – ‘You want the golden-honey pacamara brewed in siphon?!’ – or just plain rude. I hope to see this weeded out in the coming years.

Craft, transparency and skinny jeans are the three pillars that support the new wave of cafés.




Coffee grows on trees – coffee trees. It may seem like an obvious distinction, but one that is worth making. All coffee trees belong to the Rubiaceae family of flowering plants, and more specifically, the Coffea genus, which currently encompasses over 120 individual species of plant, ranging from small shrubs to 18-m/60-ft high trees. Coffea species grow wild across various parts of the tropics and new species continue to be discovered. Strictly speaking, only two species of the Coffea genus are actually cultivated for coffee production: Coffea Arabica (arabica) and Coffea Canephora