The View from the Ant Hill - Gordon Roberts - E-Book

The View from the Ant Hill E-Book

Gordon Roberts

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Not Hemingway; way too short like bird songs performed for a fish. Not Gabriel Garcia Marquez; too fanciful, too much Cuban cigar. An American in self-exile, writing from his backyard view, considers if atonement is possible, if optimism is realistic. Following years of performing poems, The View form the Ant Hill reflects for his first time in book form, upon the hope that accompanies sharing writing.

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Seitenzahl: 13

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Dedication: for the W.S. Merwin Conservancy, Maui, Hawaii

To Merwin the oriole magician

no one writes sentences like you

one and two syllable words intertwined

not Hemingway; way too short like bird songs

performed for a fish

not Gabriel Garcia Marquez; too fanciful,

too much Cuban cigar

Merwin the oriole magician ‘with his own days

echoing in the halls’

All profits from the sale of The View from the Ant Hill will be donated to the W.S. Merwin Conservancy, Maui, Hawaii.

Thanks to Adelaide for permission to reprint the following poems;

After the Service

Things no one will inherit

In another man’s poem

Adelaide, Independent monthly literary magazine, Year IV, Number 23, April 2019

Editor-in-chief, Stevan V. Nikolic

Table of contents


Dum spiro spero – While I breathe, I hope

After the Service

Writing to you in April

Things no one will inherit

In my backyard

The List

I held his ‘you-know-what’

I prayed

The Green Hoptimist

And you hate cats

Rain in Seattle

Who you think you are

No atonement for Rodney

Where I moved-in to you

You fried up

They had a chin wag

Wishes he’d been a writer

I was a morose & cynical young man

Off poetry, you wanted me

In another man’s poem

Poetry and stand-up as entertainment

Chapter 1

Dum spero spiro – While I breathe, I hope

After the Service

for Rudianne

After the service

After the prayers

After the family gathering