The Heroic Legends Series - Bêlit: Shipwrecked - V. Castro - E-Book

The Heroic Legends Series - Bêlit: Shipwrecked E-Book

V. Castro



Capturing the electric short fiction energy that led Robert E. Howard to be one of the top fantasy writers of the century, with exclusive serialized eBook stories starring Conan, Solomon Kane, and more by many of today's top writers in fantasy and sword-and-sorcery. Queen of the Black Coast and captain of the Tigress, Bêlit, and her pirate crew roam the seas in pursuit of treasure and adventure. The crew are utterly devoted to their leader, yet they can do little when a massive storm beaches their ship on unknown shores. She and her first mate Seneka send a trio of teams to search for resources and human habitation, but only two return. When Bêlit and her best swordsmen venture into the jungle, they discover a temple, silent warriors, and a charismatic leader who promises Bêlit a kingdom… But at what cost?

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Seitenzahl: 49

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Bêlit: Shipwrecked

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E-book edition ISBN: 9781803366388

Published by Titan Books

A division of Titan Publishing Group Ltd 144

Southwark St, London SE1 0UP

First edition: February 2024

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead (except for satirical purposes), is entirely coincidental.

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V. Castro asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

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The storm had the ferocity of a creature conjured in the depths of Hades. Her angry claws punched all corners of Bêlit’s ship, the Tigress. One sail had been torn from the mast when the storm began, and the others threatened to fly away as well.

The entire ship groaned from the battering. Bêlit stood near the helm wearing her most prized jewels as saltwater and rain drenched her body. The black charcoal that rimmed her burning obsidian eyes ran down her pale skin, making her truly look like the demon her reputation made her out to be. There had been storms before, but none like this. She cursed the sky then looked toward her crew, who had no choice but to stay the course and keep her alive.

“Anyone abandoning their station will be hung from the mast!” she shouted.

“Aye, Captain! Your presence gives us strength!” they echoed back to her.

She turned to return to her cabin. The walls were bare—all the hanging items were strewn across the wet floor, where they now floated on rising waters. From outside came the screams from those taken overboard. Her entire crew had to remain at their positions no matter the cost. Their loyalty ensured they would. Bêlit wondered for a moment if this was the end. For all the ferocity and obedience her crew possessed, they were at the mercy of the sea. If they all died, she would simply find more. This couldn’t be the way it ended for her. The gods would be stupid to do such a thing.

Seneka, her first mate, held onto wooden rails along the wall of her cabin. His shoulder-length brown hair dripped with saltwater. Irreplaceable maps were tucked beneath his tunic as he sought to keep them as dry as possible. Their elephant-bladder-stitched casing would offer some protection. The only other possessions on him were his beloved hurling ax and poison dart atl. As skilled as he was with them, however, they were useless in this battle.

He gave her a look of surrender and held out his hand to help her to the railing then moved to block the door to the cabin with his body to prevent more water from spilling inside. Bêlit returned his gaze, but with a twinkle of defiance still in her dark eyes. A mere storm would not end her life. Death would have to work harder than this, as it had tried to claim her before. No, her lust for life was always stronger.

“It is not enough, but may my body be enough to protect you, my captain. It has been an honor to serve you,” he said with arms outstretched, and touched the walls.

She gave him a nod. Five solid years they had travelled together with the current crew, along the Black Coast. In that time they had gathered more treasure than most freebooters could imagine possible. Bêlit could easily retire to some coastal town in Shem, if she wished, as a wealthy landowner, perhaps a warlord. They had hidden more wealth than she could spend in a lifetime, but it wasn’t just about the treasure.

Bêlit sailed for the freedom and excitement of adventure. She had no master, and commanded the ship as she saw fit. If any of the crew had a problem with it, they would be tied to the back of the ship with a rope and dragged until they drowned. The body would be brought onto the deck for all to see. Luckily, for them, their fealty had proven stronger than their desire to leave her command. There were also no doors for possible suitors to come knocking at. She was a woman with whom no man or woman dared trifle. If she wanted someone, she would have them. Who wouldn’t be grateful for a night with her?