The Impact of McCarthyism within the United States Government - Hon Opande Imelda - E-Book

The Impact of McCarthyism within the United States Government E-Book

Hon Opande Imelda

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Essay aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Geschichte - Amerika, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: After World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States spread two different economic ideologies that were aimed at increasing their power across the globe. The United States was used to controlling the globe’s economy. The move by the Soviet Union to spread communism was seen as direct competition. The fear of communism had been spread during the Red Scare period, making American’s to fear the infiltration of the country by communists. During the 1950’s, Joseph McCarthy who was then the Wisconsin senator led a purge to expose those who were considered domestic communist and their sympathizers. The senator used wild allegations to show that there were communists inside the American government who were working from within to take it down. McCarthyism had wide effect on America, especially within the government. McCarthyism led to increased suspicions and fear within the government, abolition of the communist party and increased tension between America and communist allied nations.

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