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Based on Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner's classic book TheLeadership Challenge, this Workbook will be your hands-on guidefor improving your ability to put into action the Five Practices ofExemplary Leadership® model and become a leader who Models theWay, Inspires a Shared Vision, Challenges the Process, EnablesOthers to Act, and Encourages the Heart. The Workbook's easy-to-use worksheets make efficientplanning simple and practical and supports your success in threeways: * Reflection: Think about your approach to leadership andbecome more conscious about how well you engage in each of thePractices. * Application: Apply the Practices and commitments to allyour projects. * Implications: Record what you've learned about yourself,your team, your organization, and your project. Develop your leadership potential with The Leadership ChallengeWorkbook!
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Seitenzahl: 117
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2003
Chapter 1: How to Use This Workbook
How the Workbook is Organized
Guidelines for Completing the Workbook
Chapter 2: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Model the Way
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge the Process
Enable Others to Act
Encourage the Heart
The Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Leadership
Chapter 3: Selecting Your Personal-Best Leadership Project
My Personal-Best Leadership Project
Chapter 4: Model the Way
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Application 1
Application 2
Application 3
Application 4
Application 5
Chapter 5: Inspire a Shared Vision
What is a Vision?
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Application 1
Application 2
Application 3
Application 4
Application 5
My Vision Statement
Application 6
Chapter 6: Challenge the Process
Application 1
Application 2
Application 3
Application 4
Application 5
Application 6
Chapter 7: Enable Others to Act
Application 1
Application 2
Power Profile
Application 3
Application 3
Application 3
Chapter 8: Encourage the Heart
Application 1
Kudos for a Colleague
Application 2
Application 3
Application 4
Chapter 9: Reflecting on Your Personal-Best Leadership Project
My Personal-Best Leadership Project
Tying it All Together
Chapter 10: The Challenge Continues
About the Authors
Copyright © 2003 by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner.
All rights reserved.
Published by Jossey-Bass
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ISBN 0-7879-6821-8
When we interviewed Don Bennett for our book, he said something that we’ve never forgotten. Don is the first amputee to climb Mt. Rainier. That’s 14,410 feet on one leg and two crutches.
“How did you make it to the top?” we asked Don.
“One hop at a time,” was his instant reply.
One hop at a time. One hop at a time. One hop at a time.
When you think about it, that’s how most extraordinary things are accomplished. As much as you might desire it, you simply cannot leap to the top of a mountain. You can only get there by taking it one step at a time—or, as in Don’s case, one hop at a time.
Yet we sometimes find ourselves simply paralyzed by the mere scale of the challenge. We are challenged to do more with less, adapt quickly to changing circumstances, innovate on the fly, deal with extreme uncertainty, and somehow still find time for our families and friends. Sometimes it’s all just too overwhelming. But so is looking up to the top of that mountain when you are at the bottom. That’s why Don would tell himself, as he looked just one foot ahead, “Anybody can hop from here to there.” And so he did—fourteen thousand four hundred ten times.
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