Voices of Light - Aldivan Torres - E-Book

Voices of Light E-Book

Aldivan Torres

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Voices of Light is the first book of the series children of light whose it is main thematic is the religious and the relationship between people. It targets to inform, reflect, question values, and put us in front historical facts. I make an invitation to the reader to dive deep in this adventure full of entertainment, mystery and information that will certainly contribute to a new vision of life and future. With my compliments, be my guests, a big hug and have a proficient reading.

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Seitenzahl: 165

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Voices of Light

Aldivan Torres

Voices of Light


Author: Aldivan Torres

©2018-Aldivan Torres

All the rights reserved


Printing and distribution by the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany




The work, including portions of it, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the content. Any use is not permitted without your consent. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of the author, who can be contacted at: tredition GmbH, department "Impres-sumservice", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.

“Dedication and Acknowledgments”

I dedicate this first work from this new series to all reader’s admirers of my work, all the friends, work colleagues, acquaintances, neighbors, in special to my family. Anyway, to all those who support me.

I want through this, and other studies show the various manifestations of God on earth through his dear children already recognized for their merits, and through them increase public awareness in general confronting with respective topics which I consider important.

Therefore, my special thanks to all those who are willing to patiently read it.


Voices of Light is the first book of the series children of light whose it is main thematic is the religious and the relationship between people. It targets to inform, reflect, question values, and put us in front historical facts.

I make an invitation to the reader to dive deep in this adventure full of entertainment, mystery and information that will certainly contribute to a new vision of life and future. With my compliments, be my guests, a big hug and have a proficient reading.


Voices of Light

Voices of Light


Pernambuco, October 30, 2014








Carthage - Current Tunisia - year 465


The Monastery

New Attitudes

The Return to the Monastery

A Week Later

The First Lesson

The Work

The example of Persistence

The Period of Six Years

Forced Travel

Stop in Syracuse

Back Home

Decision II

At Home

The Week

Some Time Later

The Mission


Trip to Rome

Walking in Rome

The Return

Tales, the new Bishop of Ruspe

The Exile

The Crossing

Letter to the King


Three Months Later

The Sequence of Work

In Carthage


Ten Years Later

New Position

In Ruspe


End of First Mission


Pernambuco, October 30, 2014

After a sleepless night filled with anxiety, crises, and problems to solve the son of God finally woke up. As usual, he gets up, stretches, takes the towel, soap, and shampoo and on regular steps goes to the bathroom. Cross the bedroom door, get access to the living through the corridor, go to the kitchen, find his family, and grabs the bucket of water that his sister helpful prepared, thanks her for it, and finally enters the small room of his humble house. Getting there, undresses, begins to lather up, throws some water, rubs, and strives to stay clean and pure for another day of drudgery.

During the bath, a lot of ideas strike his mind about the general issues of your life including your career of writer. At that moment, it all came down to a great hope whose it works expected to take effect in the future on all fields. This was what he believed.

With the sequence of rinses, everything goes extremely fast in his mind like a movie: The envy from others, human ambition, relationship difficulties and the persistent strength of his family against his dreams. All this amount was a heavy load who was forced to carry.

But even in the face of so many difficulties, nothing and no one would make him give up. It was right for him, and with this in mind quickly completes the bath waiting for better days. Clothes with the towel, gets out from the bathroom, passing through the same places before to get to his room.

In his stronghold, wear new clothes and shoes, combing hair, spray some perfume and quickly pack his bag. Getting it ready, he gets out from the room carrying the bag, arrives at the living room, warns that is going out, goes beyond the obstacle and finally take access to the road that would take him to the street timeless.

From driveway gets access to the street and in a few steps away meet with his colleagues who did the same path as him. Each fought for their goals and were role models in the community.

With the company of the same, the son of God walks along downtown and gets access to the road. It would be about one hundred and fifty meters to go to the edge of the busy BR 232 highway.

This small path is completed without major surprises in full interaction between friends becoming a less monotonous routine. Now it was only to wait the van that would let them to their respective jobs.

They do not wait too much. With fifteen minutes and the van passes, all of them board into the gray van and when they are accommodated the journey continues. They enjoy the route of 18.5 km to continue talking to the other passengers and the driver who already considered his friends because of the daily living. Everything was exceptionally good.

As the van was high speeding it did not take more than fifteen minutes on the way and enter the city gates, the sweet Arcoverde city. They go through Boa Vista neighborhood, arrive at downtown and the passengers are slowly getting in their respective stops. Comes the turn of the son of God. He thanks everyone's attention, says goodbye, crosses the street and then enters to work which he loved as much.

Greets the guards, goes through the electronic gate, through a corridor, goes beyond another door, greets the colleagues that are already presents and sits on his counter service. Opens the backpack, takes the work tools that include stamps, clip extractor, stapler, calculator, and punch and his water bottle and glass. Take a swig of the precious liquid and goes to the bathroom that for it must overcome two more doors. Arriving at the venue make his physiological needs, wash hands and face, wipes and finally gets out from there. Exceeds the same obstacles and back to his counter. Now he was ready to start your customer service job with total duration of six hours.

Begins the attendances and between the services of the day it includes data updates, guidelines, entries in administrative proceedings. Everything was very dynamic and requires a lot of responsibility on the part of servers. Exactly at 9am, the son of God was hungry and then promotes his first technical stop. Again, opens the backpack, takes his lunch, and drives to the pantry. There were two obstacles to be overcome and reaching the room the son of God makes sure to wash your hands, take your lunch and sit on the small table in the room. The environment is still composed of kitchen counter, double closet, refrigerator, microwave, and stove. Alone at the time, the first thing the child of God did was to serve tea to himself and start eating his snack (bread with eggs and cheese). It takes only ten minutes on this task, again wash their hands and heads back to your counter because he had responsibility and did not want to leave anyone waiting.

In reaching his post, restart his calls for four long hours. Because this was a usual day, they could complete the sessions on time, and then about 1pm the son of God hit his exit point, gently say goodbye to his colleagues and goes out from the same local entry.

By having access to the streets, at a strong pace, now turn to the van stop point to arrive as quickly as possible at home because he had work to do. In this way, pass through the Buíque’s alley, turns right, follow the main avenue till an intersection, the most dangerous place in town.

When reaches the corner, the sign is closed to pedestrians. Stops for a little and observe the movement and when it decreases resolve to pass through because in his view there was no danger.

However, when he reached the half crossing, a hidden truck turns toward him and seems to be unbridled. The Son of God gets no reaction face to the danger, there was a shout, someone grabbing him, and the truck passes too close. The thump from the fall makes him senseless for a good period.

Upon waking, is supported by a young rosy man and lots of curious people. Without understanding exactly what was really happening, encounters the young man.

“What Happened and who are you?

“I’m Emanuel Melkin Escapuleto and I’m the one who managed to save your life. Please pay more attention when crossing a street. (Advised him)

The young man remained concerned with Aldivan which still was slaughtered. To undo the confusion, talks to people around him.

“Thank you so many guys. You can go now. I will take care of him.

One by one, the curious people were coming off wishing well soon to the son of God. Fortunately, it was just a quickly scare. Emanuel was still very considerate to Aldivan and helped him stand up. It was then restarting the conversation between them.

“I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. When I was crossing the street, I did not see you. Where did you come from? (The son of God)

“I Was behind the light post by your side, in a phone call. When I realized that the truck was up on you, I did not think twice. (Emanuel)

“My Thank you again. Are you from here?

“No. I'm in vacation. I live in the Ibimirim village called Jeritacó. Have you heard?

“Never. I do not know Ibimirim, but I have a lot of desire to know.

“How nice. and you? Where are you from?

“I have no fixed residence. My work as writer makes me travel constantly in search of adventure.

“Oh cool. Look! are you too busy? I wanted to know you better.

The son of God checks the time and notes that was 1:30pm. In fact, his schedule was terribly busy, but that talk was good and give attention was the least he could do for someone who had saved his life. Decided to accept the proposal.

“It's all right. What if we go to a restaurant nearby? I invite you to lunch.

“Thank you. I accept. I am hungry.

“So, follow me.

Both cross the avenue more carefully and down the street in direction via post office. After overcoming a dozen shops, find a quiet place whose lunch was kind of self-service.

They get into the establishment which was called “delicious pasta,” choose an available table, the son of God keeps his bag off, and together with his new friend, go to prepare their dishes. Each one fills with food of your own because there was enough variety. At the end, they take the silverware, weigh the dish, take the payment note and head to their table. They also ordered something to drink which are readily attended.

With a few steps, they come to the table, accommodating up on two chairs around it and while eating they change information.

“So, what is your name again? (Emanuel)

“My name is Aldivan Torres but also, I’m known as the son of God, the Seer or Divine. As I said, I am a writer, author of the series "The Seer".

“Great! And what is the gender?

“I write Fiction romance. My goal in the literature is to contribute with my experience of life so that many can become transformed.

“I love reading. Do you have some of your books to show me?

“I do. Wait a moment.

The son of God grabs his backpack, opens it and pulls out a copy of his first published book “Opposing Forces: The Mystery of the Cave) and delivers to Emanuel. By a quick glance, he sees the synopsis, the cover, the summary, and introduction and then paused the conversation.

“Very interesting. Really enjoyed. Can I, have it?

“Of course. It is yours!

“Thank you.

Emanuel keeps the book at his side, and both gets in silent for a moment concentrating on lunch. For a moment, Emanuel's eyes shined like if he had an idea, and pause the conversation with the friend by your side.

Look, do you think it was a coincidence our meeting?

“I do not know. I do not believe in coincidences.

“I don’t either. And I have a proposition for you.


“I want to be your partner in a new series.

“And what qualified you for me to accept?

“I Have a special flair. I can capture exactly vital points of the problems, the key focus of all stories. One example was to find you and saved your life at the precise moment. I also have important contacts throughout the world that will be especially useful.

“Alright. Specifically, what are this focus?

“Related to religious area. This interests you.

“Too much. And what do you suggest for our first adventure?

Emanuel looks at the clock on his arm and seems to be disappointed. After that, back to conversation.

“When can you visit me to talk better?

“Go to Jeritacó? I do not even know where it is.

“There is a van from Ibimirim to there all morning. Once there, you get informed where my house is. The town is small, and everybody knows me.

“OK. I will think about this, and probably if I can go, it will be on Saturday. Do you have any contact?

“I Have mobile, but it only works in the downtown area. But as I said, getting there you will find me. Well, now I have to go or I ‘ll lose the van.

“OK. See you soon.


Emanuel shakes hands of the son of God and leave quickly from there, leaving him doubtfully. Among the key issues that passed in his mind it was: Who he really was? What he intent to? Why did he feel like knew him for a long time? It was really a great mystery that stirred him up increasingly. However, at the time, he was super late and as he had not told his family nothing, they should be worried. The adventure would be for another day.

The son of God then collects his plate. take his backpack and stands up walking towards the cashier. Delivery the dish, the receipt and money. Expects the change and after that gets out from the establishment starting the journey to the van stop point which was close.

The strides, goes on for about three hundred meters, cross the same intersection and whew! Nothing happened because at the time was less movement. then turns right, walk a hundred meters, turns left, and reaches the destination.

It was 2:30pm and by destination or lucky reason there was one sit left to fill the car. Immediately goes to the car with the company of the fiscals and choose a good place alongside of a slender young blond-haired person, and middle-aged lady but full in the second armchairs row from the van. Greets the two quickly, the driver and then they go. He dismissed shortly from his beloved Arcoverde promising to return the next day.

The car follows the direction from Boa Vista downtown to Br232 Highway and while running in his frantic pace the Son of God takes the opportunity to strike up a conversation with his neighbors sitting nearby.

“Hello! all right? Do you always come to Arcoverde?

“Yes. Pesqueira city has few options in achieving more accurate tests which forces me always come here. (Middle-aged lady)

“I was in my brother's house. Centuries since I last visited him. (Young blond-haired person)

“What's your name? (The son of God)

“Georgia. (Middle-aged lady)

“Karla. And you? (Young blond-haired person)

“Aldivan Torres but you can also call me Seer or son of God.

“Seer? Really? (Georgia)

“Yes. I have a wonderful flair, not yet developed, but for me is quite useful. (Son of God)

“Interesting. (Georgia)

“And Son of God? Isn’t too much your claim? (Karla)

“Don’t take me as boastful. It was not me that chose this title but yes, the entities that accompany me. (The son of God)

“Oh no! Incredible! (Karla)

“Increasingly Impressed with this young man. (Georgia)

“Don’t be impressed. Although the specifics I am a perfectly normal young man who seeks the meaning of life. I want with the literature spread a message of hope to many like me to feel transformed by the action of the spirit. That is. (The son of God)

“Very good. I wish luck in your journey. (Georgia)

“I want too much to read your books because I still feel lost. (Karla)

“Thank you both. This gives me more fuel to pursue my dreams. (Son of God)

The destination is approaching, the car turns right and enters a narrow road. In a few meters, the Seer says goodbye, pay the passage and finally gets out from the van. Walk a few meters more and arrives home.

Enter at his residence, at the living room is greeted fondly by family members and then goes to his room where change clothes quickly and keeps the backpack. After that, leave the bedroom, go through the living room and hallway, and finally reaches the kitchen. In the environment, wash his hands in the sink, wipes on the cloth, prepare your plate with what was available (pasta, rice, beans, flour, meat, salad, vegetables, and juice) and finally sit in a chair around the main table. He would now have fifteen minutes of breathing to feed and rest.

After his lunch, go back again to the bedroom where undresses, wears a towel, and gets shampoo, soap, and moisturizer. Then he goes to the bathroom of the house where would take a very quick shower. And so, he did. Fifteen minutes later, he is back to the bedroom and showered and with clothes changed.

Now was only the Seer and the computer in your work as writer. Would work for the rest of the afternoon, would have dinner, and then continue with the work at night. All for the sake of a great dream: "To conquer the world with his words."

At the end of the day, he would sleep, and this was usually early. This is the daily routine of the dreamer, the Seer of the cave and on this special day (October 30) was especially touched by the experience with Emanuel, the young man who had made him an important proposal that could change his career.


Two more days passes by, till came to Saturday. Too early, the Son of God rises, stretches, takes off his clothes, wear a towel, take shampoo, soap, razor, shaving cream and moisturizer and goes to the bathroom passing through the two rooms and the hall of the residence. Arriving to the compartment, place the accoutrements needed in the sink, takes the towel, open the shower, and starts to flood your body with chilly water from the cistern which is much cooler.

A moment later, close the shower, soap his body, and use this exercise to think a little more about what happened two days ago. After a brief analysis concludes that it was really interesting a trip to Jeritacó, a village forgotten in the backlands of the Northeast and housed a singular creature like Emanuel who had saved him from death. Even if it were out of gratitude, he could visit and discover a little more about him and his proposal. He was decided! He would go the Jeritacó.