Social work and the role of religion - Mutinda Jackson - E-Book

Social work and the role of religion E-Book

Mutinda Jackson

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Essay aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Religion, Note: A, Egerton University, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In this work the author concentrates on the ways social workers can subvert religious privilege alongside xenophobia in their micro and macro levels of practice. Ant-oppression and ant-discrimination beliefs are not only eminent in modern social work research and practice, but are also far and wide engaged in social work curricula. From the core premises of an anti-oppressive paradigm, it is evident that, beginning as a fundamental new concept, the anti-oppressive social work practice (AOP) has ever since advanced and found its way into social work practice, research and education. Even though AOP presents a crucial model towards identification and maintenance of client relations empowerment in the milieu of existing society and practice oppression, some religious social workers may feel that this approach may not be espoused in line with faith values due to its postmodern nature. In this respect, relations in all facets integrate exclusion and oppression constituents that arise from aberrant identities; thus, forcing religious social workers to stomach the responsibility of examining oppression nature in personal and professional associations.

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