Things I wish I knew sooner - Dennis Schjødt Hansen - E-Book

Things I wish I knew sooner E-Book

Dennis Schjødt Hansen



The book is a reflective and insightful exploration of lifes lessons, learned through a journey of personal experiences and growth. This book is a compilation of chapters, each delving into different aspects of life and offering wisdom that the author wishes they had known earlier. The book begins with discussing the importance of Budgeting and Saving Money, emphasizing financial literacy as a cornerstone for future stability. It then moves to Understanding Credit and Managing Debt, highlighting the necessity of wise financial decisions. Investing Basics and the Compound Effect teaches the power of early investment, while Building Healthy Relationships focuses on the emotional aspect of life, stressing the significance of nurturing positive connections. Chapters like Don't Look for Love, Balancing Personal and Professional Life, Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Well-being, Coping with Stress and Burnout, and Seeking Help When Needed underscore the importance of self-care, mental health, and seeking support in life's challenging moments. The book also delves into personal development through chapters like Setting Goals and Creating a Roadmap, Embracing Failure, Avoiding Procrastination, and Establishing Healthy Habits. These sections underscore the importance of goal setting, learning from mistakes, taking immediate action, and developing a healthy lifestyle for long-term success. In chapters about Advocating for Oneself, Celebrating Small Victories, Managing Emotions, Interpersonal Skills, and Mindful Technology Use, the focus shifts to self-advocacy, appreciating life's small wins, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and balanced technology use. The book concludes with a series of profound insights on topics such as Overcoming the Fear of Failure, Avoiding Impulsive Choices, Pursuing Education Beyond Schooling, Staying Curious, Living a Purposeful Life, and Letting Go of What You Can't Control. These chapters are designed to empower the reader to face fears, make informed decisions, embrace lifelong learning, find purpose, and release control over the uncontrollable aspects of life. Overall, "Things I Wish I Knew sooner" serves as a guide to navigating the complexities of life with wisdom, resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. Its a book not just about surviving life's journey but thriving through it with awareness and fulfillment.

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Personal Reflections: A Disclaimer


About the Author


Welcome to "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner" a collection of reflections, insights, and lessons that I have gathered along the winding path of my life. This book is not just a recounting of experiences; it's an invitation to explore the rich tapestry of life through a lens of introspection and learning.

I embarked on this journey of writing not to impart wisdom from a pedestal of expertise, but to share the realizations and understandings that have significantly shaped my perspective on life. These pages are filled with the truths that I wish I had known earlier, the kind that often only become clear with the benefit of hindsight.

Each chapter in this book addresses different facets of life – from the trials and tribulations of navigating personal and professional paths to the deeper philosophical musings that have occupied my thoughts. The lessons here are varied, covering the spectrum of human experience: love and loss, success and failure, joy and sorrow, and the myriad shades in between.

As you turn these pages, you will find stories from my life, but more importantly, you will hopefully find a part of yourself in these stories. This book is for anyone who has ever faced a crossroad, felt lost in the complexity of life, or sought meaning in the day-to-day existence. It's for those who have celebrated triumphs, endured defeats, and kept moving forward through it all.

I have written this book with the hope that it will resonate with you, offering comfort, guidance, and perhaps a new way of looking at things. I hope it encourages you to reflect on your journey, recognize your growth, and appreciate the uniqueness of your path.

As you read through "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner," I invite you to approach it with an open mind and heart. Some chapters may speak to you more than others; some may challenge your perspectives or affirm your experiences. My aim is not to provide a one-size-fits-all guide to life but to share insights that might prompt you to explore your own understanding and perspectives.

So, whether you find yourself in the early stages of your journey, somewhere in the middle, or looking back on a path well-traveled, I welcome you. Let us embark on this journey of reflection and discovery together, uncovering the lessons and joys that life, in all its complexity, has to offer.

In the end, this book is a celebration of life – with all its imperfections, surprises, and beauties. It is an acknowledgment that while we may not have all the answers, there is immense value in seeking, questioning, and learning. Welcome to "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner."

Let the journey begin.

Personal Reflections: A Disclaimer

Before delving into the heart of this book it is crucial to acknowledge a fundamental aspect of this book: the content within these pages is a tapestry of my personal opinions, reflections, and experiences. This disclaimer serves as a reminder that while the lessons and insights shared here are offered with sincerity and the hope that they resonate with you, they are, ultimately, rooted in my subjective perspective.

It is important for you, as the reader, to understand that the viewpoints and advice presented in this book are not universal truths or one-size-fits-all solutions. They are reflections of my life journey, colored by my individual experiences, beliefs, and interpretations. As such, they should be considered as points of view rather than definitive guides.

Each chapter in this book is an expression of personal understanding and should be treated as an opinion, not as professional advice. While I hope that these pages provide valuable insights and provoke thought, they are not substitutes for professional guidance in areas like mental health, financial planning, or legal matters. For advice in these specific fields, I encourage seeking the expertise of qualified professionals.

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge that the experiences and lessons that have shaped my journey are unique to me. They may not universally apply or be relevant to every reader’s situation. I encourage you to approach the content with a critical mind and to consider how the material aligns with your own experiences, values, and beliefs.

As you navigate through the book, I invite you to reflect on the chapters not as directives but as starting points for your contemplation and personal growth. Use them to explore your perspectives, challenge your beliefs, and perhaps see the world through a different lens.

In conclusion, this book is a sharing of life lessons from one individual's journey. It is an invitation to dialogue, introspection, and personal discovery. May you find within these pages ideas that spark your curiosity, challenge your thinking, and contribute to your life’s journey in meaningful ways.


One of the most challenging yet essential lessons I've learned over the years is the importance of apologizing when you're wrong. This chapter explores the value of setting aside pride and owning up to our mistakes. In my youth, I often found it difficult to admit fault, seeing it as a sign of weakness. However, with time and experience, I've come to realize that apologizing is not a weakness but a profound demonstration of strength, maturity, and respect for others.

Apologizing when you're wrong is a powerful act. It requires self-awareness to recognize your mistakes, courage to admit them, and humility to seek forgiveness. It's about putting the value of your relationships and the feelings of others above your ego.

One of the key obstacles to apologizing is pride. Pride can cloud our judgment, making it difficult to see our faults and the impact of our actions on others. Overcoming this barrier involves acknowledging that being human means being fallible. We all make mistakes, and acknowledging them is a vital part of personal growth and building healthy relationships.

The process of apologizing begins with a genuine recognition of your mistake and its impact. A sincere apology requires an understanding of how your actions or words have affected another person. It’s not just about saying “I’m sorry” but about expressing that you understand and regret the hurt you’ve caused.

It's also important to ensure that your apology is not conditional or defensive. Phrases like “I’m sorry, but…” or “I’m sorry you feel that way” can undermine the sincerity of your apology. A true apology accepts full responsibility without excuses.

Apologizing can also be seen as an opportunity to learn and improve. Each mistake and subsequent apology is a chance to reflect on our behavior, understand better how to interact with others, and grow as individuals.

Beyond the act of apologizing, it's crucial to make amends and strive to change your behavior. An apology without a commitment to change is incomplete. Taking concrete steps to ensure you don't repeat the same mistake shows that your apology is genuine and that you value the relationship.

In relationships, both personal and professional, the ability to apologize effectively can build trust, foster respect, and strengthen connections. It shows that you are accountable, respectful, and committed to the health of the relationship.

In conclusion, learning to apologize when you’re wrong is an invaluable skill. It’s about sucking up your pride and recognizing that the integrity of your relationships and your personal growth are more important than your ego. An apology is a bridge to understanding, reconciliation, and mutual respect. Remember, the strength to apologize sincerely is a testament to your character and an investment in your relationships.


A profound realization that has illuminated my journey is the understanding that loving oneself - mind, body, and soul - is not an act of selfishness but a cornerstone of a healthy life. This chapter delves into the importance of self-love and how it forms the foundation for overall well-being and happiness. In my younger days, I often mistook self-love for self-indulgence, not recognizing that it is, in fact, a necessary condition for a fulfilling and balanced life.

Self-love is the practice of understanding, accepting, and appreciating oneself, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is about recognizing your worth, caring for your needs, and nurturing your growth and happiness. This holistic approach to self-love is fundamental, as each aspect of our being – mind, body, and soul – is interconnected and contributes to our overall health.

Loving your mind involves nurturing your mental health and intellectual growth. It’s about allowing yourself the space to learn, think, and reflect. It also means being kind to yourself in thoughts and attitudes, practicing positive self-talk, and forgiving yourself for mistakes.

Loving your body is equally important. It means taking care of your physical health through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. It also involves appreciating your body’s capabilities and accepting its imperfections, rather than constantly striving for unrealistic physical ideals.

Loving your soul is about connecting with your inner self, your passions, and your spirituality. It’s about engaging in activities that bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment, whether it’s through art, nature, meditation, or whatever resonates with your soul.

The misconception that self-love is selfish stems from a misunderstanding of what it truly means. Self-love is not about neglecting others or being narcissistic. It’s about ensuring that you are well, so you can be the best version of yourself for the people around you. When you are mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, you are more capable of supporting, loving, and contributing positively to the lives of others.

Another aspect of self-love is setting boundaries. This involves recognizing and communicating your needs, saying no when necessary, and ensuring that you are not consistently sacrificing your well-being for others. Healthy boundaries are a sign of self-respect and are crucial for maintaining balanced relationships.

Self-love also includes pursuing personal growth and self-improvement. It’s about continuously striving to better yourself, not out of a sense of inadequacy, but from a place of wanting to realize your full potential.

In conclusion, embracing self-love in all its forms is not a selfish act; it’s an essential part of living a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling life. It’s about honoring and caring for yourself in a way that supports your well-being. As you navigate through life, remember that loving yourself is the first step to a healthy and happy existence. You are deserving of your own love and care, just as much as anyone else.


One of the most empowering lessons I've learned through the years is the importance of stepping out of the victim mentality and taking responsibility for my life. This chapter explores the transformation from perceiving oneself as a victim of circumstances to becoming an active architect of one’s destiny. In my younger days, I often found myself blaming external factors for my setbacks or unhappiness, not realizing that this mindset was keeping me from moving forward and growing.

The victim mentality is a psychological state where one feels powerless and at the mercy of external forces. It’s characterized by a sense of helplessness, passivity, and a belief that life’s difficulties are insurmountable. While it’s natural to feel victimized in the face of certain challenges, dwelling in this state hinders personal growth and the ability to change your circumstances.

Taking responsibility means acknowledging that while you can’t control everything that happens to you, you can control how you respond to life’s events. It’s about recognizing that your decisions, actions, and attitudes play a crucial role in shaping your life. This shift from victimhood to responsibility is empowering – it puts you in the driver’s seat of your life.

It’s important to distinguish between taking responsibility and blaming oneself. Responsibility is not about self-blame or guilt but about owning your power to respond and make changes. It’s about being accountable for your actions and their consequences, both positive and negative.

One key aspect of taking responsibility is the willingness to make changes. This involves stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new approaches, and making choices that align with your goals and values. It means being proactive in creating the life you want, rather than passively waiting for things to happen.

Another important component is resilience. Taking responsibility often means facing challenges head-on and learning from them. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and use them as growth opportunities.

Taking responsibility also involves setting boundaries and understanding what is and isn’t within your control. It’s about focusing your energy and efforts on areas where you can make a difference, rather than wasting time on things beyond your control.

Practicing self-reflection is crucial in this process. Regularly taking time to reflect on your choices, behaviors, and their outcomes helps in gaining self-awareness and understanding the role you play in your life circumstances.

In conclusion, moving away from a victim mentality and embracing personal responsibility is a key step towards empowerment and personal fulfillment. It’s a journey that requires courage, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal growth. As you navigate through life, remember that you have the power to shape your destiny. Embrace responsibility, learn from your experiences, and take active steps towards building the life you envision.


In navigating the complexities of relationships, a vital lesson I've learned is the subtle yet profound danger posed by jealousy in friendships. This chapter explores the importance of identifying and distancing oneself from toxic friendships, where envy and negativity overshadow genuine camaraderie and support. The understanding that not all friendships are destined to endure, and that some may even be harmful, is a crucial part of personal growth and emotional health.

A key realization in my journey has been that a jealous friend can often be more detrimental than an overt adversary. Jealousy, a silent but corrosive emotion, can lead to undermining behaviors, insincerity, and a general erosion of trust. Such friendships can drain your energy, lower your self-esteem, and impede your personal growth.

Recognizing the signs of a toxic friendship is the first step towards addressing it. These signs may include consistent negativity, lack of support, passive-aggressive behavior, or feelings of being constantly undermined. A toxic friendship often leaves you feeling drained, anxious, or unhappy.

The decision to let go of toxic friendships is not easy, but it is essential for your well-being. It involves acknowledging that while the bond may have been meaningful at one point, it no longer serves a positive purpose in your life. This realization is particularly relevant in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, where changes in personal values, life goals, and individual growth can significantly alter the dynamics of friendships.

It’s important to approach the process of distancing yourself from a toxic friend with compassion and understanding, both for yourself and for them. Ending a friendship, especially a longstanding one, can be painful and challenging. However, prioritizing your emotional health and peace of mind is crucial.

Creating healthy boundaries is a critical aspect of this process. It involves clearly communicating your needs, setting limits on what is and isn't acceptable, and sticking to these boundaries. Healthy boundaries are vital for any relationship and are especially important in dealing with toxic dynamics.

Another important aspect is seeking support during this transition. Turning to trusted friends, family, or even professional counseling can provide the guidance and reassurance needed during this time. They can offer perspective, support, and understanding as you navigate through this change.

In conclusion, understanding that not all friendships are meant to last is a key aspect of personal and emotional development. While letting go of toxic relationships can be challenging, it opens the door to healthier, more fulfilling connections. Remember, true friendship should uplift, support, and enrich your life. As you journey through life, cherish the friends who bring positivity and growth, and have the courage to distance yourself from relationships that no longer serve your well-being.


Through the years, I've learned a valuable lesson about the essence of true generosity: giving without the expectation of receiving something in return. This chapter delves into the significance of selfless giving and the profound impact it can have on our lives and relationships. The understanding that acts of kindness should stem from a genuine desire to give, rather than from an expectation of reciprocation, is a fundamental part of nurturing healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The act of giving, whether it’s a thoughtful gift, covering a meal, or performing a good deed, is most meaningful when done from a place of genuine kindness. When we give with the expectation of something in return, the act becomes transactional, losing its true essence and the joy it brings.

One of the key aspects of selfless giving is the cultivation of an attitude of generosity. This involves viewing giving as an opportunity to bring joy, assistance, or comfort to others, rather than as a means to an end. It’s about the pleasure derived from the act of giving itself, not from what you might get in return.

When you give selflessly, especially to loved ones, it strengthens the bond of your relationship. It creates an environment of trust and mutual respect, where the focus is on supporting and appreciating each other rather than keeping score. This approach fosters deeper connections and a more genuine exchange of care and affection.

It’s also important to recognize the intrinsic rewards of selfless giving. The act of giving generously and without expectation often brings a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and inner peace. It’s a reaffirmation of our capacity for kindness and empathy.

Another crucial aspect is the belief that everything comes back around in one way or another. This is not about expecting a direct return but understanding that acts of kindness contribute to a positive cycle of goodwill. By putting positivity and generosity out into the world, we often find that it returns to us in unexpected and meaningful ways.

Practicing selfless giving also means respecting the recipient’s response. Everyone has their way of receiving gifts or acts of kindness. Give freely, without attaching strings or expectations to how the recipient should react or respond.

In conclusion, embracing the art of selfless giving is a transformative experience. It enriches our lives, deepens our relationships, and enhances our sense of connection with others. As you navigate through life, remember the joy and fulfillment that come from giving generously and without expectation. Let your acts of kindness be a reflection of your heart, contributing to a cycle of positivity and goodwill in your world.


One of the most transformative insights I've gained through my life's journey is the importance of being present. This chapter explores the profound impact of living in the moment and how letting go of our preoccupation with the past and future can enrich our lives. I've learned that dwelling excessively on past experiences or being overly concerned about future possibilities can detract from the quality and richness of our current experiences. Life, with its fleeting nature, requires us to seize the present and cherish the here and now.

The essence of being present lies in fully engaging with the current moment, embracing it with all its nuances and details. It's about redirecting our attention from the regrets or nostalgia of what has been and the anxieties or anticipations of what is yet to come, to the immediacy of now.

Clinging to the past can lead to a cycle of regret and hinder our ability to move forward. Similarly, constant worry about the future can lead to unnecessary stress and prevent us from making the most of the opportunities that are currently within our reach. The truth is, life unfolds in the present, and it's here where we have the power to act, to influence, and to experience joy.

Learning to be present means appreciating what’s right in front of us. It's about noticing the small joys, the everyday miracles, and the beauty in the ordinary. This mindfulness enriches our experiences, deepens our connections with others, and enhances our sense of gratitude.

Taking control by being present also involves conscious action. It requires an active effort to bring oneself back to the moment, to be aware of one’s surroundings, and to engage fully with the task at hand. This could be as simple as savoring a meal, listening intently in a conversation, or immersing oneself in a task or hobby.

The benefits of being present are far-reaching. It leads to better mental and emotional well-being, as it reduces the stress and anxiety associated with dwelling on the past or future. It enhances our relationships, as being present makes us more attentive and empathetic to others.

To cultivate a habit of being present, one can practice mindfulness and meditation. These practices help in training the mind to focus on the current moment and to return to it when it wanders. Mindfulness is not just a practice but a way of being, a lens through which to experience life more fully.

In conclusion, the art of being present is a key to a fulfilling life. It's a reminder that life is happening now, and each moment is a precious gift to be cherished. As you continue on your journey, strive to be present in all that you do, to live each moment to its fullest, and to appreciate the wonder of now. Remember, the only time we truly have is this very moment – make it count.


Throughout my journey, one of the most empowering lessons has been mastering the art of budgeting and the discipline of saving money. In my earlier years, I often approached finances with a mix of indifference and shortsightedness. This chapter is a reflection on the importance of these financial skills, offering insights into creating a budget that works and the transformative power of consistent saving.

Budgeting is essentially the process of creating a plan for your money. It's about understanding your income and expenses and making intentional decisions about how to allocate your funds. This process helps to ensure that you're spending within your means, saving for the future, and not falling into unnecessary debt. A well-crafted budget is not a constraint but a tool for financial freedom, allowing you to make the most of your resources.

The first step in effective budgeting is tracking your income and expenses. This involves noting down all sources of income and categorizing your expenses, whether they are essential (like rent, groceries, and utilities) or discretionary (such as dining out and entertainment). Understanding where your money goes is critical in managing it effectively.

Creating a budget that works for you involves allocating a percentage of your income to different needs and wants, with savings being a crucial category. A popular method is the 50/30/20 rule – allocating 50% of your income to necessities, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings. However, these percentages can be adjusted based on personal circumstances and goals.

Saving money is more than a financial habit; it's a mindset. The act of saving is about looking to the future, preparing for unforeseen circumstances, and working towards long-term goals. Starting with small, consistent amounts can lead to significant savings over time, especially when you take advantage of compound interest. The key is to treat savings as a non-negotiable part of your budget, similar to any other essential expense.

Understanding the impact of debt on your finances is crucial. High-interest debt, especially from credit cards, can quickly undermine your budget and savings efforts. Prioritizing the repayment of high-interest debts and avoiding unnecessary borrowing are essential strategies in maintaining financial health.

Investing in your future is another aspect of budgeting and saving. Allocating a portion of your savings to investments can grow your wealth over time, offering financial security and the potential for financial independence. Whether it's through retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, or other investment vehicles, the key is to start early and invest wisely.

In conclusion, learning to budget and save money is foundational in achieving financial stability and independence. It's about making informed decisions, living within your means, and planning for the future. As you navigate through life, remember that these financial skills are not just about managing money; they're about managing your life. By mastering budgeting and saving, you set the stage for a life of financial confidence and security.


In the landscape of personal finance, understanding credit and effectively managing debt are skills that I've come to appreciate deeply. In my early years, like many, I navigated these waters with a mix of apprehension and misunderstanding. This chapter is dedicated to demystifying the concepts of credit and debt, emphasizing their significance in our financial lives, and providing guidance on managing them wisely.

Credit, in its essence, is a tool of financial leverage – it's the ability to access goods, services, or money based on trust that payment will be made in the future. It comes in various forms: credit cards, loans, mortgages, which, when used responsibly, can be assets in building a sound financial future. However, mismanagement of credit can lead to a burdensome debt load, affecting financial stability and peace of mind.

Understanding credit starts with the concept of a credit score. This numerical value, derived from your credit history, reflects your reliability as a borrower. It affects your ability to borrow money and the terms – especially the interest rate – of that borrowing. Maintaining a good credit score is crucial and involves managing credit responsibly, like paying bills on time, keeping balances low, and avoiding excessive borrowing.

Debt, when used judiciously, can be a powerful tool in achieving financial goals, like purchasing a home, funding education, or starting a business. However, accumulating excessive or high-interest debt, particularly through credit cards, can lead to a precarious financial situation. Understanding different types of debt and their impact is crucial. 'Good debt' is an investment that will grow in value or generate long-term income, while 'bad debt' is borrowing to purchase depreciating assets or for non-essential expenditures.

Managing debt effectively requires a strategic approach. This involves prioritizing high-interest debts for repayment, creating and sticking to a realistic budget, and understanding your borrowing habits. It’s also about knowing the terms and conditions of your debts, like interest rates and repayment schedules, and considering options like debt consolidation or refinancing if they can lead to better terms.

A key part of managing debt is living within your means. This means making informed spending decisions, saving for big purchases rather than relying on credit, and building an emergency fund to avoid high-interest borrowing in times of need.

Finally, seeking professional advice when overwhelmed by debt can be a wise decision. Financial advisors or credit counselors can provide valuable strategies to manage and reduce debt, helping to navigate complex financial situations more effectively.

In conclusion, understanding credit and managing debt are critical components of financial literacy. They require discipline, foresight, and a commitment to making informed decisions. As you journey through your financial life, remember that the way you handle credit and debt can have a profound impact on your financial health and personal well-being. By embracing these principles, you can ensure that credit is a tool that works for you, not against you, paving the way for a stable and prosperous financial future.


Reflecting on my path to financial literacy, a pivotal realization has been the importance of learning to invest. This chapter is an exploration of the fundamental principles of investing, a journey that is not just about growing wealth, but also about understanding the value of money, the power of compound interest, and the importance of planning for the future. My early misconceptions about investing led to missed opportunities, and it's a lesson I wish to impart with clarity and insight.

Investing is the process of allocating resources, typically money, with the expectation of generating an income or profit over time. It's a crucial step in financial planning, offering a means to achieve long-term goals like retirement security, wealth accumulation, or financial independence. The essence of investing lies in understanding its basic principles and the various avenues available, from stocks and bonds to mutual funds, real estate, and beyond.

The starting point of investing is recognizing the power of compound interest. Often described as the eighth wonder of the world, compound interest works by earning interest on your investment and then earning interest on both your initial principal and the accumulated interest from prior periods. This compounding effect can turn modest savings into substantial wealth over time, particularly when you start young. The earlier you begin investing, the more time your money has to grow.

Diversification is a key strategy in investing. It involves spreading your investments across various asset classes to reduce risk. No investment is without risk, but diversification can help manage and mitigate that risk. By investing in a mix of assets, you are less likely to suffer significant losses if one investment performs poorly, as others may perform better and offset those losses.

Another crucial aspect of investing is understanding your risk tolerance. This is the degree of variability in investment returns that you are willing to withstand. Your risk tolerance is influenced by your financial situation, investment goals, and how long you plan to invest. Younger investors typically have a higher risk tolerance due to their longer investment horizon, while those nearing retirement may prefer more conservative investments.