Information Systems Security. Security Techniques and Mechanisms in Protecting Spam Activity - Mutinda Jackson - E-Book

Information Systems Security. Security Techniques and Mechanisms in Protecting Spam Activity E-Book

Mutinda Jackson

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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology, grade: 1.0, University of New Orleans, language: English, abstract: Substantially, the occurrence of attacks on computer network, together with the consequent news has both alarmed people on computer networks’ vulnerability and the risks of employing them and their dependence on them. According to diverse researches, as technology changes, so do the security parameters, requirements, needs and even standards. It is thus evident that the society is playing a kind of game, whereby its result remains tentative and perhaps not winnable; a phenomenon that is driven by several reasons. One of these reasons is that the irresistible number of computer network vulnerabilities remain to be based on software that comes from either application or even software. Another reason is the fact that there is more computer proliferation as well as computer and computer networks dependence; the more people join cyberspace, the more the likelihood of system attacks. Moreover, it is highly challenging to discover an appropriate security solution not to mention that in this case, oversupply of security experts has adverse effects on the security issues due to their opinion diversity. Subtly, as spam, phishing and malware remain to be a big risk nowadays, email security has hastily developed over the past few years; characterized by a sequence of novel risky threats. Thus, in order to maintain email security in check, it is quite significant to observe the following big threats to email security: snowshoe spam, hacktivism and data breaches

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