The True Nature of Energy - Diane Wing - E-Book

The True Nature of Energy E-Book

Diane Wing

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Gain a fresh perspective using the energies around you
Have you ever walked into a room and felt like you wanted to leave right away? Ever met a person for whom you had an instant dislike for no apparent reason? Been around certain people and suddenly feel exhausted? People, animals, situations, objects, and environments contain and give off energy.
The energies within and around you can be a major source of anxiety. To discover how to observe, interpret, and direct this abundant energy is to harness the power at your fingertips and create tranquility in your life. This book can guide you in that discovery. In The True Nature of Energy, you will:
Improve your relationship with yourself and others Remove unnecessary emotions and see more objectively Attract the right people and circumstances Clear old, outmoded energies from your life Increase self-trust, self-esteem, and self-confidence Learn to sense and direct the energies around you Enhance your natural intuitive ability Find out your vibrational level by taking the Wing Vibrational Scale Quiz Learn simple techniques to fully take charge of your life and your destiny.
Acclaim for The True Nature of Energy
"Clearly written and easy to understand. A tall order for a complex topic like this. Diane Wing's skills as a writer and energy worker are phenomenal. Highly recommended."
--Lana McAra, best-selling, award-winning author writing as Rosey Dow.
"I can thoroughly recommend this book as a guide to living. If Diane's way of seeing the world resonates with you, she will be able to help you to transform your life. In fact, reading the book in the process of editing it has changed me in positive ways. Her writing will do the same for you."
--Bob Rich, PhD, author of Ascending Spiral

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The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility

Copyright © 2013 by Diane Wing, M.A. All Rights Reserved.

Foreword by Cynthia Yoder

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wing, Diane, 1959-

The true nature of energy : transforming anxiety into tranquility / by Diane Wing, M.A. -- 1 [edition].

pages cm. -- (Modern spirituality)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1-61599-196-9 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-61599-197-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-61599-198-3 (ebook)

1. Energy medicine. 2. Mind and body therapies. 3. Anxiety disorders--Treatment. I. Title.

RZ421.W56 2013


Published by:

Marvelous Spirit Press, an imprint of

Loving Healing Press

5145 Pontiac Trail

Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Distributed by New Leaf Distributing, Ingram

Dedicated to those who choose to brighten the energetic pool.

Also by Diane Wing:

The True Nature of Tarot: Your Path to Personal Empowerment

Thorne Manor: And Other Bizarre Tales

Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds


List of Exercises

Foreword by Cynthia Yoder


Chapter 1 – The Nature of Energy

A Natural Ability

Source Energy

Chapter 2 – Vibration

Energetic Consciousness

The Wing Vibrational Scale

Wing Vibrational Scale Quiz Worksheet

Wing Vibrational Scale Level Interpretations

Elevating/Decreasing Your Vibrational Level

External Indicators of Internal Energies

Internal Indicators of External Energies

Clearing and Grounding

Chapter 3 – Energetic Exchanges

Types of People

Fear and Other Toxic Energies

Fortifying and Protecting Your Energetic Body

Energetic Defenses for the Workplace

The Importance of Putting Yourself First

Selfless Devotion Syndrome

The Six Keys to Changing This Cycle of Negativity

Breaking Through Destructive Patterns

Enough is Enough: Cutting the Cord on Toxic Relationships

Energetic Overwhelm

The Four-Part Inner Guidance System

Be Energetically Conscious of Service Providers You Choose

Chapter 4 – Energetic Imprints

Controlling Your Energetic Footprint

Objects and Energy

Used Items


Clear Outmoded Vibrations

Natural Materials

Clearing Objects

Charging Objects

Places and Energy

Types of Energetic Imprints in Physical Spaces

Cleansing a Space

Designing a Space with Energy

Chapter 5 – Magickally Create Your Reality: The Power of Perspective Change

Transforming Your Reality

Change Your Perspective & Shift the Energy

Embrace the Darkness Within

Create Your Vision

Chapter 6 – Opening To, Drawing, and Directing Energy

Influencing Factors: Diminishing or Increasing Energy

Elemental Influences on Energy

Overcoming Stuck Energy and Opening to Fresh Energy

Techniques for Drawing Energy

Natural Energies

Charging Objects

Directing Energy

Chapter 7 – Manifesting & Energy

Removing Blocks to Manifesting

Chapter 8 – Psychic Awareness and Energy: Tap into Your Inner Guidance

Inner Guidance

We Are All Intuitive

Tapping in

How Messages Come Through

Trusting the Message

Techniques to Get Messages At Will

Tools—A Very Personal Choice

Divination as a Personal Expression of Universal Energy


Chapter 9 – Other Energies


Congruent Energy:

Collaborative Energy

When Energies Collide

Chapter 10 – Twenty Tips for Successful Living


Appendix A: Which Tools for Self-awareness Are Right for You?

Quiz Scoring

Appendix B: Group Work


About the Author



List of Exercises

Exercise 2-1: Find your vibrational level

Exercise 2-2: Find Your Ideal Energizing Environment

Exercise 3-1: Journaling About Environment

Exercise 3-2: Journaling About Fear

Exercise 3-3: People & Energy

Exercise 3-4: Self Assessment

Exercise 3-5: Who are you?

Exercise 3-6: Negative Self-talk

Exercise 3-7: Instant Energy Booster

Exercise 3-8: Ask Yourself

Exercise 3-9: Practice Sensing Energy

Exercise 3-10: Identify Draining Relationships

Exercise 3-11: Are You An Empath?

Exercise 3-12: Practice Rating Relationship Energies

Exercise 3-13: Practice Sensing Energies

Exercise 4-1: Sensing the Energetic Footprint of Others

Exercise 4-2: Practice Sensing Energy

Exercise 5-1: Explore Your World View

Exercise 5-2: Childhood Memories

Exercise 5-3: Shifting Perspective

Exercise 5-4: Explore Labeling

Exercise 5-5: Shifting Energy Within Yourself

Exercise 5-6: Practice Raising Your Vibration Level

Exercise 5-7: Journaling about Personal Darkness

Exercise 5-8: Discover Your Point of View

Exercise 6-1: Elemental Personality Quiz

Exercise 6-2: Opening the Flow of Energy

Exercise 6-3: Track Your Personal Cycles

Exercise 6-4: Write a Blessing

Exercise 6-5: Energetic Tools

Exercise 7-1: Transitioning

Exercise 7-2: Develop Your Mission, Vision, and Value Statements

Exercise 8-1: Notice Patterns

Exercise 8-2: Practice

Tools for Self-awareness Quiz—your personal style


The True Nature of Energy is an intelligent guide to the world as a vibratory place. Diane Wing walks you through your relationships, the places you visit and live in, your thought patterns and intentions, and the objects you collect and hold onto. Each of these arenas carries a vibration that may impact you. A thought carries a vibration that can bring your mood up, or send it crashing to the ground. An object from a hard period of your life may hold the imprint of that time and would be best let go of. Diane describes how these energies affect your mood and sense of being and how you can both protect yourself and improve your own energetic experience.

Diane draws on years of experience as a practitioner of Reiki and a coach to individuals who are energetically sensitive. She writes from a non-dual perspective, in which there is only one benevolent Source, and as she states, “every religion has its own name for this Source of Power.” Thus, this book can speak to people from all walks and all traditions. The book is clear and articulate and offers numerous practices and visualizations to deal with the many situations you may encounter in life, such as toxic relationships, difficult group settings, or unsettled feelings that seem to come out of nowhere.

Anyone who feels impacted by the energies around them or wants to raise the bar of their own thought process and intention-setting should read this book. Her section on empathic people made me wish I had this book twenty years ago, when I began experiencing energies that I did not understand. She gives exercises for clearing and grounding your energy, which is so vital for energetically-sensitive individuals. Also included are energy shields and prayers to use in especially toxic situations.

One of the unique aspects of the book is the Wing Vibrational Scale that evaluates how your usual self-talk and habitual thoughts affect your overall vibration. I took this test and was surprised and informed by the results. The quiz is meant to be used over time as a tool for self-reflection and transformation. It is instructive to take honest stock of your habitual “set points”—where you commonly place your attention.

Another thing that sets her book apart is her treatment of the “shadow” side of emotion. She explores the transformative nature of the shadow and how to manage darker places when you experience them. Her treatment of the woods and the uplifting energies of the earth are enlightening and nourishing to read.

Diane also offers a holistic approach to raising your personal energy that includes caring for your body, eating a proper diet and exercising. There are many ways that you can get out of synch with your own inner rhythm and wisdom. Diane does not suggest any magic bullet cure. The “cure” is raising your vibration, one practice and one perspective at a time.

The best use of The True Nature of Energy would be to take it as a manual for self-transformation. Take two or three of the practices and adopt them for a length of time. Be your own observer and watch how your experience of life shifts. Or better yet, ask a friend to do it with you and compare notes.

To read The True Nature of Energy is to walk through the vibrations that make up your daily experience, while a gentle and wise voice guides you to observe, to change and to become more alive through the process. My copy is full of high-lighted sections and dog-eared pages. No doubt it will be a reference guide that I will return to often.

Cynthia Yoder

Author, Divine Purpose: Find the Passion Within


I did not always feel empowered. For many years I was puzzled by the fact that my optimism toward life in general did nothing to dissuade my feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, and lack of control. I intuitively sensed things around me, yet was often told that it was all in my head. It seemed as though others knew things that I did not. It felt as though my opinion did not matter. I did not know how to set boundaries and allowed my energy to be zapped by those who were overly dependent and took me for granted. I trusted the guidance of others more than my own sense of knowing what was best for me. I did not trust my intuitive knowing. I wasted energy on unhealthy relationships that lowered my self-esteem.

And then I woke up. I was tired of giving away my power. I realized that with each passing day I was missing opportunities to create the life I really wanted. I decided to take a chance and started making decisions that made me feel good, guided by my instincts, regardless of what others thought. The challenge was to overcome the fear, doubt, and worry that came with giving away my power to others. It was time to let go of behaviors and beliefs that held me hostage. It was then that I realized that everything was energy, everything held energy, and that the choices I was making served to enhance or diminish my own energy and the energy of relationships and situations.

I took back my power. I decided to get rid of anything that was taking away my energy. I made the most important decisions of my life and ended a confining marriage, changed jobs, and relinquished a long-held goal that no longer aligned with the ultimate vision of how I wanted to live my life. At that point, I began the journey of returning myself to my Self. As I shed the old way of being, I began to believe in myself, and the quality of my energy shifted to a higher vibrational level.

Each time an outmoded aspect of my life was removed, each time I refused to participate in the drama of others, each time I held my ground from a position of objectivity rather than emotionality, I freed myself from all that was obsolete in my life. As I cleared the lower level vibrations that had blinded me up until then, I began to trust my inner guidance and moved forward with calm certainty. My energy exponentially increased as I flowed with the intuitive guidance I received. The people and situations that held me back gently moved out of my life. Anything—people, activities, behaviors, beliefs, and perspectives—that vibrated at a lower level than mine held no appeal and new opportunities and realizations regularly came my way. The right job, the right relationship, and the right home became mine as a result. Shifts continue to come readily, and I flow with them, modifying my work, my relationships, and my beliefs accordingly.

My journey made me realize how many people are going through the misery and self-doubt that prevented me from achieving fulfillment for far too long. It is an uncomfortable place to be. You are ready to change your life, but are not sure where to begin. Everything seems like a struggle, and you are unable to clear the blocks that keep you stuck. The True Nature of Energy: Transforming anxietyinto tranquility provides the knowledge, support, and guidance that make shifting so much easier.

I have created a life I love, waking each day looking forward to all the wonderful possibilities available to me! I vowed to inspire others to trust themselves to take control of their lives, and this book is the culmination of what I learned about energetic consciousness along the way. It exposes the secret of how to understand the energies within and around you, and how you can easily and intuitively tap into this abundant information. Becoming energetically aware validates what you are sensing and starts a personal evolution in the way you see yourself and the world.

The Universal Truth is that you create your reality, giving you ultimate responsibility for how you experience life. Everyone sees things from their own perspective, and that perspective has the ability to change with each new piece of information, the release of the old and outmoded, and the willingness to see things differently. Seeing through the lens of energetic awareness provides a means of removing all emotion, thereby allowing you to see yourself and others more objectively. You will enhance your awareness of how you open, close, and direct your energies with intention to be able to create the life you want. You will learn to sense the energies around you and use them to your advantage. This is the basis of true magick, tapping into the vibrations within and around you to achieve energetic consciousness and control. This is the key to fully taking charge of your life, building confidence through self-trust, and ultimately achieving self-mastery. When you master the Self, you are the master of your destiny.

To deeply connect with and sense the energy of Source is a powerful way to gain a profound understanding of our relationship with the Universe and of our creative power. Intention is the primary tool we use to shape our lives. In the words of one of my advanced energetics students, Annette Sadelson,

“The essence of man is not shared with common words to Spirit. True intention is vibrational. I get it now. To connect with Spirit is not in grandiose or pious or even humble vocabulary, but with honest, sincere intent. That which we feel and the tonality of our voice decides or rather, moves our vibrational level up or down hence determining our mood and our ability to walk in Spirit, relax in chaos, or take a single step.”

Centering on your overall vibrational level instead of one particular behavior gives you the power to simultaneously change all aspects of your life that need improving. The nature of the energy in your life either drives you toward positive activities that result in being motivated, inspired, and creative (high vibration) or moves you toward behaviors that diminish your energy such as smoking, overeating, or experiencing lack (low vibration). Changing the energies within and around you provides the power to change any condition in your life. By raising your overall vibration, you minimize or obliterate the lower vibrations.

This book is for those who are ready to take the next step in their personal evolution and want guidance through the obstacles blocking the path to self-trust. It is time to develop your inner guidance, to illuminate the patterns holding you back, and to become a clear channel of your own power.

Chapter 1 – The Nature of Energy

Energy is vast and pervasive. It is all around you, forcing you into a relationship with it. All interactions contain an energetic component. The unifying forces of the Universe are omnipresent in both living entities and inanimate objects. People, animals, situations, objects, and environments contain and give off energy. Energetic insight is a source of constant information, an intuitive knowing that increases self-confidence and removes the drama by seeing yourself, others, and situations objectively and accurately.

A Natural Ability

To encounter any of these things creates an energetic interaction. Everyone experiences these energetic exchanges, whether consciously or subconsciously. Because of this dynamic, it is possible to enhance understanding through insight into the energetic relationships that occur in the course of your daily routine and to perceive them objectively. What was once looked upon with emotion, fear, drama, doubt, worry, and guilt becomes pure when the underlying energetic pattern is revealed. As a result, decisions can be made and actions can be taken with a clear heart and mind. Enabling your natural ability to sense the vibrations that are constantly around you creates awareness of energetic shifts within the self and in circumstances outside the self.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like you wanted to leave right away? Ever met a person for whom you had an instant dislike for no apparent reason? Been around certain people and suddenly feel exhausted? You have probably described a person or object as having “good or bad energy” or certain places as possessing “good or bad vibes.” We regularly use phrases such as “that resonates with me” and terms like “harmonious.” All of these references demonstrate that we are tuned in to the energy around us and attempt to describe what we innately feel.

It is a natural instinct, our inherent sixth sense possessed by every human and animal on the planet to varying degrees. The majority of people are aware of the energy around them, albeit on a superficial level. This is a means of intuitive knowing; it is the familiar sense of comfort or discomfort when you walk into a room that indicates whether positive or negative energy, or a blend of the two, is within that space. The vibrations could emanate from a certain person or group of people, from within you, or from a particular room or overall physical structure. Raising your energetic consciousness is to develop your natural intuitive ability and to open to a source of information that is constantly available to you. If you prefer the term psychic, it is simply the ability to perceive that which is beyond the five mundane senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting. And just like some people have a stronger sense of smell or extraordinary hearing, so do some have a stronger sixth sense. While there are inherent individual limitations to the ability, just as with the other senses, it differs from the other five senses in that it is beyond physical limitation and can be developed and enhanced. Also, there are times when energetic sensitivity manifests itself in the other five senses, such as being able to see an auric field or hear the activity of imprinted energies from a time long past. With heightened energetic consciousness, resistance is lessened, flow is increased, and the ability to understand and use energy in specific ways is enhanced.

Energy has no limitations; it can reach anywhere it intends to go. With each gesture, thought, intention, action, and interaction, you move energy. You can choose to be sensitive to the wealth of information contained in the ether around you, or to remain closed off from and unacquainted with your surroundings. By understanding and being consciously aware of the energetic impacts you create, it is possible to improve relationships, to avoid mishaps, and to understand Divine Will while developing a singularly strong will of your own. It is riding the energetic wave in the direction the energy is naturally flowing, the essence of Divine Will, rather than fighting against the current so as to achieve in an effortless way, to manifest, and to thrive in abundance. It is a way to come into your power.

Awareness is the key to understanding the nature of energy. Awareness enables you to influence the way your personal energy flows and the way we project it out into the world. With the ability to sense the forces moving within and between you, it is possible to understand the underlying aspects of a situation. Heightened sensitivity to these forces expands your ability to understand your feelings and reactions, as well as those of others. It also enables you to tap into the vast abundance of Universal Energy.

By increasing your energetic awareness, it is possible to observe energy patterns and consciously change their texture. The ether that moves around and through all things, animate and inert, reacts to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It connects all things. You make imprints in the ether with your words, actions, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and thereby affect the outcome of all events that follow. The way individuals choose to think and behave not only influences them personally, but also affects the vibration of the entire planet.

The techniques and energetic interactions discussed in this book offer alternative ways of perceiving the world and increasing awareness of the energy within and around you. There are numerous methods that vary by culture, tradition, and belief system to enhance your ability to move and influence energy. I encourage you to try not only those mentioned here, but to continue your explorations through other systems of thought and belief, ultimately knowing which are best through your own intuitive voice. To empower yourself fully and increase your effectiveness, I recommend taking aspects of all systems that speak to you, combining them, and adding your personal touch to the mix. It is important that your energetic awareness includes the types of techniques and beliefs that resonate most closely with your vibrational patterns.

Understand that with each shift, the techniques you employ and the beliefs you hold will change. Before embarking on this avenue of exploration into the self, make the decision to be open to a new way of seeing and sensing the world around you. Energetic consciousness allows you to ride the wave of vibrations and follow them to new opportunities. Flexibility is one of the most important aspects of energy, since change is inevitable and resistance to change creates discord within and around you.

Source Energy

When considering the nature of energy, it is essential to ponder its source. The essence of this energy is a conglomeration of everything that is known and unknown, every thought, feeling, and action, every aspect of every type of being. It embodies every archetype, every representation of gods, goddesses, saints, and angels, as well as the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual expressions of all that is. It is the connecting force that binds us together and allows us to understand each other and to feel compassion for one another. If used to best advantage, Source energy fosters elegant interactions between plants and illness to affect a cure, between animals and their environments to foster harmonious relationships, between people to experience growth and enlightenment. When misunderstood or used to its detriment, pain, disharmony, anxiety, fear, doubt, and worry prevail.

The Source goes by many names: God, Infinite Spirit, The One, The Source of All That Is, and Universal Energy, to name a few. Every religion has its own name for this Source of Power. For now, suspend your preconceptions and religious notions of this energy and attempt to take a neutral position regarding its nature. Upholding the non-denominational quality of this text, we refer to this primary energy as Source. Source Energy has no gender, no malice, no love, and no impetus of its own. It connects all beings and things together so that each impacts the other. The attitude of the energy is neutral, having no attachment to outcomes, nor directing activity. Its nature changes as the beings that interact with it change. It holds vast amounts of information imprinted on it over time immeasurable.

Every person, creature, and plant on the planet makes the Source Energy’s fabric ripple and change with each energetic impact and dynamic exchange. We can imprint upon it our hopes and dreams, hatred and anger, desires and goals. The way we are impacting this complex weave of energy is an awesome responsibility to be aware of; to understand that our choices affect what we manifest in each moment throughout our lives. We all tap into the same energy source. Each person chooses to brighten the pool with positive thoughts and actions or to pollute it with hatred and fear. We have the power to raise the vibration of the planet to increase harmony and peace or to diminish it into an unmatched state of war and hate.

Every being has its own energy field surrounding it, fueled by and connected to Source. By insuring your ultimate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, you can generate a bright, positive energy. Sickness, poor diet, negative thoughts and emotions, substance abuse, and inactivity create a muddy auric field. Light or dark, your personal energy field affects every other on the planet, either bringing them to a higher level or depleting them.

There is a constant energy exchange between everything and everyone with which you associate. The awareness of these exchanges guides you towards or away from certain people, places, and actions. If you allow yourself to be energetically guided, it is a highly accurate compass steering you safely into shore and away from the dangerous rocks. Paying attention to the energetic interactions around you provides continuous learning opportunities by way of the information held within that exchange.

There are always factors and energies at work of which you are unaware. As a result, your actions are based on what you know and then can only surmise that it will have the desired effect. The Source has all of the information available to it that you do not, and so opening to the wisdom of Source is the best way to accomplish goals. This does not exclude you from taking action toward our goals, but it does give you support that do not necessarily factor in when considering the probability of desired outcomes.

With the occurrence of so many simultaneous interactions, probability is the only indicator of what will transpire next. Until you make a decision, formulate an idea, or create a shift in thinking, all potentials have equal probability of taking place. Until then, anything is possible. This is well illustrated from within quantum mechanics: a particle is only a probability until detected. The action we take may support our desires or work against them and, either way, while something may happen, it may not be what we anticipated.

Nothing is pre-ordained and the next action can change the potentiality of possible outcomes to follow. Taking action can contribute to a specific effect, but is not likely to be the only factor or cause of the particular effect. Hence, to produce a desired effect, riding the wave or rhythm of Source Energy is your best bet. You need to take responsibility for the choices you make; they are the expression of free will, and the more closely aligned you are to the natural rhythm of things, the higher the likelihood of taking potential outcomes and making them actual. Energy cannot be forced to do what you want in the timeframe in which you want it to manifest. The Source has its own sense of time, and energies culminate into desired results when all other associated energies to that purpose align with it.

The ability to harness the Source Energy is available to everyone. Tapping into Source, being fully aware of it, and establishing a constant flow and connection is the ultimate goal. By so doing, you are able to flow with Source, acting in accordance with your true nature, and with the Self intuitively aligned with Source. Achieving this level of awareness allows you to go with the flow rather than against the grain, thereby experiencing harmony and success. Aligning your personal energy with that of Source Energy is the core of health, well being, and the materialization of our desires. Going against it makes life feel like a constant struggle.

There is a never-ending redistribution of energetic possibilities due to the perpetual bombardment of thoughts, feelings, and actions upon Source Energy. Opening to these energetic shifts allows choices based on the most up-to-date energy patterns. Getting in synch with that which is around you, whether it emanates from people, places, objects, or ourselves, is to experience the wavelength of the situation and understand its true nature. The guidance system you use to make these choices must include an understanding of the energies within and around you. To discover how to observe, interpret, and direct this abundant energy is to harness the power at our fingertips. By understanding and being consciously aware of the energy within and around you is to remove the drama from your life, enhance your intuition, and manifest your desires.

Chapter 2 – Vibration

Energy is the foundational component of energetic consciousness. The amount and quality of energy you have within you is contingent on your diet and overall physical health, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. The energy that is within you emanates in bands of energy outside of your physical body, known as your auric field. Starting closest to the body, the first band is reflective of your physical body, the second of your emotional body, the third of your mental body, and the fourth of your spirit body. The larger the aura, the more energy and power you possess. If the aura is close to the body, the energy is low and there is a heightened sense of vulnerability and fatigue. When this occurs, the various aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health should be evaluated for how aspects of each are contributing to the low vibrational pattern.

The amount of energy you have indicates the quantity you have available to apply to your daily activities; the vibrational level indicates the quality of that energy. For example, an individual may have a lot of forceful energy, yet a low vibrational level that has the potential to harm themselves or others with that energy. An individual who has lots of energy and a high vibrational level will use that energy for the highest good and create an atmosphere of harmony.

Energetic Consciousness

Energetic vibration can be understood as the frequency at which the personal auric field vibrates. The quality of the energy you have at your disposal corresponds to the quality of your life and to the types of experiences you have. The higher the frequency, the more open and connected you are to Divine Source Energy and the higher your level of understanding, personal power, and purpose. The lower your frequency, the more discord you will experience in your life and the more negativity you will attract. Higher frequencies feel lighter; lower frequencies feel heavier.

Higher frequencies can be seen in the visible light spectrum. Purple, the color of the crown chakra (energy center at the top of the head), which is our link to Source energy, is at a higher vibration than red. Red is the color of the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine, and serves to ground energy within the body and is associated with the denser, physical aspect of our being. Additionally, a higher frequency consists of waves that are short and closer together, while lower frequencies have longer wavelengths.

You have the ability to raise or lower your vibrational level and to recognize where you are vibrating. Why is it important to know where you are vibrating? Lower vibrational levels are more likely to lead to difficulty in your relationships and in your life in general. When your vibrational level increases, you will be less tolerant of discord in relationships and of dissonant environments, ultimately letting go of old, outmoded behaviors and associations and attracting positive energies, relationships, and circumstances. Your vibrational level is also felt by others, so if you have an important meeting or want to give your most desirable self to your family, it is important to adjust your vibrational level so that they can experience you in the best possible way. 

When you are vibrating in the lower frequencies, you may engage in thoughts or activities that result in much less energy to accomplish your goals and take care of all your responsibilities. When you are energetically aware, you can determine when you are getting too low in energy and then intervene and elevate your vibration using intention. Being conscious of your frequency enables you to do a check-in with yourself and view the situation more objectively to make sure that your perception is accurate.

Perception affects vibrational level. For example, if you look around your home and notice it needs cleaning, you might perceive the task as a chore, something that is an inconvenience, resent having to do it, and complain about it the entire time. Or you can perceive the situation differently and tackle the responsibility with gratitude for having a home, for the physical ability to perform the task, and for the desire to live in a clean environment, thereby creating a higher-level vibration. Complaining weakens your energy field, thereby lowering your vibrational level and your overall energy along with it. Your motivation to complete the task diminishes. Notice that when you complain, your energy level dips. Notice how your energy feels agitated when you are around someone who constantly complains. There is no right or wrong, simply objective energetic associations and frequencies, and you have the power to choose every step of the way.

The Wing Vibrational Scale

Vibrational frequency manifests in your thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and behaviors. Expanding your energetic consciousness is a powerful way to become self-aware. To make it easy to understand the outward manifestations of these vibrational levels, I have created a scale and associated quiz to increase your awareness of where you are vibrating at any given moment.

The Wing Vibrational Scale is my conceptualization of where certain behaviors, emotions, and perceptions express themselves on an energetic hierarchy. By putting my observations and experiences into this format, it provides a description of each level that can then be used as a common reference when discussing the way in which vibration expresses itself at different frequencies. Before publishing the scale here, a qualitative research study was conducted to see how the scale and resulting score aligned with the quiz taker’s current perspective and life experience. Volunteers were asked to confirm that their score interpretation accurately described what was manifesting in their life. Additionally, they provided details as to which aspects of the level interpretations of their particular score reflected how they were feeling at the time of taking the quiz. During the study, the majority of folks (94%) reported that their score interpretation was accurate.

For most of those who indicated that it was off the mark, people closest to them confirmed the score’s accuracy. This is an example of the difference between perceived self-image and internal true self. We attract what we are, which is reflected by the vibrational level, so to validate the score for yourself, look at your life to see what is being attracted and which patterns are being repeated.

The Wing Vibrational Scale describes energetic frequencies from Level 1 (lower, denser energies) to Level 10 (higher, lighter energies) and represents levels that are possible to attain in a lifetime. While there are energetic states beyond Level 10, these are what are possible to attain while in our physical body and in a state of consciousness on the physical plane.

In general, the levels at the lowest end of the scale versus the highest can be described as:

Extremes of the Wing Vibrational Scale

Level 1Level 10IsolationIntegration/ConnectionWeakPowerfulBarrenAbundantUnawareFully AwareSaturn(restriction)Jupiter (expansion)HeavyLightNon-functioningHighly FunctioningUnconsciousConsciousAnyone in a State of Mental and Emotional EmptinessHis Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Wing Vibrational Scale shows energetic densities as physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental frequencies. Two selves are inherent in every person: the projected image that is intentionally designed to create a specific reaction from others and the vibrational truth of the person. When someone is projecting a “trust me” kind of persona, yet you feel as though this person is something other than s/he is leading you to believe, what you are sensing is that individual’s vibrational truth.

Some people have successfully integrated the two selves and come across with integrity, consistency, and sincerity. They are consistent with the way they behave, think, emote, and vibrate. Those who manipulate, lie to, or deceive themselves or others are more likely to maintain two separate selves. That is right; I said “themselves” or others. They say one thing and do another. They may deceive themselves into believing that their behavior and external persona translate into true energetic shifts. Over the years, I have encountered many people who state outright that they have achieved a very high vibrational level, yet they complain, harbor fear, doubt, and worry, and blame others for their problems. While they believe what they are telling themselves, their vibration can be perceived as denser and heavier or disorganized and agitated.

Feedback from a Wing Vibrational Scale Quiz taker (scored 7.05) expresses this well by saying, “Although I am bright and sunny [on the outside], fear and anxiety is underneath as I move through my learning. As much as I hate to admit it, your test is right! My situation at home is so fragile it is clearly where I come from. Lately, fear is in the picture, so even despite my desire to operate higher, energetically, I do feel that [the score interpretation is accurate]. It is good to be honest; self-doubt is about wondering how I could manage my big mission without [my spouse]. I clearly am either riding in his energies or my own belief is lacking. Either way your test is on the mark even though I would love to ride a higher vibe.” This is a woman in transition and moving in the right direction. She is experiencing some discomfort as she tries on a few ways of being in order to see which one feels right. Coming into yourself and ultimately into your power is no easy task; there will be discomfort along the way.

Another woman shared her insights after receiving a score of 5:

“After I completed your questionnaire and received the results from you, I am amazed at how stuck I really was and seeing it on paper helped me realize that I needed a shift in my energy pattern now. I have begun to work on it myself and feel much better.”

That is the intention of the vibrational quiz: to open the way to increased awareness. That is where the shift—and the work—begins.

Exercise 2-1: Find your vibrational level

Before we proceed, let us start by getting a baseline at where you are vibrating right now. Take the quiz and see where you fall on the Wing Vibrational Scale. Then look up your Vibrational Level in the score interpretation section. The interpretations are focused on how these vibrations manifest themselves and how they are experienced within the context of everyday life. In this way, you will be able to see where you fall and how you can progress from where you are to elevate your personal vibration.

As you go through the items, answer them as you feel in the moment and avoid overanalyzing the questions. Go with your first instinct. Remember, these are energetic levels, not personality indicators. Energies change over time, and this will uncover where you are vibrating right now. There is an expected fluctuation in vibrational levels based on current emotion, circumstances, and perception. The key is to become aware of where you are functioning energetically at any given moment.

You may take the quiz directly in the book, use a separate piece of paper to record your answers and score it, copy the quiz and use it as a worksheet. It’s much easier for you to take the quiz confidentially online and have the computer score it for you instantly at:

Wing Vibrational Scale Quiz Worksheet

As you consider the following questions, circle the letter in the column to indicate whether you agree or disagree based on your current state of mind regarding your life in general.

QuestionAgreeDis-agreeScoreI feel lost in my lifeAD All I do is give others what they needBC Everyone is trying to undermine meBC I act with integrity or not at allEF I am able to move forward with calm certaintyDA I am afraid of changeBC I am comfortable being aloneEF I am detached from outcomesEF I am dissatisfied at workAD I am grateful for all that is in my lifeDA I am in high service* to othersEF I am lonelyFE I am motivated to take actionDA I am not motivatedAD I am on a lifelong journey of spiritual unfoldmentEF I am on a path of growthDA I am open to other people’s perspectivesDA I am surrounded by unhealthy relationshipsAD I am unhappy at homeAD I am usually worried about one thing or anotherBC I can feel energies around meDA I can use natural cycles and energies to my advantageDA I choose the paths I takeDA I continue to evolveDA I depend on others to surviveFE I do not feel safe in my relationshipsFE I do not know what I want out of lifeAD I do what I want when I want to do itFE I do not get what I need out of lifeBC I do not have a clear sense of who I amBC I drift from one thing to the nextAD I enjoy applying what I learn to enrich my lifeDA I experience abundance on a regular basisEF I experience effortless changeDA I feel a sense of connectedness to Divine Will/Universal EnergyEF I feel blocked from moving forward in my lifeBC I feel disconnected from myselfFE I feel disconnected from othersFE I feel fulfilledEF I feel guilty when I say noBC I feel I have control over the direction my life takesDA I feel in control of my emotionsDA I feel inspiredDA I feel stuck in my lifeBC I feel the need to convince others I am rightAD I feel unfulfilledAD I feel uselessAD I frequently doubt myselfBC I frequently experience creativityDA I have attained inner peaceEF I have come into my powerEF I have difficulty controlling my emotionsBC I have no close relationshipsFE I have no hope for the futureFE I have the freedom to create the life I wantDA I have willpowerDA I keep looking for the one thing that will make everything betterAD I live a life filled with joyDA I need to do whatever it takes to get what I wantFE I need to put people in their place so they do what I tell themFE I often complain about my circumstancesAD I often feel anxiousBC I often feel depressedBC I say what I feel, even if it hurts othersFE I spend most of my time aloneFE I struggle with uncertaintyBC I take time for myselfDA I tend to react emotionally to situationsBC I use drugs and/or alcohol to copeFE I use my own intuitive guidanceDA Life has meaningDA Most of my relationships are difficultAD Nobody cares about meBC Nothing ever goes right for meFE Nothing will ever go right for meFE Others are always telling me what to doBC The world is a gray, dull placeFE