The sociological imagination analysis of race and ethnic issue in California - Mutinda Jackson - E-Book

The sociological imagination analysis of race and ethnic issue in California E-Book

Mutinda Jackson

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Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Sociology - Political Sociology, Majorities, Minorities, grade: A, Kenyatta University, language: English, abstract: This essay will explore the sociological imagination analysis of race and ethnic issue in California and the national immigration issue by covering the following paradigms: structural functionalism, symbolic interaction and social conflict perspective. Evidently, the two sides of the United States’ political divide have utilized the opportunity to accentuate the manner through which California is different from the rest of the nation. For years, Americans have recognized California as the Golden State, maintaining that it was initially a distant and dreamy land, then as a cultural shaper and as a promised land for millions and millions of Americans and immigrants. While it remains to be America’s most populated state, attributed to a great success story, there are many areas where it has failed to live up to its promise. Notably, California is a demographic giant, an aspect implying that its respective issues correlate with those of the entire nation. The history of California is characterized by a constant change, owing its preeminence to its natural advantages such as the vast geographic area and pleasant climate and to human ingenuity. In this respect, it is imperative to note that its proximity to Mexico has forced the State to continue experiencing unprecedented population growth by Latinos who highly contribute to the ever-changing nature of California society, its politics and culture. It is unfortunate to note that, currently, spiteful characterizations of immigrants together with draconian plans for their marginalization have been drifted by diverse political figures to a startlingly receptive public; an aspect linked to the California Proposition 187.

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