Violated And Adoring It: Taboo NC Erotica - Grace Barrymore - E-Book

Violated And Adoring It: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Grace Barrymore

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Marcia stared down at the brave bone, swaying in its upright position as her husband labored over it. She wished with all her might that she could look anywhere else in the room than straight down at his hairy crotch, but her eyes were drawn there as if magnetized, and once fixed she simply could not pull them away.

"Look what I've got here for you, sweetheart," he leered. "Come to big daddy and play with it."

What Marcia wanted to do was turn and run while she was still close enough to the door, but what she actually did was walk zombie-fashion to the bed and lie down by her husband's muscular side. Jack was a good-looking man, maintained an athlete's body, and with black curly hair and blue eyes should have been a turn-on for any woman. She had been romantically in love with his looks for years before they were married.

In clothes she thought that he looked fabulous, but naked he was reduced to a lusting animal, a beast, and she could honestly say that he looked truly obscene to her right now. No grown man should be lying in bed, especially in the company of a woman and sensuously be masturbating himself as Jack was. It was positively perverted!

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Violated And Adoring It

Grace Barrymore

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

She was glad to see that Jack, her husband of ten years, wasn't home yet. Goodness only knew she certainly needed some time to herself. Nothing in her life was going the right way for her, and something within her own self surely had to be at the root of it all. There was no use in denying it to herself any longer.

Walking to the bar, Marcia fixed herself a martini ... something she rarely did, especially when alone. But her nerves were jangled, she had had very little sleep the night before or the one before that, and if the martini didn't help, then she didn't know what would.

Marriage hadn't, and the job as assistant office manager in town hadn't helped either. The vague restlessness, the hunger that food or drink didn't seem to satisfy, and the sense of desperation she always felt just after her husband Jack had intercourse with her. It seemed that all the strange symptoms remained with her no matter what she tried to do to alleviate them.

Well, it certainly would help if she knew what was causing them. But she had been working on that question for some long time now, and hadn't been able to come up with a concrete answer yet. Her marriage, if not spectacular, was a sound one, and the job wasn't all that difficult. Just boring. Could it be that she was getting old?

Marcia kicked off the smart navy leather pumps she had purchased especially to show off her long shapely limbs. They had helped to secure her job for her, much to her anger. Then she ran up the stairs for a really appraising look at herself in her full length mirror.

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