Caught By Fire: Taboo Erotica - Fedora Ward - E-Book

Caught By Fire: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Fedora Ward

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His rod was a long surly looking weapon, fully erected and about to be jammed into my dry passionless pussy.

The pain I felt was more than his brutal thrust into my unwilling vagina. Ma Davison's handy golf club had left its impression too and I was sore as the dickens. Oblivious, he rammed his peter through, chafing and scraping my punished flesh. My lack of interest in his amorous efforts only made Stefan more and more frustrated and more brutal in his attack. He was screwing to hurt me now and he took pleasure from every wince my face betrayed. He humped his big ass up and came crashing down, slamming his pecker to the recesses of my grotto.

He grabbed my breasts and squeezed them like marshmallows until I had to cry with the hurt.

"Give some back, you little cunt!"

I stayed tightlipped. His rod swelled like it was under heat and it felt like a salami engorging my insides. He crashed down again in an erratic motion and caught my clitoris. At once my channel-began to lubricate itself and his loathsome rod became less onerous as it slipped where once it had skidded.

My body was betraying me. His pummeling prick began raising a ruckus inside of me. I was sexually awake and responding despite my venomous hate for this bastard.

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Caught By Fire

Fedora Ward

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Caught By Fire

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

It all spelled bad news for any year, and I combed the want ads for some temporary work to get me through the late winter doldrums. It looked like a bleak few months of office temporary jobs when I read a small squib about the Census Bureau recruiting census takers. "Why not?" I decided and trotted my trim little butt down to the Federal Building to take a simple test.

It was not the first time I had been in the employ of Uncle Sam, although the dear fellow had no record of my involvement the first time. I spent my early years being brought up on Army posts, from Alaska to Japan. Daddy had just made colonel when I turned eighteen and his trusted corporal, Spike Reynolds, was also promoted to sergeant.

Spike was a lonely enlisted man from a small town in North Carolina freezing his rocks off in Juneau, Alaska, and he came around our cottage one afternoon looking for daddy.

"The colonel's gone to Hawaii for the weekend," I told the shivering sergeant.

A WAC lieutenant was supposed to be in charge of me while pops was away, but she was across town screwing around with a marine and I was all alone at home.

"Wanna come in and warm up?" I offered.

A funny look came into his eye, but I had known Spike for two years and felt completely at home with him.

"Sure, Sammy," he said.

I winced at the nick-name and held the door only half-open.

"You can if you call me by my real name. It's Samantha," I bargained.

"Samantha it is," he said without hesitation. "You sure are growin' up."

I colored at that and wondered if I looked as feminine as I was feeling. A strange warmth was filtering up from between my legs and I tried to act nonchalant But my heart was racing.

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