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“War in the Heavens” is the sixth epic journey of the team from the series “The Seer”. The plot develops on the planet Kalenquer, dimensional portals, old and current São Paulo. In the first part, it brings as content the great universal war, the war of the angels, and the pertinent reflections. In the second, an in-depth look at the prejudices that currently cause an implicit war in humanity. The aim of the book is to discover a little about destiny, our history, the current reality of human society, and it offers an invitation for us to take control of our decisions and perhaps change old paradigms. All it takes is to want, to follow the commandments of God, and then the impossible will become possible. Let's be part of the exception to this world and promote good. God The is waiting for your decision. Good luck to everyone and a smell in the heart.
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Seitenzahl: 201
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
Aldivan Torres
Author: Aldivan Torres
©2018- Aldivan Torres
All rights reserved
Printing and distribution by the author:
tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany
ISBN 978-3-384-45572-7
The work, including parts of it, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the content. Any use is not permitted without your permission. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of the author, who can be contacted at: tredition GmbH, Department "Impres-sumservice", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.
I dedicate this book to all enthusiasts, thinkers, scientists, and fans of the fantastic and fiction in general. I promise to try in the hard way of writing to meet your expectations.
To God The, my spiritual father, my family, friends, co-workers, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, to all humankind, especially those who support Brazilian literature and the seer project. I'm nothing without you. With each book written, another battle is won, and I believe the path becomes clearer.
I also remember those who in one way or another contributed to my training, teachers at school and life. You are partly responsible for what I am today, an ethical young man and a believer in a good future. I hope to give more joy to everyone on this new journey that is beginning.
“There was then a battle in heaven. Michael and his angels warred against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The great dragon was then cast down, the ancient serpent, called the devil or Satan, the seducer of the whole world; he was cast down to earth and his angels with him.
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying: Now has come salvation, the power, and kingdom of our God as well as the authority of his Christ because the accuser of our brothers has been cast out, the one who accused them day and night before our God. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they despised life itself even to death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens, and all you that dwell in him! Woe to land and sea, for the devil has come down to you, filled with great wrath, knowing that he has little time left.
“War in the Heavens” is the sixth epic journey of the team from the series “The Seer”. The plot develops on the planet Kalenquer, dimensional portals, old and current São Paulo. In the first part, it brings as content the great universal war, the war of the angels, and the pertinent reflections. In the second, an in-depth look at the prejudices that currently cause an implicit war in humanity.
The aim of the book is to discover a little about destiny, our history, the current reality of human society, and it offers an invitation for us to take control of our decisions and perhaps change old paradigms. All it takes is to want, to follow the commandments of God, and then the impossible will become possible.
Let's be part of the exception to this world and promote good. God The is waiting for your decision. Good luck to everyone and a smell in the heart.
War in Heaven
War in Heaven
Part I
The creation
The first commandment
the second commandment
The third commandment
the fourth commandment
The fifth Commandment
sixth commandment
seventh commandment
eighth commandment
ninth commandment
tenth commandment
eleventh commandment
Twelfth commandment
thirteenth commandment
Fourteenth commandment
fifteenth commandment
sixteenth commandment
seventeenth commandment
Eighteenth commandment
nineteenth commandment
twentieth commandment
twenty-first commandment
twenty-second commandment
Twenty-third commandment
twenty-fourth commandment
twenty-fifth commandment
twenty-sixth commandment
twenty-seventh commandment
twenty-eighth commandment
twenty-ninth commandment
thirtieth commandment
new reality
Meanwhile, in the royal palace
family meeting
The ritual
a ride
back to headquarters
Arc City
The war
Part II
Approximately twelve billion years later
2.2-The farewell
2.3-The new portal
2.4-On the periphery
A new stage
All in one
In the square
The reality
Making your war
Behold, God The has existed forever and ever and will exist forever. At some point in this eternity, behold, he decides to create the universe together with all his beings. The first works of creation generated from his womb were Jesus and Divine, the first being his corporeal son and the last his spiritual son.
Together with the children of God, the first galaxy and its infinite set of stars were established. The galaxy was called the ethereal, and the habitable planet called “Kalenquer”. It was precisely on this planet that God The and his children chose to live some fifteen billion years ago.
Through the divine power of God, the royal palace was built from which the three would direct the destiny of creation. They are omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and by themselves they are enough. However, for their great love, they wanted more.
They wanted to share their happiness with someone else even though they knew the risks they were taking. And so, they did when creation began.
Beings were created from their holy light generically called angels and their respective cities and principalities of Kalenquer in a total of nine: Seraphia (That would house the Seraphia), Cherubia (Cherubia), Tronar (Thrones), domains (Dominations), Potester (Powers), virtue (Virtues), prince (Principalities), Arc City (Archangels) and Angelus (Angels). Seraphia are those who burn and consume themselves in the love of the greater good; thrones embrace in themselves the greatness of the creator and transmit it to other angels; The calls of dominations play an important role of celestial leadership; The powers convey exactly what should be done in the best way for subordinates and have a symbol of power; virtues are endowed with the spirit of God and wisdom, hierarchically equal to the powers; Principalities have important missions throughout the universe; angels are those who carry out the orders of the so-called higher castes.
Soon after creation, God the Father summoned the archangels and gave them his thirty commandments, which had to be respected and followed. This was the key to happiness. The archangels in turn conveyed the message to the other angelic choirs. This, it was hoped that peace and harmony would reign between them.
“Love God above all things, yourself and others”.
Then God said to the archangels: Behold, I am your creator, your God, and I await the sovereign love of my name, yourselves and to all that was created. By doing this, you shall make more perfect”.
“Fair enough. We'll all do it. (Gabriel)
“To you all glory and honor always. (Metatron)
“I wonder: Are we not perfect anymore? Why then infuse this rule? (Lucifer)
“True perfection exists only in me and in my beloved children. Our grace is enough for you creatures. (God)
“Dammit! Problems of creation. (Lucifer)
“Don't grumble. Be grateful for life and for the welcome in our heart. (Divine)
“Okay. Sorry, son of God. (Lucifer)
“Don't be sarcastic, servant! Be cautious. (Jesus replied)
“Don't get me wrong, master of masters. (Lucifer)
“As if I don't know what's on your mind. (Jesus)
“I already understand. (Lucifer held back)
“I reiterate the commandment in its broadest form: Love God and his two sons above all things, believe in their ideals, fight for the good and protect them. (The warrior Michael)
“Yes, great servant. His bravery, thirst for justice and his flaming sword make a universe a calmer place. Woe to anyone who challenges him. (God)
“I am just the mirror of you and my purpose is to serve you. All my power is rightfully yours, my beloved sir. (Michael)
“And all my love is yours. Always take care of my children. (God)
“Yes, with my life. (Michael)
“See servants? Michael is the rare example of submissive upbringing to his father. Follow and obey him in all situations. (Divine)
“After us, Michael and Lucifer are the commanders to be consulted for reasons of power. (Jesus)
“Amen! (All)
Behold, God said: “You shall not have idols before me, nor shall you honor another, for everything comes from my eternal bosom”.
“This is done with justice, you gave a little of your glory to us, little beings, and we must repay it with gratitude. (Raphael)
“The weak will become great if they believe in me. (Jesus)
“In my humanity the world will rejoice. (Divine)
“Hallelujah! (All)
“Jealousy is healthy and necessary for the primacy of our God. (Haniel)
“It's not really about jealousy, Haniel, my father doesn't want to get things confused. Only he is given the glory and power by merit. We are part of him and must fulfill our role in coordinating the expanding universe.
“Exactly. For my part, love and respect will infect every creature. (Haniel)
“Just don't overdo the dose and don't cause discord instead of love. (Lucifer)
“This Lucifer and his cute ones. Let's let his brother work in peace. (Michael)
“I Support! (Jesus)
“Do as I have said, do not divert your attention to the right and left, and I will bless you. The servant's joy is in to serve and that of the Lord to be loved. Therefore, do not magnify yourselves and want to be greater than your strength. (God)
“I love you my father for having generated me and my brother Jesus. I am also grateful for being the prototype of a creature for future creations. I feel that everything has a reason, and my main reason is to adore you as a father and creator. (Divine)
“I did everything and everyone for my love. There is no need for thanks. I love you so much that I will give you what you want. (God)
“I want a friend for company and an angel for protection. (Divine)
God, knowing all things, had already expected this. He had anticipated the request and created a young man named Renato and appointed Uriel as his special protector. His father then announced:
“This is young Renato. Take care of him. Uriel is the one who will protect him from all harm. I unite the three of you because I have a purpose — he finished.
Renato crept into the room, met his master, hugged him, and sat beside him. Uriel also approached and greeted the two. They know each other. Immediately, the empathy between them was forceful, and it was a good sign of future fruits.
Jesus said, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God.”
“Truly I say to you, whoever puts me to the test will not fail to have his just punishment. I am the eternal, the almighty and conscious and I know exactly when to act.
“And don't you have pity on creatures? Have you ever felt the despair of feeling alone and powerless? (Lucifer)
“That's why there is something called faith. I created you complete, with all the necessary attributes to survive. Even so, if there is fear and doubt, I will help you generously. What I don't want is to create an overprotection and dependence. You are free! (God)
“Is it? It doesn't seem like we are if he imposes rules on us. (Lucifer)
“They are not rules, they are laws of coexistence for the good ordering of the universe. We do not use force to comply with them. However, each one is responsible for their choices and their consequences. (Divine)
“And this is the freedom mentioned. (Lucifer)
“Yes, the freedom that translates our love. (Jesus)
“I am the proof of the father's love. Human creation to meet the purposes of the creation and the child. (Renato)
“It's up to us to serve with love and obedience. I gladly do my part by helping Divine. (Uriel)
“Serve? That's all? (Lucifer)
“No!! Be happy too. (Michael)
“Happiness consists in oneself, in performing one's duties, in personal fulfillment, in the ritual of worship, in existing for the great love of my father. (Jesus)
“This, beloved son. Herein is my infinite love for creation that no human or angelic mind will ever peer.
“Glory! (All)
“Behold, men and angels must work and attend to their duties. However, set aside a day for rest periodically.”
“This is an eternal law that must be observed. (Jesus)
“Are there exceptions, master? (Raziel)
“If your brother is in danger, wouldn't you take a stand? We must always do good even on our rest day and so the being will become master of his attitudes. (Jesus)
“If there are exceptions, it gives a gigantic margin of discretion. How to act then? (Lucifer)
“The just always know how to act. (Divine)
“The servant learns from the master. (Renato)
“The two complements each other and ennoble the creator. (Uriel)
“The Trio “Brute Force” always has a solution. What a disgust! (Lucifer)
“They are exceptional and must be respected, brother! (Michael)
“So be it! (God)
“Honor your blood, your friends, and your neighbor, for I formed the universe to live in unity.”
“Every warrior must act in this way both in battle and in calm. It is a sign of virility and respect among combatants. One for all and all for one in a cycle of union. (Michael)
“Very well, brave soldier! (Jesus)
“I know how it is, Michael. I would give my life for my protégé. (Uriel)
“It's excellent. We owe everything to him. (Michael)
“Your words make me happy and secure. Thank you very much. (Divine)
“Thank your father who raised us. (Michael)
“We are honored with everyone here. As it should be. (Jesus)
“It's the least that is expected out of our gratitude. (Renato)
“Yes, Angels, creator, sons of God, men, Beings of the universe and God himself cooperate for this. He has my support as head of the powers. (Camael)
“I thank you and count on everyone's help. As for me, I promise a faithful dedication to your causes. The universe is in good hands before your faithfulness. (God)
“Amen! (All)
“Don't kill, don't hurt your neighbor physically or verbally.”
“Come to me all who are tired and burdened that I will lighten you. Take my yoke upon you, learn from me that I am meek and lowly in heart, and I will find rest for your spirits. My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
“Is this commandment even to be followed in battle? (Lucifer)
“In a battle there is at least a clash between two out of control forces. Warriors are allowed to defend themselves and in this context are you, Michael, other warrior angels and subordinates. (Explained Jesus)
“Are there more exceptions? (Lucifer)
“No, only in self-defense. (Jesus)
“Any other intention than this, even the thought of evil becomes sin. (Divine)
“Because bad intentions come from bad works. (God)
“Be loyal, faithful, and true, never betraying your master or anyone else.”
“I look for servants throughout the universe because my kingdom is open to all. However, there is a requirement to keep the commandments and faithfulness. Give your life for me. (Divine)
“In me there is security. I was raised to protect and love you. Undoubtedly, I would give my life, my body, and power to guarantee your eternity. (Uriel)
“Me too. I feel that not even the passage of time or death will separate us. I don't exist without you. (Renato)
“Neither did I. (Jesus)
“Not either. (God)
“Neither do we. (The others)
“How beautiful! That's right, brothers, this is the spirit of unity that we must carry. Michael well knows how important this will be in future battles. (Divine)
“You know everything, and I'm just a servant. May your will be done. (Michael)
“Amen! (Jesus)
“Don't steal, don't cheat in the game, war or in life.”
“The most important thing about a created being is its values, its suitability and truth. Without these virtues, there is no way to say that a being is pure. (Jesus)
“And which spirit created is purer? (Lucifer)
“Without a shadow of a doubt, Divine. He is so evolved that we can say that he was also generated just like me from his father's womb. (Jesus)
“In it resides the greatest secret of humanity and no one will have to solve it because I will not allow it. (God)
“Hallelujah! (All)
“I am simply a young man who is the son of the corporeal God, who believes in the universe and in the power of good. I swear if I live that evil will not prevail. (Divine)
“Count on my strength in this fight. (Michael)
“Count on my protection always. (Uriel)
“With my companionship. (Renato)
“With my glory. (God)
“With my love. (Jesus)
“Very well and you can count on my dedication to your causes. Everything was given to me by my father and in return, I will conquer the world with my talent-Finished Divine.
“Amen. (All)
“Don't give false testimony, slander, defamation, don't lie.”
“I am God, the God of the impossible and of the truth, whoever lies does not have my consistency and cannot be called my son. However hard it may be, the truth will always prevail.
“What will be the punishment for those who are caught in the lie? (Auriel)
“It will be excluded from my kingdom. (Jesus)
“And from my heart too. (Divine)
“Each one must take care of his or her life without looking at the others. Leave the coordination of the universe to me, who control everything. (God)
“And what is written will happen. (Divine)
“Do not covet or envy the goods and gifts of others. Work to achieve your own goals.”
“Why envy? I am a majestic and imposing being. I owe nothing to anyone. (Lucifer)
“The greatest care is here: To not feel proud. We are nothing, brother! (Alerted Michael)
“I created you with the light of my hands and I wish each one a good fight. Each one has its importance, but don't feel better for it. (God)
“Before me, no one is superior, but even so I'm not ashamed to call them brothers. I am what I am, and my father loves me for that.
“I understood. Only work dignifies the man or angel and makes us grow. I wish from the bottom of my heart that they know how to manage this as I do. (Renato)
“Great Renato, my brother's companion. I'm glad that you, as a representative of humanity, understood this. You can Continue! (Jesus)
“With that, each one makes their story. (Uriel)
“Be simple and humble”.
Jesus said: “Behold, I have chosen you to be my witnesses before all peoples. I have personally appointed you what each one will do in the divine plan. Blood and my justice, I propose to your action in simplicity and humility as required in the commandment. Those who reject you, reject me and consequently, my father who sent me.”
“Practice honesty, dignity, and loyalty”.
“Brothers, I propose to your continuous action in favor of good. Be complete beings with the virtues of honesty, fidelity, dignity, and loyalty, and you will be blessed. These are the ones who will have a captive place in my kingdom.
“I'll try to practice this always. If with this I get your favor, I'll try because there's no greater loss in the world than staying away from you. (Renato)
“This is valid for all situations. (Added Jesus)
“I understood very well, master. With my authority, I will impose the following of these rules on subordinates.
“The honor of man and angel in their battles lies in not fleeing from them. Dignity only demonstrates who follows my commandments, and loyalty and fidelity crown the being as complete.
“Amen! (All)
“In your relationships, always be responsible, efficient and assiduous”.
“This is my law for those who wish to attain the grace of my kingdom: Efficiency, work, dedication, and responsibility. With these virtues, I will place my trust in you so that you will speak for me in a great ritual of communion. (Divine)
“However, if you disappoint this trust, and you sink into darkness, don't despair. I will wait until the minute of your existence for a reconciliation that includes a sincere demonstration of change attitude. That you made I will make an alliance with you, and I will wait for your present that builds the future. Thus, happiness will come to you. (Jesus)
“How extensive is this commandment? (Tsadkiel)
“It's simple: There is no place in my kingdom for the careless and vagabond. Everyone, universally, must work for the good ordering of the universe.
“It's fair and makes us pleased to serve you. I promise to always be by your side in all situations. (Gabriel)
“In you and in all the other faithful servants I find my delight.
“Avoid violent sports and gambling addiction.”
“War is a necessary sport despite its violence. I have the firm conviction that I will not be judged for it, isn't that my father? (Michael)
“Certainly, dedicated servant. Your grit in battle is what brings tranquility to my kingdom. You are welcome to act. (Divine)
“I hate exceptions! It's like the rule doesn't exist. Why is that Jesus? (Lucifer)
“Nothing is absolute. We must judge according to the situations that arise. The important thing is to always try to do good. (Jesus)
“I will infuse into every being that fears me the right inspiration. Thus, I will deliver you from sin and error.
“Amen! (All)
“About the game? Is it always evil? (Renato)
“When gambling becomes an addiction, that's when the degradation of the being begins. It must be avoided at all costs. (Divine)
“That's All right. (Renato)
“Always follow this, brethren, and you will have my blessing. (Jesus)
“Hallelujah! (All)
“Do not use any type of drug”.
“All drugs are harmful to beings. Its chemical compound was made to gradually destroy the organism and because life is the most important thing, consumption should be summarily rejected. When you have problems, just talk calmly to me and I will silently go listen to them and with my strong hand, I will act and perform the miracle. And I will do the impossible for you, my children, for I love you. (God)
“Don't take advantage of your position to spill your frustration on others. Respect the subordinate and the superior in your relationships.”
“I, as the commander of the celestial militias, know well how important this is. Guiding subordinates and respecting their attributions is fundamental for an enterprise and for a good relationship between them. (Michael)
“Exactly. There is no one superior to me and I know how heavy this yoke is. It is up to us to always be attentive to the cry of the servant to meet their demands. It is an interdependence. (Divine)
“Yes, my son. I raised you in high authority just like Jesus. We also have the archangels who lead the angelic militias. Each one is a fundamental part of the balance in the universe. (God)
“But woe to those who rebel. Divine justice is powerful and just. (Concluded Jesus)
“Don't be prejudiced against anyone, accept the different and be more tolerant”.
“I am God, and my name is diversity. I raised everyone with love and that is how I continue to treat them the same way. Of all. What I demand of you is a commitment to the good and my commandments.
“Don't judge, and you won't be judged.”
“The human being and the angel are innately imperfect because they were made like that. Therefore, there is no predicate to judge your fellowman. Leave it to your superior who created you because he is holy, and his judgment is fair. (Taught Jesus)
“How not? If I see evil, I can't punish it? (Lucifer)
“Not at all. Just restrain yourself and at the most advice. Each one must be accountable only to his unique master. (Jesus)
“All right. I still don't understand it very well because I'm an archangel. (Lucifer)
“I am too, brother. But it is not up to us to question the sovereign will of the creator. (Reinforced Michael)
“Much less the will of your children. (Added Divine)
“The three of us represent the creative force that has always existed. (God)
“Amen! (All)
“Don't be a gossip and give more value to a friendship because if you act like that, people and angels will move away from you and your future is eternal darkness.”