African communities in search of Self-Identity. Academic Contribution of Archie Mafeje -  - E-Book

African communities in search of Self-Identity. Academic Contribution of Archie Mafeje E-Book

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Essay aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Afrikawissenschaften - Kultur und Landeskunde, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In recognizing the academic and intellectual contribution of Archie Mafeje, this article reflects on the struggle of African communities in search of self-identity and self-understanding. Archie (Archibald) Mafeje was born in Ngcodo in South Africa on the 30 march 1936. He was an independent Pan-Africanist and cosmopolitan individual who sought to understand the world at a global level, in order to locate the place of Africa within its tapestry. In many ways, Archie Mafeje was one of the African intellectual pathfinders, who contributed immensely to the African people’s search for self-understanding, self-determination and political emancipation as they struggled against alienation and misrepresentation. He died on March 2007, and some of his publications appear as chapters of books and journals.

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