The types, phases and instances of socialization - Kerstin Berger - E-Book

The types, phases and instances of socialization E-Book

Kerstin Berger

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Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Pedagogy - Pedagogic Sociology, grade: 1-, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, language: English, abstract: Every person is unconsciously accompanied by socialization in the course of his or her life. You constantly learn new things, meet new people, deal with positive and negative situations, have to solve problems, in short: you have to find your way in everyday life and in society. But what is the role of socialization here? Do we only become a member of society through it? Is socialization a process that constantly takes part in our lives? What happens to us during this process and, above all, where? I will answer all these questions in the course of this paper. I have chosen this topic because socialization is a lifelong process that affects everyone. I will start with a definition of the term "socialization", then go into the three phases, introduce the instances of socialization and finally explain some disorders in socialization. Finally, I will briefly comment critically.

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