The Incestuous Bed: Taboo Erotica - Madelyn Dexter - E-Book

The Incestuous Bed: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Madelyn Dexter

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


It was a sultry July night, the kind of night when sex and violence and everything in between seem to make sense. If Rita Spencer had known that her brother was still awake, she'd have pulled down the sheets anyhow. But she'd whispered, "Mark, are you asleep?" and he hadn't answered so once she got the linen down around her waist she wasn't worried that in the humid dark he'd see her hands sliding along her belly down between her moist legs, there to rub softly at her mound. "Oooh," she sighed softly, "it's so fucking hot."

Her fingers slid between the lips covering her young vagina. Even above the dull roar of distant traffic she could hear the slopping noise of her digit running in and out of her wet hair pie. She poked along on the inside of her flesh cave and worked her clitoris upright. She was young, eighteen going on eighteen, nubile and svelte, except for her large pendular breasts. Her flesh was soft, and in the wet night, damp. Her one hand worked vigorously at her clitoris which she'd learned to use to best advantage, and her other hand palmed her left titty. "Oh, shit," she gasped, "I wonder what it's really like."

Rita had seen her brother's cock plenty of times, and in magazines she'd read about and seen pictures of sex and screwing, sucking and eating, but she still had no real idea, other than the pleasure she took from masturbating, what it would be like to have her pussy filled with a rigid beef steak. Thinking about some fantasy penis, she worked her bony digit in and out of her narrow flesh cave. Even though she'd never fucked before, her hymen was no longer intact. Maybe it was during girl's gym that she'd noticed the bleeding, a small line of red blood at the wrong time of the month, or maybe later that day at home-she couldn't recall. But it didn't matter, she wasn't a virgin in that sense. But then again, she thought, she still couldn't say she was experienced. She continued to work her finger in the soft wet flesh of her humid young pussy hole. "Ahhhh," she moaned softly, "I think it's going to happen. I think..."

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The Incestuous Bed

Madelyn Dexter

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













Her fingers slid between the lips covering her young vagina. Even above the dull roar of distant traffic she could hear the slopping noise of her digit running in and out of her wet hair pie. She poked along on the inside of her flesh cave and worked her clitoris upright. She was young, eighteen going on eighteen, nubile and svelte, except for her large pendular breasts. Her flesh was soft, and in the wet night, damp. Her one hand worked vigorously at her clitoris which she'd learned to use to best advantage, and her other hand palmed her left titty. "Oh, shit," she gasped, "I wonder what it's really like."

Rita had seen her brother's cock plenty of times, and in magazines she'd read about and seen pictures of sex and screwing, sucking and eating, but she still had no real idea, other than the pleasure she took from masturbating, what it would be like to have her pussy filled with a rigid beef steak. Thinking about some fantasy penis, she worked her bony digit in and out of her narrow flesh cave. Even though she'd never fucked before, her hymen was no longer intact. Maybe it was during girl's gym that she'd noticed the bleeding, a small line of red blood at the wrong time of the month, or maybe later that day at home-she couldn't recall. But it didn't matter, she wasn't a virgin in that sense. But then again, she thought, she still couldn't say she was experienced. She continued to work her finger in the soft wet flesh of her humid young pussy hole. "Ahhhh," she moaned softly, "I think it's going to happen. I think..."

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