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Are you also looking for happiness? We are all looking for happiness, this eternal wisdom sits deep in one. Armed with timeless texts, we embark on a journey to happiness. The path is clear, and leads through the landscape of life, where every step means a connection to nature and oneself. Along the paths of happiness and misfortune, We recognise the goal of true, constant and lasting bliss. This is inherent in every human being, just like the light of the sun. Learn from beautiful stories how happiness has always found a way, how saints see happiness, and kings even become happy. Learn meditation techniques along the way, which you can repeat every day to receive inner joy and happiness. Simple processes, such as cherishing thanksgiving of a little something, raise awareness and make it clear that happiness can be found everywhere and in everyone. Yes, even for every misfortune there is a meaning, and the simple solution is through truthfulness, humility and knowledge. Once you have arrived at your destination, you can draw from the source of bliss and emancipate it in everyday life. This source is essential to be found in every heart of every living being. Now, also find inner happiness and draw from the source of In this book we can go on a beautiful journey together for happiness. The Holy Scriptures say: Ānanda-mayo 'bhyāsāt (Vedānta-sūtra 1.1.12) - "We are all looking for Ānanda, bliss." The eternal journey to happiness is wonderful and beautiful, all wise beings confirm this. One day the traveller left the house in search of the delight. "A story of happiness weaves into philosophy and spiritual guidance, well worth a read." "Based on scriptural evidence this work delivers timeless advice." "Joyful, like a dance."
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Seitenzahl: 60
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022
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Be Bliss
Jan Wolter
(Yaśomatīnandana dāsa)
More books by Jan Wolter
Peace, Love, Unity
Eternal Journey
More links:
© Jan Wolter

This present work was only ordered by providence, but thank God it remained in my hands so that I could continue writing it.
The ideas of this book are inspired by ancient and spiritual stories and values that relate to the Vedas, especially the Bhagavad-Gitā, which I take with me everywhere as my life counsellor.
The search for bliss concerns not only the author, who researched it on countless trips, but also his teachers and fellow travellers. This search for bliss becomes a matter of fortune under wise reform and timeless instruction.
We promise that if one uses these techniques and always follows documenting progress, one surely will be successful. It is best to even have a Bhagavad Gitā and Bible at home to use them as reference works.
Actually, this "small" work serves the new counselling niche to eventually find great works, such as the Bhagavad-Gitā, and to read them under guidance.
With this we only build a bridge to come back to the actually eternal message of the Holy Scriptures, namely bliss through loving devotion in a transcendental relationship with the Supreme Person.
To my spiritual master under whose lotus feet I find shelter.
To my family, spiritual and physical, because you are my world and I find solace here.
To my students and readers, because learning is a common way to happiness.
11 steps to Bliss
Are you also looking for happiness? We are all looking for happiness, this eternal wisdom sits deep in one. Armed with timeless texts, we embark on a journey to happiness. The path is clear, and leads through the landscape of life, where every step means a connection to nature and oneself. Along the paths of happiness and misfortune, We recognise the goal of true, constant and lasting bliss. This is inherent in every human being, just like the light of the sun. Learn from beautiful stories how happiness has always found a way, how saints see happiness, and kings even become happy.
Learn meditation techniques along the way, which you can repeat every day to receive inner joy and happiness. Simple processes, such as cherishing thanksgiving of a little something, raise awareness and make it clear that happiness can be found everywhere and in everyone. Yes, even for every misfortune there is a meaning, and the simple solution is through truthfulness, humility and knowledge.
Once you have arrived at your destination, you can draw from the source of bliss and emancipate it in everyday life.
This source is essential to be found in every heart of every living being.
Now, also find inner happiness and draw from the source of bliss.
Table of Contents:
-Good fortune, happiness & bliss.
The journey is the destinationTravel planningWhat you can expect on this tripHow happiness soundsGood luck!-First steps to happiness
Inner Smile: MeditationAwareness for a happier lifeGratitude On the shores of consciousness-Stories of bliss:
Sun bright, happy lightPractice makes happinessVitality in blissMay everyone be happy - a riddle-The way is the goal - 11 steps to bliss
Hear, inquire & rememberFresh air & in motion Slow down Patient & enthusiasticA vision of happinessEternal truths of blissHappy in community Accepting wisdomNourishing happiness A golden age of blissSmallest signs of happiness-Happiness in distress
With music & dance Happy equations-Eternal Fortune
Finding meaning in every sense - Meditation-Afterword
-About the Author
Good fortune, happiness and bliss
In this book we can go on a beautiful journey together for happiness.
The Holy Scriptures say: Ānanda-mayo 'bhyāsāt (Vedānta-sūtra 1.1.12) - "We are all looking for Ānanda, bliss."
The eternal journey to happiness is wonderful and beautiful, all wise beings confirm this.
One day the traveller left the house in search of the delight.
Good luck, are you coming with us on a journey to happiness?
This invitation is a ticket for our trip with the aim of being happy and staying happy. Everyone can find out exactly what this means from within on this trip. Happiness is within consciousness, a completely human state. Happiness is a matter of attitude. Just as we turn on the radio to receive a certain frequency, we turn on our senses to be receptive to happiness.
The journey is the destination
The journey contains over ten stages, to the destination, where knowledge and consciousness find common ground. What is happiness?
Is it exactly just as individual as you and me, but there are some secrets to happiness that the world unite, because happiness and bliss are universal.
The Holy Scriptures of the Vedas, which serve as a map for us on the journey, describe how the source of being has a form and personality. This form, says the sacred Brahma Samhita (5.1.) is sac-chit-ananda; eternal, full of knowledge and bliss.
Other Holy Scriptures confirm this. The truth is that life is already a stroke of luck in itself, because the source of life is happiness personified. However, this bliss is protected and hidden, deep, in the middle of everyone's...
Travel planning
Our journey goes through the valleys of consciousness, along the mental and emotional forests, where energetic rivers flow, and where the mountain of the body finds its foothold. Through these levels: Physical, Energetic, Emotional and Mental, we consciously achieve inner happiness.
Thank God this map has been given to us by our tour guide, who gently leads us from the conditional situation with happiness and suffering, into a meditative world where eternal happiness reigns. Everyone can go this way, whether young or old, already happy or still looking, whether totally desperate, curious, or looking for the absolute truth, here everyone will be satisfied to experience this journey.
The tour guide smiles gently and says, "Well, where do you find your happiness?"
With a wink, the moment lasts, and right here We look inside.
The tour guide tells a story: 'Once upon a time there was a young cowherd who had already experienced everything. But his favourite was the green pasture, where his cows grazed. Oh, what else do I need? Then his father, who was the king of cowherds, came to him and gave him a jolt, 'At some point, you will also be a great king, with many palaces, and a kingdom that makes everyone happy.' Both father and son looked into the distance. Father, how can I make people happy?, the cowherd boy Kesava curiously asked from his heart. The father of cowherd boy Kesava answered gently: 'Just be kind, equal to everyone, whether to your wife, servant, teacher, entourage or friends. Treat everyone with equanimity and respect. You shall learn this from a master. Your class starts tomorrow.'