The Bestseller Formula - Hannes Steiner - kostenlos E-Book

The Bestseller Formula E-Book

Hannes Steiner



Unleash the best-selling author in you – using the "Hannes Steiner method" "There's a great book inside each of us, just waiting to conquer the world. And it's never been easier to publish it than today. So if you've ever dreamed of writing a book, I'm telling you: the perfect moment is now." Hannes Steiner  "The Bestseller Formula" takes you through the exciting adventure of coming up with ideas, publishing and marketing a book.  What you will learn:  - The Art of Storytelling: how to develop a compelling story readers can't put down.  - Secrets of Marketing: how to effectively promote a book in today's climate.  - Essential Knowledge: everything you need to know about writing a book and a bestseller. "The Bestseller Formula" offers you not only the theory, but also practical instructions which you can put into action immediately. It is the destillation of's visionary founder Hannes' many years of experience - which include twice being voted publisher of the year.  What are you waiting for? The best books have yet to be written. - Write here. Write now.

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Hannes Steiner

The Bestseller Formula - Life is a story

1st edition 2024

@Hannes Steiner

Production, Design and Conception: - the library of life

A Storylution GmbH product

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©Cover: Adwerbeba, Shutterstock

©Illustrations: Emma Petermann

©Photos Hannes Steiner:

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ISBN: 978-3-903715-38-7

eISBN: 978-3-903715-39-4

For anyone who believes stories can change the world - this book is for you. May it inspire you to tell and share your own story, because the best books are yet to be written.


1. The power of stories

2. Why we love stories

3. Become a bestseller in 60 seconds

4. Titles that demand you read on

5. Everyone has a story within them

6. What’s your story?

7. Why do you want to write this book?

8. How a good book can change the world

9. The heart of your idea: the one-pager

10. The unwritten rules of writing

11. The path from good to great

12. A whole world of possibilities

13. How a cover can tell a story

14. Beyond words – designing your book

15. Making book descriptions and author bios work for you

16. Ready? Set… Make some noise!

17. The best books are yet to be written


Thank You

1. The power of stories

Inside each of us is a great book waiting to be written. The reasons I’m convinced of this come not only from my years of experience as a book publisher, but also from the countless stories I have read or been told, and which have shaped me since my childhood. As a boy, every weekend my grandfather would tell me amazing tales about his life and this sparked in me a passion for stories. I can remember his stories to this day. They showed me how powerful and inspiring storytelling could be.

Telling stories connects people around the world, it doesn’t matter if they are a Nobel Prize winner or an everyday, unsung hero. We all have within us a unique story waiting to be shared. And this is why I founded - as a platform which empowers everyone to tell their story by removing all of the barriers of traditional publishing.

In today’s digital world, writing and publishing your book is easier than ever. If you’ve ever said you wanted to write a book, I say: the time is now. Don’t let any thought that there are too many books already out there or that your ideas might not be good enough hold you back. The best books are yet to be written.

With everyone now has the chance to write a book. Our mission is to make writing and sharing books accessible to people around the globe. In an increasingly digital world, we firmly believe in the power of books. A book has a high level of real credibility and it’s the most powerful way to tell important stories.

In the chapters which follow, you will learn everything you need to know about writing a bestselling book. I’ll share all my knowledge and use all my experience, so you too can tell your story. It’s time to banish any doubts and take the first step. The world is waiting to hear your story. So, together, let’s start this amazing journey.

True Fact:

Germany, Austria and Switzerland are big in the book market (only the USA sells more books). But significantly more books are published in France (110,000 new books every year), Italy (135,000) and Great Britain (170,000) than Germany (around 70,000).

So - there’s lots of room for new voices.

2. Why we love stories

Is there really a universal formula for a bestseller? I think there is, yes. The methods, advice and tips which make up the formula I’m going to reveal will help you get the most from your potential. These are tried and tested ways which experts have used for decades, and which will help you reach your goal. There are some useful, more rigid guidelines, but also elements which you can play around with, to make your story unique. If you stick to this path and follow these signposts, you will significantly increase your book’s appeal.

Today’s reading habits

A book always has between 12 and 17 chapters and a maximum of 80 pages. Because we are confronted with a flood of information every day, the average adult attention span has dropped from 12 to eight seconds. Our patience is getting shorter as we now expect to consume information immediately.

The storytelling revolution