Adventurous Abby - Susanne Wolfgramm - E-Book

Adventurous Abby E-Book

Susanne Wolfgramm

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The young husky Abby enjoys a happy life together with lots of other dogs and a kind family of humans. One day, she unexpectedly has the chance to explore the forest all alone. Curious as she is, Abby can't resist temptation and she experiences an unforgettable adventure. In the forest, Abby meets a lost wolf. Hunters are already on the wolf's trail. They want to catch her and bring her to a wildlife park. The wolf is desperate to return to her pack and asks for Abby's help. Summoning up all her courage, the plucky little husky leads the wolf through the forest. The two friends face many challenges along the way and Abby needs all the cunning and bravery she possesses, since she, too, wants to return to the safety of her home.

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Seitenzahl: 16

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For my Abby

The little husky girl Abby lives together with her whole family on top of a mountain surrounded by meadows and forests. Her family is made up of her husky parents, her sister and three brothers, an aunt, an uncle and, of course, the humans they live with. The humans are a family – mum Susan, dad James and the two children Sophie and Nick. Everyone loves Abby because she’s always happy and friendly. What’s more, she’s the cutest pup you could ever imagine. She can be a little clumsy and mischievous too, but you still can’t help but adore her. Abby’s owners love her to bits; Sophie and her mum, in particular, are simply crazy about her.

Abby and her family really enjoy living on the mountain. They have lots of space for running and romping around. Their owners take them for long walks and, in the winter, they love to pull James on his sledge through the snow-covered landscape – like all real sledge dogs.

The rest of the day is spent playing or just being lazy.

This is what it looks like when Abby and the other huskies are pulling James’ sledge.

Abby loves lying on top of her kennel in the garden and gazing down into the valley. Sometimes she imagines what it would be like to explore the forest all by herself, without her owners.

What adventures she would have!

Today, like most other days, Abby is dozing on top of her kennel, when suddenly she hears the faintest of sounds, barely audible even for a dog’s amazing sense of hearing. Sleepily, she opens her eyes. A little fox is trying to get into the garden through a hole in the fence that is hidden by shrubs.