A Touching Story of George Washington's Boyhood - Mark Twain - Hörbuch

A Touching Story of George Washington's Boyhood Hörbuch

Mark Twain

1,49 €

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Now, I had two objects in view in writing the foregoing, one of which was to try and reconcile people to those poor unfortunates who feel that they have a genius for music, and who drive their neighbors crazy every night in trying to develop and cultivate it; and the other was to introduce an admirable story about Little George Washington, who could Not Lie, and the Cherry-Tree – or the Apple-Tree – I have forgotten now which, although it was told me only yesterday. And writing such a long and elaborate introductory has caused me to forget the story itself; but it was very touching.

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Zeit:0 Std. 11 min

Sprecher:Mark Bowen
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