80 Years of Zentralblatt MATH -  - E-Book

80 Years of Zentralblatt MATH E-Book

53,49 €

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Founded in 1931 by Otto Neugebauer as the printed documentation service “Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete”, Zentralblatt MATH (ZBMATH) celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2011. Today it is the most comprehensive and active reference database in pure and applied mathematics worldwide. Many prominent mathematicians have been involved in this service as reviewers or editors and have, like all mathematicians, left their footprints in ZBMATH, in a long list of entries describing all of their research publications in mathematics. This book provides one review from each of the 80 years of ZBMATH. Names like Courant, Kolmogorov, Hardy, Hirzebruch, Faltings and many others can be found here. In addition to the original reviews, the book offers the authors' profiles indicating their co-authors, their favorite journals and the time span of their publication activities. In addition to this, a generously illustrated essay by Silke Göbel describes the history of ZBMATH.

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