Affair - Elsa Harbor - E-Book

Affair E-Book

Elsa Harbor

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This book consists of two titles, which are the following:

Book 1: How do you prevent an affair?

And if one happens anyway, then how do you heal from unfaithfulness?

These are two questions that have been asked by many but answered by few. The goal of this guide is to help you understand the answers to these questions, although simplified, and expand on these issues as well.

Is just flirting harmful? And if so, to what extend?

What do you do if your partner is having an affair?

Do most affairs end in divorce, or is a marriage still salvageable after such infidelity?

Don’t worry, in this brief book, we will go into all these things.

Book 2: This book will focus on some aspects that may not be as obvious when discussing affairs. People often wonder if healing is possible, if the likelihood that another affair will happen is big, or if their marriage will end up in divorce.

Although this publication briefly touches on several of these topics, other questions will be addressed as well, such as:

What if the person having the affair loves both people?
Why are affairs so difficult to stop?
Should the children know about the affair?
What are some steps to recover from an affair?

If you are interested to know more about these things, whether for personal reasons, or simply out of curiosity, then I urge you to start reading or listening to this book.

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