A Love Like Blood - Mena Thrace - E-Book

A Love Like Blood E-Book

Mena Thrace

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A Love Like Blood

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A Love Like Blood

By Mena Thrace

Copyright 2015 by Mena Thrace

Cover Design by Mena Thrace

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, groups, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

This book is meant for sale to adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and language which may be considered offensive. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen (18) years of age or older.

Thank you for supporting the work of the author.

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Table of Contents


A Love Like Blood

A Note To My Favorite People In All The Worlds

If You Liked This Story…





A Love Like Blood

“What’s the matter?” Eamon leaned back in his chair and stared at Alivia as she glanced around them for the millionth time.

It was a beautiful late spring day and the outdoor cafe they were enjoying was buzzing with people. Soft chatter and laughter floated over the air, combining nicely with the aromas of coffee and various baked goods. The only thing that smelled better to the tall vampire was the woman sitting across from him. As she turned her head to look around them his eyes focused on her neck and narrowed. He’d do just about anything to pull her onto the table and fuck her until both of them had been sated.

Her pulse had grown elevated, her heartbeat irregular as her eyes restlessly and relentlessly skimmed the area around them. Her pupils were slightly dilated. She could not hide her true state of mind from him. She might be able to play cool and collected around others but she was an open book to Eamon. He enjoyed being able to read her no matter how hard she tried to keep whatever she was thinking to herself. He couldn’t gather her exact thoughts but one of the many talents he enjoyed thanks to his particular bloodline was acute empathy. He couldn’t pick up the details but he could tell her mood and general train of thought just by being within a certain range of her.

Eamon doubted it was the people around them that kept pulling her attention away. He gave her a questioning look when she turned her distracted gaze back to his.


“What’s the matter? You’ve been spacing on me since we got here. You’re distracted. What’s up?”

He raised his tea to his lips, flashing her a fanged grin as she blinked at him in confusion.

The woman sitting across from him was as mortal as he was not. She was his personal donor; a human willing to be fed from at their employer’s will. As unlikely as the truce had been it had turned out to be the best way to keep the peace between the living and the undead.

They each had what the other needed and wanted. Their relationship was a willing and cheerful exchange of goods. It just happened that what he needed from her was her blood and lifeforce. In return she would never want for money, among other things. She had guaranteed safety since she had been marked as his. Their world continued to be dangerous despite the uneasy truce; the threats to each of their lives had not gone away despite the tense peace between their kind. The truce had buried some risks while creating new ones.

He was her guardian. They had never seen their relationship as a business transaction even though there were plenty of pairings like theirs that kept the affair as strictly platonic as possible. He wasn’t her boss; she didn’t think of him as her employer. From the beginning their bond had been incapable of being so casual.

“Am I?”

She sipped from her coffee, returning his grin as he raised an eyebrow. She knew damn well he could read her. She enjoyed winding him up whenever she could.

“I’m sorry. It’s nothing.” The smile faded from her face and Alivia sighed, setting her cup back on the table as if it was the finest of chinas.

“You’re lying. But that’s okay. If you don’t want to tell me-”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. It’s just going to sound so…” Her face twisted as she struggled to find the word. He stared at her, noting the way she froze before turning in her chair to look around them.

Her heart began pounding harder. He could hear the blood rushing through her veins. As she turned he caught sight of the fragile tender skin of her exposed neck and his hands tightened into fists.

He wasn’t hungry. At least, not for the usual things. He didn’t know how much longer he could take the strain of holding back. He’d been so patient. He’d lived nearly six hundred years; one would think that by now he would have learned to be tolerant and easy-going.

“Can we go?” She turned forward and stared up at him with wide eyes. “Take a walk?”

He cleared his throat.

“Please. I think that might be for the best.”


“You want to talk about it?” Eamon looked down at the frowning female. Her hands were in tight fists, buried in her jacket pockets. She was tense, her shoulders up around her ears.

It wasn’t that cold out but she looked miserable.


She tried to pull out of her mood. Another couple walked their way and she gave them a small smile when they met her gaze. The male was mortal, perhaps over thirty years of age. The female was not, though her physical countenance appeared all of nineteen. Eamon guessed her at around four hundred years. The two vampires locked gazes, neither seeming to respond to the other with anything more than a look.

The female vampire smirked as her eyes slid back to the mortal at his side. She gave Alivia the sweetest smiles and a friendly wave as they passed each other on the street. Eamon frowned but said nothing as Alivia returned the kindness. He stared at the female vampire as they walked on; she stared back at him over his shoulder. The humans didn’t notice, too wrapped up in their thoughts to pick up on the taut exchange.

He looked down at Alivia, not sure why it bothered him she had returned the smile and wave. Maybe it was because he knew her friendliness could be completely misconstrued if aimed at a monster.

There were plenty of monsters waiting to take advantage of the innocent.

Sometimes the scariest among them were the friendly smiling ones.

He didn’t want to cross a line with her by saying something that might be construed as his trying to control her. Or worse. She was her own woman despite their partnership. True, it was his job to protect her...but one smiling vampiress on a sunny street did not equal a threat. He was just being paranoid. Over-protective. He was soaking in her jumpy mood. Of course. Made sense.