The Tale of the Draconarius - F.J. Guil Grund - E-Book

The Tale of the Draconarius E-Book

F.J. Guil Grund

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Alair is a boy who lives on the border of the late Roman Empire. In a garrisoned city that protects from raiders and raiders, Alair dreams of being the banner bearer of the legion stationed there, and there is no greater honor than wearing the Draco. With his friends Zía, Mauri, Otmaro and their inseparable Gato and the dog Ee, they live their adventure along the Great River that separates the empire from the mysterious and wooded lands of the Tribes. Fun work in the form of a story. With a historical background that is given from the author's previous books. Profusely illustrated for children, however, it preserves the documentary style that shows precious decorations based on real monuments and archaeological pieces of the time. Childish but with a cultural touch. Curiously, it has been financed with cameos of real people that appear in the characterized illustrations of the time!

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Seitenzahl: 17

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The Tale of the Draconarius

Text and illustrations: F. J. Guil Grund

Layout and PNGmaker: Franc Negrín

English translation: Virginia Reina

First edition: September 2022


A good friend once told me: "You have to create something for children" and well, I have finally listened to you Rocío. And it has been, without any doubt, thanks to my friends and family that this work has seen the light. This book is dedicated to all of them:

Crowdfunders: Andrea Höller, Olga and Javi, Sandra and Pablo, Santi Ruiz, Mónica and Roi, David Ruiz, Vitoti Alba, and to Ale Guil.

Since it is a child's book, thanks to the little ones: Zoe and Pablo; Bruno and Chloe; Oliver; Quique; Andrés, Fran and Ana; Nora and Marta; Aníbal; Luca; Lara and Dani (Minicivs).

To Lilo and Mina.

Special thanks to the reenactors and friends who contributed to fund this work and appear in little cameos in the drawings of this tale: Andrea Höller, Manuel García (page 2); Ian Stephenson, Tony Gilligan, Daniel Kerr, Matthew Richardson (page 4); Robert Vermaat (page 5); Ross Cronsaw, Diego Martín, Adrián Recio (page 8); Fran Geza, the Neuhauser brothers (page 9); Ignacio Páez, Christian Havenith, Callum Jenkins-Teague (page 10), Dani (Einar) and Virginia Reina (page 16); Bettina Winkler, Ángel Ortega, Maggie (page 18); Francis Hagan (page 26); Franc Negrín (page 30); Mónica and Shira, Gema and Ernesto Reche (page 32); Miguel Vilches, Simö Rex (page 38); Javier Muñoz, Sali and Josefo Martín (page 40); Marco Cecini, Jean Bautiste (Krustev), Lyubomir Tzankov (page 41).

To my Mother, with capital letters, Natividad Grund.

With a pleasant memory, to my unforgettable Mochi.