2 plus 4 equals one - Was diplomacy vital for achieving German reunification? - Florian Heyden - E-Book

2 plus 4 equals one - Was diplomacy vital for achieving German reunification? E-Book

Florian Heyden

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Essay from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - Political Systems - History, grade: Merit (Gut), King`s College London (Department of War Studies), language: English, abstract: Until not long before the events of 1989, political union between the two German states appeared far off. In fact, in early 1989, articles appeared in the International Herald Tribune proposing the German politicians give up the idea of German reunification1. Yet within little more than a year, Germany had acceded to full political union and sovereignty, without allies or neighbours objecting. We will ask ourselves how this seeming contradiction came to happen and what role diplomacy played in making it possible. To do this, we will separate the course of events in two sections, the first one -less formalised- focusing more on the question if reunification would happen, followed by the second -more formalised- focusing on the terms of reunification. In the third part we will face the question what role the shape of consultations, notably the 2+4 (two German states plus four allied powers), played in the successful outcome of German moves towards reunification.

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