The significance of the distinction between lawful and unlawful combatants - Alena Angelovicova - E-Book

The significance of the distinction between lawful and unlawful combatants E-Book

Alena Angelovicova

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Essay aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Jura - Sonstiges, University of Westminster, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The scope of the essay is to outline the significant distinctions between lawful and unlawful combatants and the consequences of such distinction in relation to the entitlement to the status of prisoners of war and legal responsibility. However, due to the lack of expressis verbis provision related to the term of unlawful combatants, the first the terminology will be considered. The distinctions between lawful and unlawful combatants will be illustrated with examples, mostly on war in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the status of unlawful and lawful combatants will be examined in relation to the internal armed conflict.

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