The Metamorphosis from Bird to Worm - Elvin Karda Gökce - E-Book

The Metamorphosis from Bird to Worm E-Book

Elvin Karda Gökce

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'Cosmic space expands Time is void out of God's presence From the chaos of existing matter out of necessity order is created If a thought is pursued further a dispute is soon sparked in thought Knowledge of the world as human deception The light was forbiddingly called' [Excerpt from the poem 'Eadem alter'] A collection of poems translated from German into English. Connecting philosophical and metaphysical considerations with the art of poetry. Paying homage to literal masterpieces and to the magnificence of cathartic experiences.

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Seitenzahl: 37

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For my unborn child

When I came out of the cave Above me the sun enthroned Left my fellow prisoners And joined the outside zone-

Through blindness could not recognise the realities I acted irradiated and tried to run away from the shady entities

List of Contents

Four Elements

In Praise of Folly

Burnt Wings

My Time


The Noble Fool

Despite Good Will

My Faith

Active Evil and Passive Good –

With Noble Anger

Eadem alter - Equal, but different


The Vitus-Dance in my Heart

Abaelard and Heloise

The Metamorphosis from Bird to Worm

In Transition

Between Worm and Cosmos

Madshnun and Laila

Person of no and many places

Who sews the red flags?

Lover of Books

The Last Dreamer

Dream Factory

The New Tower

The Task of the Poet

The Half Fall into Tartarus

Stormer of the Soul’s Rest

In Purifying Floods of Rain

Eternal Return

The Age of Aquarius

Kissed Stardust

Four Elements

Winds take me with you to the heights of heavenly ether Therein I taste drops a primordial ground of reasons

Transcendental love for knowledge On paths that flow through worlds Twinkle little wings, to unlock the brazen locks

Earth take me in Culture begins with you In the deep root kingdom the earth mother whispers: ‘To find is to lose.’

Fire burn me a little fist of earth still so wet Glowing in the magma core and again to ether vaporised

In Praise of Folly

Anima Mundi Cosmic dancer Zero is the number The forerunner of the saviour

Folly stands with celestials in favour As the wisdom of the world is denied closer to the truth of the cosmos

O spiritual element! Which gives earthly existence charm and value Salt of life, yet you taste sweet Bringing refreshment and real treat!

Mediator to the centre of the soul Although the fool is always too much or too less Half god - half animal Not un- but amoral Mask of virtue How much evil has been transformed through wisdom?

(The owl of Minerva comes too late again)

Beneath the consciousness lies the archetype When peasants aping the king: Silliness an ancient purifying rite The fool clowning between Apollo and Bacchus’ sleight

Like the cunning Hermes Flying through three worlds Encrypted remains the inner access In Mercury the contradictions Are connected Healing begins with the truth

So let the fool kiss the wound, that only he can heal No cure for the Fisher King dying he lives despite this is fled the coffin

If the child is halfway into the rational world So the fool is on the right track to escape and laughs at those who boast of their sageness

For divine folly is wiser than compared to philosophy and even its weakness is stronger

Destroyed shall be the wisdom of the wise despoiler of most beautiful illusions fantasised!

Why were we given by Jupiter in a pound of passion hardly mixed an ounce of reason? Unwise deception brings delight brings us love and the champion

Icy winds on mountain tops The truth is to flattering mouth no guest

Only the bread eater holds up a mirror to the king And the whim hides the almost unspeakable In crude jokes of the most foolish kind

Why separating the paradise of the fool from the misdeed? The latter would never have arisen had one learned to laugh in dire need

So there are many classes of fools from the first screaming child on every continent in every literal category The fool can be found in every human repertory

So let no one deceive himself! For whoever thinks to be wise in this world let him become a fool so that he may become wise in the way he was appointed to

Burnt Wings

On the earth lays the destroyed married to the ashes stripped off the old body so it was told by great sages

That although the phoenix dies but renews itself every five hundred years

As food shuns grain and cabbage as tears of incense better combustible

Myrtle and spikenard are his death dress until he rises from the embers of flames

And when it’s freed from the cinders