About the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Mutinda Jackson - E-Book

About the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs E-Book

Mutinda Jackson

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Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Sociology - War and Peace, Military, grade: A, Kenyatta University, language: English, abstract: The U.S Department of Veterans Affairs; an organization that was set up by President Ronald Reagan (1988) elevated the former Veterans Administration, to a significant level of a Cabinet executive department; giving it a novel name that allowed it still to be referred to by its longtime acronym, the ‘VA.’ The organization is comprised of the following three diverse administrations: the Veteran’s Health Administration, the Veteran’s Benefits Administration and the National Cemetery Administration. Unfortunately, all these divisions have faced diverse challenges when performing their missions; for instance, controversies that involve VA hospitals along with the eminent longstanding delays in providing services. While social workers remain vital service providers to the service members and veterans together with their families, the VA is renowned to be the leading employer of social workers with a Master’s degree in the U.S, not to mention that VA has been generating job opportunities for social workers since 1926 (Byrne et al, 2010).

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