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Make other people say 'Yes'! Yes to your requests. Yes to your ideas. Yes to your products. Yes to your proposals. A Practical Guide to Persuasion uses psychology, expert advice and practical techniques to teach you how to influence the people around you in an ethical way. Learn how to increase your presence, by knowing when to talk and when to listen; develop a strategy of success, by preparing, planning and crafting opportunities and make change happen by understanding what drives your audience.
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About the author
Anthony McLean is an Australian persuasion strategist who has worked in the persuasion professions for over two decades. Starting out his career as a police officer, Anthony quickly identified that he had an ability to talk to people. Studying Criminology while working provided a level of practical reality to the theory Anthony was studying that no university degree could ever provide. As a senior intelligence officer, Anthony worked at many high-profile units, including the Homicide Investigation Group and the Special Emergency Response Team – the Queensland Police Tactical Group and Counter Terrorist unit charged with dealing with high-risk incidents requiring tactical and negotiated resolutions. It was in these theatres that Anthony first delved deeply into the science of persuasion.
Leaving the police to pursue opportunities in the private sector, Anthony travelled to the United States and trained with the most cited social scientist in the world in the field of Social Influence, Compliance and Influence: Dr Robert B. Cialdini. As one of only seventeen Cialdini Method Certified Trainers (CMCT) in the world, Anthony has provided real-world persuasion training and strategies to thousands of participants from more than 40 countries. He provides businesses and governments with the tools and strategies to ethically persuade others on a daily basis and breathes practical application into the science of persuasion.
Anthony resides with his wife Robecca and their three loving children Samara, Nea and Ryan on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
To my family. Without you this would never have been possible. To Samara, Nea and Ryan: remember you can do anything and be anyone and I will always love you. To Robecca: thank you for your ongoing support, love and guidance and for teaching me to be grateful.
SECTION 1: Understanding
1. Yes
2. Mystery
3. History
4. Sector
5. Universality
6. Operational language
7. Ethics
8. Your operational dictionary
SECTION 2: Preparation and planning
9. Prepare
10. What
11. Who
12. Why
13. Where
14. When
15. Persuasive opportunities
16. How
SECTION 3: Tools
17. Stories
18. I, you, we
19. Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion
20. Reciprocity
21. Scarcity
22. Authority
23. Consistency
24. Liking
25. Consensus
26. Tips for persuading with email
27. Emotion versus logic
SECTION 4: Lessons learned
28. Review the outcome and process
29. A closing word: test and measure everything
If you have picked up this book, you are looking for one thing: you want others to say ‘Yes’! Yes to your requests. Yes to your ideas. Yes to your products. Yes to your proposals. You want people to buy what you are selling or buy into your ideas.
As a persuasion strategist, I see many claims by people suggesting you can learn the power of instant influence. You can take people’s words and actions and, as an influence ninja, have your way with them. The one thing they all tend to leave in the fine print or just omit altogether is that much of what they are teaching is their opinion or anecdotal observations. While they claim to have discovered the path that all others can only hope to follow, it’s more spin and hype than usable tools and strategies.
The reason I say that is because if it were true I would not be writing this book – because we would already know how to get want we want. Conflict would not be occurring around the world and negotiation would be a redundant skillset. Well, my friend, turn on the news. Businesses close down every day because of a lack of sales or an inability to resolve executive level disputes. Governments battle to engage people to look after their health and drive safely. Parents struggle to get their children to clean up their rooms, turn off the screen and come to the table for dinner.
There is no magic bullet or secret sauce in this book. Instead, this is a practical introduction to the content, strategies, frameworks and tools of persuasion. I thought long and hard about how best to present what we know about the science of persuasion and decided that, rather than provide long, verbose chapters, I would break it down into four sections, each complete with short, sharp and relevant explanations of what you need to know to become an effective persuader.
If you are an ‘intuitive’, a person who can just change the behaviour of others, this book will provide you with the language and labels to understand what you are able to do. It will provide you with the knowledge to be able to modify your approach when what you have always done no longer works. Most importantly, it will allow you to explain to others and teach them what you are able do naturally.
If you are new to the field of persuasion and are looking for a place to start, this book will provide you with the knowledge, skills and operational language to commence your persuasion journey. The work in this book is rooted in science, not opinion; therefore there are structure, research and case studies beneath each point, some brought to the surface and others simply referenced for your ongoing development.
If you need to sell something, lead people, drive change, problem solve, negotiate, provide advice, work with others, resolve conflict or pretty much do anything else with people, this book will be an invaluable introduction to the field.
The purpose of this book is not to provide you with every framework, strategy and tool available. As a practitioner I know overloading you with information is as counterproductive as not knowing the tool exists in the first place. Instead, I will provide you with practical, useable tools and techniques that will enable you to start your persuasion journey.
In my opinion, the reason why this book is so important is because persuasion is one of those words that is frequently used in business, yet many people do not truly understand its meaning and, therefore, the distinction between persuasion, influence and manipulation is all too often blurred. A simple premise of this book is to explain it for you so you can do it.
SECTION 1: Understanding
Section 1 is dedicated to providing you with the underpinning knowledge and understanding of what persuasion is and, probably more importantly, what it is not. In this short section we will develop your factual knowledge of persuasion. To do this, we will provide you with knowledge of terminology, language and specific details relating to the history and development of persuasion as a discipline.
The purpose of this first section is to ensure you grasp the meaning, nature and importance of persuasion. This level of comprehension alone will start to differentiate you from your colleagues, competitors and leaders.
The reason this is important is because in recent times, and certainly with the growth and pervasiveness of the internet, we as a society have started use the word ‘persuasion’ in many instances without any clear idea of what it means to persuade someone.
1. Yes
It is an attitude, not just an answer!
Changing the minds and behaviours of others is an achievable goal. You need to believe this first before you read any further. If you need to take a second, do so and re-read it.
If you feel you cannot change someone’s behaviour, then you probably will not be able to. However, if you believe it is achievable, you will at least give it a go.
Persuasion is as much about possessing a persuasion attitude as it is about the preparation, planning and tools used.
A skill you need
In a world where our daily challenges are more complex, resources remain scarce and resistance to change is high, persuasion is a skill everybody in business needs to understand. This is because rarely does behavioural change just happen. In each situation there is a trigger which results in a series of messages and exchanges between the parties involved: each designed to persuade the other to change their behaviour or beliefs about a person, activity or thing.
Albert Einstein suggested that problems cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them. New ideas and actions are required to solve problems: the big and the small. The problem with new ideas is they often require people to do things differently, to change not only their mind but also their behaviour.
While it is consistently said that people resist change, it is probably more accurate to say that much of what people do is driven by habit. Habits that have been learned over a period of years live deep within our brain and they tend to resist change.1 This is because the brain likes to conserve energy, and the easiest way to do this is to undertake repetitive and comfortable tasks and turn them into habits, thereby reducing the brain power required to process new tasks. At any point where we ask people to deviate from these ingrained habits, we are asking them to expend energy to make a decision, something the brain prefers to resist in exchange for the way it has always done things, relying on habit and preserving, not expending energy. John Maynard Keynes hit the nail on the head when he said: ‘The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.’2
Therefore, as we embark on this journey, realize that some people will not like your ideas: some out of a resistance to change and change alone; others because they don’t like you or your idea. To succeed you have to convince them to say ‘yes’ or to at least consider what you are proposing.
Implications for you
People may resist your persuasive approaches but a willingness to change their mind and behaviour is a large part of the skill of persuasion.2. Mystery
Why do we do what we do?
Let’s start with a mystery. Why would normal people electrocute someone they have never met?
Some of you may be familiar with the Milgram obedience studies conducted in the 1960s; Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the obedience of participants by asking them to deliver electric shocks to someone they had never met in order to help them learn. In the experiment, participants delivered what they perceived to be the equivalent of lethal levels of electric shocks because they were instructed to do so. Why?
Here’s another one. Why would masses of people drink from a vat of poison and lay down to die?
That’s exactly what 918 members of the Peoples Temple, a religious group under the direction of Reverend Jim Jones, did in 1978 in Guyana. Believing their compound was about to be set upon by authorities, members lined up to drink from a vat of poison at the request of Jones. Why?
Finally, why would a person give away their life savings to someone they had never met?
Victims of the Nigerian 419 scams (419 being the section of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud) have done exactly that. In the scam, victims are enticed to provide a small amount of money in the promise of greater returns later on. Delays are always encountered, more money is required to release the funds and the unsuspecting victim is persuaded to send more until eventually they run out and all communication ceases. Why?
The answer in part to each of these mysteries is persuasion, and we will unpack each one in the book.
The question of why we do the things we do has puzzled mankind as long as we have bartered, traded and interacted with each other. Think about questions such as:
Why did your boss say ‘yes’ to employing a person who is clearly not the best candidate for the job?Why did you buy that new pair of jeans when you already have five just like them at home?Why did you agree to volunteer for something you never really cared about?Why do we buy, sell, give away, agree to or concede to anything?The answer is persuasion!
Some of these, especially the 419 scams and Jonestown Massacre, are examples of harm being done to others. Positive examples are equally available, such as reforms to energy use in the home, safer driving practices, better health-related decisions, more volunteers, increased voter numbers, successful negotiations, more sales and so on.
There are positives to be gained in understanding persuasion, and one of them is a greater ability to protect yourself from people using some of the tactics on you.
Implications for you
People do things that from an outsider’s perspective would be considered irrational. Throughout this book, understand that we are dealing with conscious and subconscious processes.Understanding the cues that trigger these behaviours will allow you to persuade others and protect yourself from unwanted persuasive requests.3. History
Persuasion: where does it come from?
Just as you are pondering the question today of how to nudge your boss to accept your new proposal, how to sway your colleague to change tack on a particular activity or perhaps even how to convince your kids to eat their vegetables, these fundamental questions of human behaviour have been asked since the time of ancient Greece, 2,500 years ago. But the reason the 5th century BC is so important to the field of persuasion is because it represents the first acknowledged period where this curiosity moved from passing individual thought to sustained attention by scholars focusing on rhetorical communication.
Therefore, as you read this book, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. As humans we have long been fascinated and perhaps frustrated in our ability to get others to do what we want. This fascination has been driven as much out of our ability to gain compliance as it has been out of our inability to have others assent to our requests.
It has, however, been long understood that if you want to change someone’s beliefs, you need to communicate with them, not at them, and invite them to make a decision of some sort.
To persuade people, you need to communicate with them and invite them to make a choice or decision. It is at the point of the decision that the communication ramifies into behaviour.
A move from art to science
In every society we have marvelled at those who can effortlessly persuade. Equally, we are somewhat bewildered by those who cannot. At work you may look in wonderment at a colleague’s seamless approach to having others consider, adopt and execute their ideas. Yet when you try to replicate their actions, it quite possibly ends in tears, perhaps those of someone else but, as is more often the case, probably your own.
Therefore, it is not surprising that people on both sides of the ethical fence have searched long and hard for the secret to changing the behaviour of others.
By way of example let’s consider Dale Carnegie. Here was a man who was able to learn from his surroundings and observe the attributes and actions that made people more influential. In his 1936 award-winning book How to Win Friends and Influence People,3 arguably for the first time, Carnegie was able to take his experience and aptitude and hone his tradecraft into a carefully constructed manuscript for others to follow. An artisan, Carnegie took real-world observations and used what he learned to impact on the behaviour of others.
But persuasion is not just the purview of philosophers and artisans. Around the same time as Carnegie, scientists were also becoming increasingly interested in how people behaved socially: how they made decisions and how they influenced each other.
Although texts focusing on social psychology first emerged at the start of the 20th century with William McDougall’s 1908 text An Introduction to Social Psychology,4 the field really started to expand around the time Kurt Lewin immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1933. Through his research, Lewin became universally recognized as the founder of modern social psychology, pioneering the use of theory, experiments and hypothesis testing to place a discipline around the influences that impact our beliefs and behaviours.
A groundswell of research soon followed and there was a concerted drive to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour in social situations through science.
This led to Milgram’s obedience studies and the surprise findings that all participants were willing to deliver a 300 volt shock to the ‘learner’ in response to getting a maths problem wrong and, even more surprisingly, that 65 per cent of ‘teachers’ continued all the way to administering the highest level of 450 volts.5 Dr Philip G. Zimbardo’s ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’6 highlighted the impact of conformity and roles within the social world with implications being drawn as far as Abu Ghraib prison. Dr Robert B. Cialdini conducted his systematic investigation into the six Principles of Persuasion,7 providing a roadmap for modern, lasting and ethical change, which saw him become the most cited social scientist in the field.
These early pioneers inspired the throngs of researchers who today explore every nook and behavioural cranny to gain a better understanding of why we do what we do and how best to influence it.
In completing this journey from wonder, artistic interpretation and now science, today more is known about how we function as people than at any other time in our past. Research is continually driving our understanding forward, but there is a need to put this research into practice. Therefore, the focus should be on taking this science and making it immediately useable in the challenging interpersonal, time deprived, digital world we find ourselves in today.
However, regardless of how hard we try, not everyone will apply what we know in exactly the same way. This is where art yet again meets science. Science can tell us what we know about people and decision-making processes, but it is your flair, innovation and ability to present the options, ideas and proposals that will add to your success. Hence, there is plenty of science available to you; however, you need to bring the art to the execution phase.
Implications for you
Because persuasion is rooted in science, we are able to learn it, explain it and teach it.4. Sector
Public or private sector? Is a different approach needed?
For centuries public officials have struggled with the concept of moving people and effecting change through public policy. Their solution historically was one of legislation, regulation, sanction and penalty. Why? Perhaps it is because laws are easily defined. While not always popular, laws are able to be debated, refined and written into legislation. This means they are able to be understood and therefore adhered to by the people they seek to govern. Perhaps it is because governments traditionally try to move the masses rather than focus on a person-to-person method of communication and behaviour change.
The mistake businesses made early on was to follow governments’ command-and-control structures and seek to gain compliance from staff by clearly defining roles, functions, activities and performance measures, penalizing those who deviated from the accepted norm. Driven by the bottom line, however, businesses quickly realized they were able to use ‘carrots’ to incentivize their staff: using rewards and bonuses to motivate them, rather than always having to swing the stick. Unfortunately, this approach led to a ‘get ahead at all costs’ type of attitude that promoted a ‘greed is good’ mentality, which, of course, gave rise to questionable behaviour and equally questionable ethics.
But ever-evolving with cross-functional teams, joint ventures and intercompany partnerships, businesses realized there was a better way still. Managers realized that if they could persuade people to change their approach or attitude without force or incentives, it would reduce conflict, increase adherence and reduce costs, which would subsequently increase profitability. This gave rise to the new pioneers of business, the behaviourists.
These visionaries communicated with people. They attempted to change their behaviour by having them make informed judgements. They created situations that made their audience more receptive rather than imposing their will upon them.
In turn, governments are now also slowly realizing that changing behaviour through science – e.g. getting people to pay their taxes on time because of the way they are notified in a letter8 or to use less energy because of the way the billing information is presented9 – is a much longer-lasting and therefore sustainable approach.10
Therefore, regardless of position or sector, the practicalities of how to persuade others without having to rely on hierarchical power, compliance rooted in regulation or sanction or any type of unethical or underhanded approach is critical for longer-term success and getting people to do more with less.
In February 2011, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the United Kingdom, supported by the Behavioural Insights Team, conducted a trial to ascertain the impact of sending letters to tax debtors to encourage them to pay their taxes.
The traditional approach had been to remind the debtor of the debt, demand payment and ultimately fine them if they did not comply.
The new approach targeted 140,000 debts worth £290 million. The letter told the debtor that the majority of people in their area had already paid their taxes and reminded them of the importance of doing so to ensure local services were able to be maintained.
This approach achieved a 15 per cent increase in repayments over the standard formal letter approach, demonstrating the value of using behavioural research in the public sector.11
Implications for you
Regardless of sector, behavioural research can be applied to change people’s behaviour.5. Universality
Professionally, personally or socially?
The concept of universality dictates that the applications for persuasion are virtually limitless. Regardless of the environment in which you need to move others – such as professional settings, within groups, bodies you volunteer with, social groups you participate in and even at home – persuasion is always available to you.
While it is important to be aware of cultural implications and variances, in the main everything we explore here is universal, i.e. it applies across cultures.
It all comes down to communication
Persuasion is all about human-to-human (H2H) contact and all the variables and challenges that brings with it. Clear, concise and purposeful persuasion will allow you to:
Change attitudes and beliefs toward you or your proposalPresent a speech to gather support, votes or donationsDeliver a marketing campaign or advertisementLobby support for a change in policyConvey a message to a resistant audienceEncourage visitors to take action while on a websiteModify workplace behaviourHear ‘yes’ more often!Modalities
The universality of persuasion is not just limited to the groups or locations you are delivering your message within. It is also important to realize that universality also applies to the scale of your messaging, including delivery:
One to oneOne to a fewOne to manyOne to the masses.It always starts with one because persuasion is a human endeavour. It is about people. Therefore, even when a brand, business or government engages its community, it is done at the hands of people.
Similarly everything we discuss in this book can be used when persuading:
In writingOrallyUsing a blended approach.Implications for you
Persuasion occurs in all facets of business and at home.Persuasive messages can be delivered across many modalities (written, oral, digital).The universality of the tools allows for both intra- and intercultural application.6. Operational language
A need for a common language