A Lodging For The Night (Audio-eBook) - Robert Louis - kostenlos E-Book

A Lodging For The Night (Audio-eBook) E-Book

Robert Louis

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A Lodging For The Night, one of the most important works by Robert Louis Stevenson now in an epub3 AudioeBook version based on LibriVox audio and Project Gutenberg texts. Proudly brought to you for free by ReadBeyond

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Robert Louis Stevenson, A Lodging For The Night

Electronic edition by ReadBeyond, May 2014.

ISBN: 9786050346350

The cover was designed by Marta D’Asaro, Simplicissimus Book Farm.

The text of this Audio-eBook is a revised version of the text available from Project Gutenberg.

The recording is an edited version of the reading by Lynne Thompson for the LibriVox Project. This Audio-eBook contains 1 audio track in MP3 format, 64 Kbps, 44 KHz, Mono, for a duration of 44' 35". If you want to extract the audio track, unzip this EPUB file and look inside the OEBPS/Audio/ directory.

Please note that both the text and the audio files included in this Audio-eBook were created by volunteers, and ReadBeyond is deeply grateful to them, for making their terrific work freely available under a liberal license. If you enjoy this Audio-eBook, please consider making a donation to the above two projects.

Despite our efforts to detect and correct them, typographical errors in the text and imperfections in the audio files might still occur. If you find a problem in this Audio-eBook, please help us fix it! It is as simple as writing an email to: [email protected]. Thank you in advance!

This eBook is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. A summary and the full legal code of the license can be read online at[ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ ].

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Table of Contents



Table Of Contents

Audio-eBooks: A Quick Introduction

A Lodging For The Night




Table Of Contents


Audio-eBooks: A Quick Introduction

A Lodging For The Night


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