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Fulfil your Personality, develop sustainable habits & walk wisely into the world. Dear Readers, learn with us about the four principles that lead to the revitalisation of one's consciousness. Through the implementation of no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating & no intoxication one can attain steady and sustainable habits throughout one's life. These principles are the roots of the Bhakti-yoga process and thus bearing ripe fruits of unconditional love. In this spiritual growth the heart is cleansed and transformed, so that lasting joy blooms & true freedom unfolds. Through purity, compassion, renunciation and truthfulness one can diminish all suffering, psychological, emotional, as well as physical. With the simple application of a Mantra-Meditation one can transcend all these sufferings. The Mantra-Meditation acts as a substitution for drugs, like alcohol, gambling and the cravings of the tongue, what to speak of the mind's demands. By straight-forwardly chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare the individual is able to develop a higher taste detaching from the bitterness of material temporality. This path of Mantra-Meditation is time-tested, as millions have walked this way, ever fresh, full of love & devotion, called Bhakti-Yoga. Many humans come back to this spiritual solution, because it is free, timeless & absolute, even so in this modern age. In times of contemporary suffering, EVERYONE can use this easy & scientific method of Mantra-Meditation, as taught by exemplary teachers, or Acaryas. ***
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Seitenzahl: 72
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
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Copyright©️YOGA PLUS
2023 Jan Yashomatinandana Dasa Wolter
Travel, Learn, Grow bookseries
Soul Searching (2020)
Travel, Learn, Grow (2020)
Where We Will Wonder (2020)
Overall Balance (2021)
Eternal Journey (2021)
Peace Love Unity (2019-2021)
Homecoming (2021)
Be Bliss! (2021)
Blissful Relationships (2021)
Green Living (2021-2022)
Minimalism (Winter 2022)
Ātmārama (Winter 2022)
Spiritual Traveler 1&2 (2013 -2023, English Drama)
Travel + Freedom (2016-2022 English Journals)
Tagebuch für Transzendenz (Summer 2022)
Little Writings (2022, English Essays)
Mutter India (Winter 2022/23)
Prachār (Spring 2023)
Pada Sevanam (Summer 2023)
Bhakti (August 2023)
Bhajan (2024)
Via Medium (2024)
To my dear family, who always reside within the core of my heart.
To Śrīla Prabhupāda, who knows God.

A book about the basis of Bhakti-Yoga including Mantra-Meditation.
Fulfil your Personality, develop sustainable habits & walk wisely into the world.

Table of Contents
Four Principles of Freedom
The Four Principals
A personal Note
About the Author
Dear Readers,
learn with us about the four principles that lead to the revitalisation of one’s consciousness.
Through the implementation of no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating & no intoxication one can attain steady and sustainable habits throughout one’s life.
These principles are the roots of the Bhakti-yoga process and thus bearing ripe fruits of unconditional love. In this spiritual growth the heart is cleansed and transformed, so that lasting joy blooms & true freedom unfolds.
Through purity, compassion, renunciation and truthfulness one can diminish all suffering, psychological, emotional, as well as physical. With the simple application of a Mantra-Meditation one can transcend all these sufferings.
The Mantra-Meditation acts as a substitution for drugs, like alcohol, gambling and the cravings of the tongue, what to speak of the mind’s demands. By straight-forwardly chanting
Hare Kṛṣṇa
Hare Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa
Hare Hare
Hare Rāma
Hare Rāma
Rāma Rāma
Hare Hare
the individual is able to develop a higher taste detaching from the bitterness of material temporality.
This path of Mantra-Meditation is time-tested, as millions have walked this way, ever fresh, full of love & devotion, called Bhakti-Yoga.
Many humans come back to this spiritual solution, because it is free, timeless & absolute, even so in this modern age.
In times of contemporary suffering, EVERYONE can use this easy & scientific method of Mantra-Meditation, as taught by exemplary teachers, or Acaryas.
From the wisdom books, called Vedas and their teachers, named Acaryas, one derives many wonderful values. These shall help us to live a life in freedom of suffering.
This freedom is different from any material conception, it is a lasting freedom of joy, bliss & love. This joy, bliss & love is exemplified by the Acaryas as explained in the Vedas.
One of these Acaryas is Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Śrīla Prabhupāda is a first-class gentleman, who could explain every possible subject from the Vedic perspective, primarily, he was and still is through his writings a profound teacher & saint, who educated everyone by his personal example.
He inspired a whole generation, to spiritualise the revolution „Make Love not War“, and many superstars like George Harrison followed him. He was a renunciate and only thought about the well-being of the whole human society.
He set the principles of freedom for this generation and he wrote books, which are like spiritual law books for the next ten thousand years.1 He is a messenger of the Absolute Truth, down to earth, a true saint.
He came to America, penniless, but with a box of books and the earnest desire to please his spiritual master. In the next twelve years he would circumambulate the world fourteen times. Conquering many soul-seekers curiosity & intellect by his translations of Vedic classics such as Bhagavad-Gītā (as it is), which then were & still are printed, and distributed in large numbers all over the world. Many of the soul-seeking & intellectual individuals would become his disciples.
This Acarya, a wise teacher, Śrīla Prabhupāda reached all continents of the world & gave wisdom in as many languages to people respectively. Academics, scientists, theologians, musicians, businessmen, and especially the young generation of spiritually seeking took to this knowledge, all over the globe. Śrīla Prabhupāda on his side had only one motive: He solely wanted to serve his spiritual master.
It was 1922, Abhay Charan met the grandmaster of Bhakti-Yoga, Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati, a devotee in the Vaisnava disciplic succession, which originally stems from Kṛṣṇa Himself. Bhaktisiddhānta’s mission was to distribute this wisdom and therefore he was pleased with Abhay Charan, who was ordered to translate the wisdom of the Vedas into English and carry it into the modern homes of everyone. Thus, Abhay Charan became the disciple of Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati and eleven years later received formal initiation, furthermore, another eleven years passed and the magazine “Back to Godhead“ - was started. Another eleven years thereafter, Abhay renounced family life to dedicate full-time to writing and translating. The result was the English rendition of the Sanskrit classic Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā (“the beautiful song of God”) & Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. Another eleven years preceded and Abhay Charan, then a Swami of the renounced order and expert in Bhakti, with full name A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, came to America and founded the International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, who’s mission goal is to bring this Vedic wisdom to all of human kind. Many young people followed Swami Prabhupāda’s teachings & example, such as living a regulated life following the Four Principles of Freedom.
That is the purpose of this particular book. How can four principles serve as collective and individual milestones that found a live of freedom?
How can especially young & growing people build a full personality on those principles?
How can this world society receive a great value and use these principles for further development of a bright future?
Dear reader, would you like to give your life fresh leadership trusting on an inner strength and balance, independent of external circumstances?
This book presents the discipline and personal development adhering to four simple rules. These four regulations were once given by Śrīla Prabhupada to his disciples after a formal initiation, written by hand on a piece of paper.
The disciples trusted in him and some even surrendered their whole life to him. Can you imagine their reactions, when they first read the four regulations?
no illicit sexno meat eatingno intoxicationno gambling***
Now, dear readers, you are hearing from a grand-grand disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He gave these principles to Jayadvaita Swami, who received them in 1968. He in return fully entrusted these same principles 1997 to Kadamba Kanana Swami. According to the vivid tradition of Bhakti-Yoga, the author, Jan Wolter, thus received these principles in 2022 through a formal initiation (dikśa) with the spiritual name, Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa.
This transmission of principles and spiritual techniques is called the Parampara-system, or master-disciple-succession.
This is mentioned to underline the relevance & value of these principles. It is not a cheap thing to receive, or to live by spiritual principles, it rather means a desire for lasting transformation as well as anhonestHeart.
The principles will be explained through stories in the following chapters:
Please, let us begin by clearing doubts in the form of questions, to define happiness, freedom & principles.
Have you ever thought about; What is the greatest lie in the world?
The greatest lie in the world is the promise that material goods, material relationships, and material arrangements bring lasting happiness in one’s life. Think about it.
Do you believe that nice clothing or new shoes are a guarantee for real happiness, or are they just the means?
Is it really so, that the amount of Facebook friends generates true satisfaction?
Do you have any idea what is the ultimate purpose of one’s life?
One who truly wants to find satisfaction in one’s purpose just has to sincerely search for it.
Lasting happiness builds on principles that are ever present and freely available, just like the principles of freedom.
One who trusts in these principles will receive a freedom of eternal value.
This eternal value is what everyone is truly looking for, in the Sanskrit of Yoga we call this ananda, bliss.
How do we know these principles to be ever present?
We know this through the master-disciple-lineage, which has been transmitting wisdom since time immemorial. This lineage has successfully passed the test of inevitable time, that is the proof.
Who can receive these principles of freedom