The Mind Grind - Andre Fluellen - E-Book

The Mind Grind E-Book

Andre Fluellen

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Which one of these sounds like you?  "Why does it seem like I take two steps forward and three steps back?  When am I going to catch a break?"  Or how about this one, "I never have enough time to reach MY dreams... I feel like I'm always there for others!"  Or what about this, "If I could just get enough money to get ahead THEN I could really start winning!"  

I want to take a few sentences to tell you what your two problems are... 

How can these simultaneously be your problems?  It's because you were never taught how to work your mind, you were only taught how to work your "behind."  This book teaches you how to properly work your mind more so that you have to work your physical body less.

Andre understands EXACTLY what you are going through because he went through those very same things questioned above... but the key is he went THROUGH!  The contents of this book will teach you the same mental methods that taught Andre how to stop surviving in life and start thriving!  This book serves as the bridge between where you are and where you want to be.  This book teaches you how to use your mind-power to get what you want out of life.

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Andre Fluellen

The Mind Grind

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2023 by Andre Fluellen

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 978-965-578-749-8





1. The Origins

2. Belief

3. The Struggle

4. Purpose

5. Diet

6. The creative process

7. Never Start by Stopping

8. Getting up after the fall

9. How to Master Time and Not Have Time Master You

10. Divinely You


Ideas make millionaires.

I repeat.

IDEAS MAKE MILLIONAIRES!! Ideas are what took an "ordinary" person with an eighth-grade education, like Henry Ford, and made him a billionaire. Ideas are what helped George Washington Carver see the infinite possibilities inside of the lowly peanut. Ideas are what allowed Sara Blakely to create a multi-billion dollar industry, just making people look slimmer with Spanx. Ideas make millionaires!

The thought of the importance of ideas reminds me of a story about my friend named Petey. Growing up, Petey was a really good kid, but began hanging around the wrong crowd and eventually landed himself in juvenile detention at the age of 14. For the next 25 years, he was constantly in and out of prison and eventually found himself in jail for a very lengthy sentence for a crime he actually didn't commit. One day, while he was lying in his jail cell, sulking in remorse for all the messed-up things he's done over the course of his life, suddenly, over the radio, he heard the words that were stated above... 

Ideas make millionaires.

After he heard those iconic words, he said to himself, "an idea is the ONLY way I'ma get up out of here...I need an IDEA!"

Fast forward a few months; one of the prison guards was screaming emphatically as he was sprinting towards Petey's jail cell; "Petey...PETEY!!! We need you right now!!" Shocked and startled, Petey said, "What's going on?" The guard said, "It's your former cellmate Dave. He's climbed to the top of the yard, and he's threatening to jump... Can you talk him down?" Petey said, "that has NOTHING to do with me; I don't want to be involved with this." Petey then went back to his cot to lie down. The guard said, "Please, Petey...Everybody in here knows you and likes you. You are the only person that all the inmates seem to get along with. Please come and talk to Dave and help save his life." Petey reluctantly agreed. As they walked towards the yard, Petey saw Dave on a metal rafter that was suspended at least 75 feet above the ground and began to try and calm Dave down. Dave, edging closer and closer to the edge of the rafter, yelled, "tell them to let me see my family. If they don't let me see my family, I'm ending it all right now!" With the prison warden's blessing, Petey promised Dave that they would make sure he would be able to see his family. After only 15 minutes of talking to Petey, Dave finally crept his way down off the rafter and made it back to his cell. The entire prison applauded Petey as if he just won the Super Bowl! Petey even got a recommendation from the Warden to be released from incarceration based on good behavior.

A month later...PETEY WAS FREED FROM JAIL!!!

Upon his release, the warden, still remembering the day that he saved Dave's life, said to Petey, "I still can't believe it...It took us three hours, and we couldn't get Dave down off that rafter, but you did what we couldn't do in fifteen minutes!"

Petey smiled to himself as he gathered his belongings and walked out of the penitentiary. As he basked in the sunlight in his newfound freedom, Petey couldn't help but burst out in laughter as he said to himself, "it only took me 15 minutes to talk Dave down, but they don't know it took me six months to talk him up there!"

That was Petey's idea!

The goal of this book is to help you uncover your own ideas to bring you whatever you want to get out of life. The “Mind Grind” will undoubtedly help you on your journey to do what you want to do, be who you want to be, have what you want to have, and see what you want to see!

There are also some special people I want to thank because, without these people, this book would not have been possible. I also want to thank my wonderful wife for standing by my side and putting up with me during the many storms of life. It is not easy to live with a person who thinks almost in opposition to the “normal” way of doing things, but my wonderful wife has allowed me to be myself, and I am most grateful that I have a place called “home” where I can be me. Also, I want to thank my children for teaching me some of life’s greatest lessons. I learn from them more than any book or lecturer could teach, because little children naturally do what I will be describing in the pages of this book. Also, many thanks go out to my family; they have no idea how much they helped me through some of the worst times of my life. Lastly, I would like to thank myself! As conceited as that must sound, I realized that there was some power residing inside of me that resurrected me from the grave that I was buried in. I really appreciate whichever Andre Fluellen took over and brought me to life because the Andre Fluellen that I knew was truly dead… You will be clarified on this mystery in the pages to come!

As you embark on this dramatic journey with me, just know that we won’t be simply traveling through time and space. We will also be traveling through the indescribable matter of the mind, will, and emotions. I want you, through this book, to allow yourself to lose the propensity we all have to reason things and let yourself be moved in the direction that your mind takes you. This is vital because many things that I will describe will not make “sense” to your reason, but your mind and emotions may be able to catch a truth that will speak beyond your reason and make perfect sense to you!