Affectionate Mommy: Taboo Erotica - Fedora Ward - E-Book

Affectionate Mommy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Fedora Ward

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Frank, her oldest son, began catting around and this disturbed her greatly. When her husband was living, she could do something about him. However, now that she had to play both roles of father and mother she was fighting an upstream battle.
This night in particular, Leslie was disturbed. So much so, in fact, that at two o'clock in the morning when Frank had not come home yet, she was strolling about the house. Glancing out, the moonlight lit the neighbor's house across the street. She envied them. They had four children, and the woman of the house had a man to look after things. She always had to beg, wait, to get things done about the house that only a man could do.
Meantime, her youngest son, eighteen year old Albert, was busy in the bedroom, jacking off. When he heard his mother walking about in the night, he was upset. He thought surely she had become suspicious of his habit. This bothered him greatly.
"Mom," he called out, "is that you?"

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Affectionate Mommy

Fedora Ward

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Frank, her oldest son, began catting around and this disturbed her greatly. When her husband was living, she could do something about him. However, now that she had to play both roles of father and mother she was fighting an upstream battle.

This night in particular, Leslie was disturbed. So much so, in fact, that at two o'clock in the morning when Frank had not come home yet, she was strolling about the house. Glancing out, the moonlight lit the neighbor's house across the street. She envied them. They had four children, and the woman of the house had a man to look after things. She always had to beg, wait, to get things done about the house that only a man could do.

Meantime, her youngest son, eighteen year old Albert, was busy in the bedroom, jacking off. When he heard his mother walking about in the night, he was upset. He thought surely she had become suspicious of his habit. This bothered him greatly.

"Mom," he called out, "is that you?"

"Yes, Albert, it is," Leslie sighed, going to his room for some consolation.

Instead of consolation, she caught the sight of his prick, being pulled violently back and forth in his jerking hand.

"Mom, damn it," Albert blurted, "how many times have I told you to knock before coming into my room!"

"Well, baby," she said, in a snit, "I can see why you wanted me to stay away."

"Look, mom," Albert said angrily, "I've got a right to beat my meat if I want to."

"Son, you're just as bad as your older brother, Frank."

Pulling the sheet over his penis, he covered himself, and glanced up at his mother.

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