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The Winter Constellation decided to end the darkness of Samhal-Sata when Awarjn, the third avatara, was born. For a long time the Great Priests Ahn and Jhoschin acted so that Darkness would become Light. Awarjn struggles with the fearsome Samhal-Sata along with the brothers of the Doros Lodge. The whole world could have known the Law of the Eternal Order, and dissolve becoming incorporeal like the planet Dheiol or be definitively swallowed by the jaws of darkness, getting lost forever.
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The Third Avatara
The third Avatara
TITOLO | The Third Avatara
AUTORE | Rosario Carollo
ISBN | 9791221446418
Prima edizione digitale: 2022
© Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore.
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Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce
Qualsiasi distribuzione o fruizione non autorizzata costituisce violazione dei diritti dell’autore e sarà sanzionata civilmente e penalmente secondo quanto previsto dalla legge 633/1941.
Places, things and characters of the story
ABSUD - Imperial archers' commandant
AHN - Great DHEIOL planet priest
AHUR/HAIK - Winter solstice
ANDARACAMAN - Lord of Calh-Bhur
ARGENO - Lajallath river
ARHED - Town of Sahwar and Mirhiam of Hekh
AVATARA - Incorporeal entities descended to Earth
AWARJN - The third avatara
BELINH - Tall brother-in-law
CALH/BHUR – Sacred mountain (magic place)
DHEIOL – Planet of the winter constellation
DOROS – Stobul lodge
ELSAR – Tall’s wife
ER/RUH – Fertilizing germ of AVATARAS
FRUSHA – Aggressive ethnicity bordering on GORDHA
GEDION – Powerful friend of SAHWAR
GELHUA – Daughter of NAB
GESH – Satellite of DHEIOL
GHOHAN – Great advisor to THREN
GIASET – Young janitor
GORDHA – Empire
HAMNUT – High priest of GORDHA
KANAR - Heights north of Lajallath on the border of the FRUSHA
KANTUEL – Captain of Rehal’s guards
KOPTHAN - Border region where AWARJN was born and lived as a child
IESUÈ - The last avatara before AWARJN
LAJALLATH - Imperial capital of GORDHA
LOHB – Sacred text of the Law of the Eternal Order
LOSTAN – Disciple of AWARJN
NAB – Priest of the city of Rehal and master of the DOROS lodge
NARDIN – Component of the DOROS lodge
NAWATTHAN – Magic sword of GHORDA
NES – The Cook
OSIRI – An ancient king
REHAL – Hometown of AWARJN, the city of four oaks and the capital of KOPTHAN
SAHREB/AHUR – The Real Size
SAHWAR – AWARJN’s father
SAMHAL/SATA – The animal side of man
SAWWIF – Woolen habit
SCHIN – The Sacred Fire of the Temple
SERUD – First king of LAJALLATH
SHARARI – High Earth Spiritual Personalities (Protected)
STOBUL – KOPTHAN city on the border with the FRUSHA
TALL - Disciple of AWARJN
TOREL – Lake in the Argeno valley
TREHN – Young Emperor of GORDHA
TYAH/MHOL – Autumn Equinox
TYAH/SHOL – Spring Equinox
VENH – Divinity linked to the Supreme Being, who orders the seasons
Besides to the space and to the time, besides the dimensions, also incommensurable, the Eternal one is. Let’s remember us that our universe is always more little and intelligible in relation to the discoveries established by images, symbols and numbers. Above all these last represent the key for the access to dimensions which exceed the duality. At the end numbers are graphic and mental symbols? Every physical episode is a in relation of symbols. The Eternal is express through the numbers when has decided to perforate with its thought the dark membrane; it was enough a very thin time of its mysterious light to constitute the duality, that is, he made the non-existence dynamic, making it become life as we know it, perhaps he was tired of loneliness. But the fact not to be alone any more and have to admire his creature infinitely complex and so perfect some problem gave him (that he had put in account) since the duality was determining a perennial fight; this eternal opposition established perfectly was producing a things order, anyway, traceable to himself in his unity. Humanity, last ring and receptacle of the creation, had two ineluctable requirements: the capacity to create and that to destroy. In few words, the humanity had the same features of the Unity, that is of the Generator Father. The problem wasn't to make him produce the chaos, since if there was light there you there was the darkness, so that the 1 would have produced the 2. The experiment was already begun and since the only way the Eternal one had to transmit its will was and keeps on being the thought, he communicated with the creatures producing numbers, and these had to be included.
The unity leans on the 4. The 12 zodiacal divisions have 4 sharings among the elements to form the fire triplicità (aries, lion, sagittarius), of earth (bull, virgin, capricorn), of air (twins, libra, acquarium), of water (cancer, scorpion, pisces). On this manifestation the terrestrial nature and the cosmos they interpenetrate in the number 12, they break it down and multiply it to create new numerical ratios. Every now and then in the nature, therefore, facts happen apparently overtimes but what in truth belong to the Law of the Eternal Order. To us humans, poor wretches, every so often the Law of the Eternal Order manifests itself and subjects us to questions whose questions are very often unsolvable. We do not notice that that what for us is the end (the physical death) is actually only an intermediate stage up to the reaching of god itself. But not all human one are the same, luckily some of them knew in theyr unconscious they had already known the Law of the Eternal Order, other they were born with this consciousness; some of them were freed of the physical body to have spread the Law of the Eternal Order. Still today they're a lot of and they'll be a lot of even more and even more up when all the humanity shall have fully acquired conscience of the Law of the Eternal Order. Up to then every now and then some facts as extraordinary as the Big Sowing shall happen in which Earth shall be fecundated by God and shall have nourishment for a long, a long time up when another Big Sowing shall be necessary and yet another.