A Midwinter Night's Dream - Yolanda King - E-Book

A Midwinter Night's Dream E-Book

Yolanda King

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Danny has been in love with Clem for what feels like forever. His feelings for her are driving him absolutely mad and he has to know once and for all if Clem shares his sentiments. A trip to see the Northern Lights is supposed to bring clarification. Will Clem fall for him, too, or will their friendship break apart?

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Seitenzahl: 28

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A Midwinter Night's Dream

PrefaceA Midwinter Night's DreamCopyright


An Aurora Borealis Christmas is my own personal dream. I'm not a very christmassy person, especially because I usually associate Christmas with a lot of work: decorating the house, baking cookies, picking out Christmas dinner, writing grocery lists, going shopping..... with my excited and exuberant kids between my feet who always want everything to be done in the blink of an eye. I often wish I could skip Christmas and spend it somewhere remote without anything to organize, without any responsibilities.

As long as my children are still young, I don't see that happening. But as soon as they are out of the house I will decide whether to celebrate Christmas or not – or how –, and I'm already looking forward to that decision-making!

A cabin somewhere in Scandinavia to escape to would be wonderful, or in Canada. I definitely have the Aurora Borealis on my bucket list. Where and how exactly I don't know yet but going to see it I will!

As I discovered in my research, there are many places throughout the year from which one can view the Northern Lights. So I may end up seeing them more than once, you never know!

Aurora Village in the NWT does exist. They offer hotel pickup and drop off as well as all sorts of activities while at Aurora Village. What they don't offer, however, is an overnight stay in a heated teepee or the food service I invented for my story. Also, ice fishing tours can't be booked before January.

I took the liberty of weaving these aspects into my story as I saw fit.

In the end it doesn't matter whether your dreams are small or big; all of them are important and worth realizing.

Go ahead and shape your own story!

A Midwinter Night's Dream

“Have you considered that well?”

Danny and his best friend Chase were sitting at a noisy bar and having a beer after work. They did that every Wednesday night, and every Friday night they caught a ballgame together, either basketball, football or baseball, even the occasional soccer game. Chase was in his fifties, married, no kids. He and Danny had been friends for what felt like forever. Right now they were discussing Danny's love life – again.

“I've had plenty of sleepless nights so yes, I've considered it extremely well,” Danny replied. “I can't stand it anymore. I've been in love with Clem for a long time now and by golly, I've tried to ignore it but I can't any longer. It's driving me crazy!"

"And you really think that telling her how you feel is the right move?"

Danny just shrugged. "Who knows? But at least I'll get out of this limbo."

"Or you could gradually stop hanging out with her," Chase suggested, to which Danny only shook his head.

"She'd pester me, bombard me with questions and not leave me alone until I told her. So in the end it'd be the same result just dragged out much longer. No can do."

They nursed their beers in silence for a while.

"What if she offered you a so-called friendship with benefits – would you take it?" Chase asked eventually. Danny contemplated that for a bit.

"I might. Although I doubt that that'd work out in the long run."