Alcohol-free - Regina Toedter - E-Book

Alcohol-free E-Book

Regina Toedter



A cold beer to cool down, a glass of red wine to relax - for many people this is quite normal. Drinking alcohol is an integral part of our culture. We drink because it tastes good and because (almost) everyone does it. However, we all too easily forget that even 0.3 per mille can lead to alcohol intoxication and have health consequences. Regina Toedter shows how easy it can be to consciously say no to alcohol with Alkohol-free. The 50 best tips. It helps you to question your own drinking behaviour and provides a self-test for your individual status quo. Because being "alcohol-free" means feeling better and fitter, looking fresher and healthier, being more flexible and more alert. 2015 Original edition published by Trias Verlag Stuttgart by MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart (Germany). 2nd edition reprinted in 2019 by Goldmann Verlag by Random House Munich (Germany).

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About the book

A cold beer to cool down, a glass of red wine to relax - for many people this is quite normal. Drinking alcohol is an integral part of our culture. We drink because it tastes good and because (almost) everyone does it. However, we all too easily forget that even 0.3 per mille can lead to alcohol intoxication and have health consequences. Regina Toedter shows how easy it can be to consciously say no to alcohol with Alkoholfree. The 50 best tips. It helps you to question your own drinking behaviour and provides a self-test for your individual status quo. Because being "alcohol-free" means feeling better and fitter, looking fresher and healthier, being more flexible and more alert.

About the author

After studying cultural sciences at university and training as a fitness and running coach, Regina Toedter now works as a communications manager and health author. In search of writing inspiration, she used to reach for a glass of wine herself from time to time. At the age of 28, she made a conscious decision to give up alcohol for a week - that was 11 years ago, and she still doesn't miss it.

More books by the author

Die 50 besten Zuckersucht-Killer

(“The 50 best sugar addiction killers”) (TRIAS)

Machs einfach! (“Just do it!”) (TRIAS)

Buddha räumt auf (“Buddha tidies up”) (südwest)

Der Glückscoach – Entschleunigen

(“The happiness coach – slow down”) (TRIAS)

You can also read Regina Toedter's health column in

FOCUS magazine


How is the book mixed together? (Preface)

Little helpers


1 Quick test: an alcohol-free week

2 Fight boredom!

3 Avoid favourite pubs and drinking buddies

4 Strengthen your safety net

5 Thirst for knowledge instead of drinking

6 Give yourself a kick, without alcohol

7 Set drinking days

8 Goofy - don't be silly!

Sober situations

9 Find your flow

10 Toast to your health

11 Don't be thirsty anymore

12 Eating out without drinking

13 Flirt sober

14 Party without alcohol

15 Stay undercover

16 Use your rights

17 Go on an alcohol-free holiday

18 Enjoy unforgettable evenings

Salute to your health

19 Save it!

20 Get rid of dark circles

21 Improve your skin

22 Do your body a favour

23 Go on a fast

24 Reduce stress

25 Become a tea sommelier

26 Get a good night's sleep

Break habits

27-Change your habits

28 Use the power of music

29 Use glasses and bottles in a different way

30 Dance yourself into a trance

31 Make the most of Sunday

32 Draw on your inner strength

33 Meditate against the desire for alcohol

34 Beware of new addictions

35 Celebrities as role models

36 Ask the experts

Alcohol-free drinks

37 Drink H


O instead of C





38 Turn your home bar into a fruit oasis

39 Drinking green

40 Give milkshakes a try

41 Try non-alcoholic shots

42 Drink herbal tea instead of herbal schnapps

43 Refreshment from heaven

44 Drink a "little wet one"

45 How about cocktails for a clear head?

46 Cool down

47 Warm up

Best hangover tips

48 Kill the "puss" (hangover)

49 Banish the hangover

50 Puss in boots

Alcohol test

Preface instead of preheating

Dear readers, let's be honest...

If we think about it more carefully, we should be sceptical: We've been drinking something for years that we don't need either physically or mentally. Quite the opposite. It makes us tired, sometimes dizzy and clouds our minds. We are talking about alcohol (or ethanol, as the correct chemical name is). Alcohol robs us of our energy for the next day and generally just makes us feel dull and drained the next morning. In the worst case, we can't even remember the night before. But the gossip in the office has already done the rounds. Oh dear, it was supposed to be just one drink. Now we've got a stupid flirt on our hands, misplaced our great cardigan and the mountain of tasks is still there and has to be tackled with a headache. Why do we drink alcohol at all when we know that we often regret it the next morning? Why is it so difficult to give up and how can we reduce our own consumption? These are three basic questions - and they are all wrong.

We don't actually have to answer the WHY. That's more a job for doctors and psychologists. All we know is that we drink it because everyone does it somehow, sometimes it simply does us good after a particularly bad day and lightens the mood. Alcohol is an integral part of our culture, has a long tradition and accompanies us at every turn. Hardly anyone can imagine dancing "sober" at their next wedding, can they?

The second question turns out to be a cultural misconception, because we don't actually have to give it up. Alcohol is not essential to life - it is an additive, a stimulant, an emotional enhancer and inhibitor that we find difficult to control once the first glass has been downed. For many people, alcohol often serves as a substitute for a possibly unsatisfactory situation or an unfulfilled desire, doesn't it? So we need to rethink: if we stop drinking alcohol in future, then please do so consciously, voluntarily and intentionally. There are many liquid alternatives that, unlike alcohol, are actually beneficial to our health and enrich our everyday lives. These naturally include water, tea, juices and spritzers. But it goes beyond the drink: we need new rituals, options and creative ideas - alcohol-free ones, of course.

And the question of reduction includes the question of the right measure. But who determines the scale of values? Isn't this a very individual question? And don't most people only cut back when they notice something wrong with their health? But when your health starts to go on strike, isn't it almost too late?

So let's ask ourselves how and with what tricks we can cheat alcohol and what advantages there are in giving up alcohol. After all, we encounter alcohol every day anyway. A glass is held under our noses at almost every party, at the weekend and even in everyday life.

But we don't need alcohol all the time! Just think about it: alcohol-free means feeling better and fitter. You also look fresher, younger and healthier. You can use your alcohol-free days (and evenings) longer, more profoundly and more intensively without alcohol. Of course, because you are 100% there! Lows - which are a normal part of life - but also creative holes, unpleasant moments, boring evenings, frustration and crisis situations can also be dealt with successfully when sober. Life has many little moments of happiness in store, but you have to be alert to them. In a tipsy state, you will at most stumble across such opportunities, but not realise them. Alcohol basically has only one purpose: it provides a brief firework display in your head, but then clouds your vision in the long term. In addition, we often feel tired, groggy and desolate after a short time. In the long term, regular alcohol consumption can also make us seriously ill. That's great! So let's get rid of it! Alcohol doesn't deliver what it promises. How could it? Behind its perfect image is an industry worth billions that knows exactly what it's doing. Alcohol makes some people addicted quite quickly (because we love this short kick, it's readily available, cheap and immediately effective).

But we have a free choice. Saying no to alcohol makes us independent, more flexible, more mindful and free. However, this does not automatically mean that we have to give up future celebrations and parties, nor does it mean that we have to give up enjoyment or fun.

On the contrary! Happiness, cheerfulness and joy begin in the mind, not in the drip! Flick the switch - and let yourself be inspired and surprised by the 50 best tips for an "alcohol-free" life from now on.

Have fun and success,

Regina Toedter

Little helpers

The main question now is how to really get alcohol out of sight. Is this even possible - what does it look like in practice?

We encounter alcohol every day. That's the first challenge. Find out the basics about everyday life in the first part of the book. Take the quick test and spontaneously take a break from alcohol. Rethink your previous (drinking) locations and friends. Perhaps you will reshuffle the cards here and venture into new encounters.

Sobering situations: The second challenge - which we face every day - are those typical occasions that tempt us to drink: the nice barbecue in summer, the next colourful birthday party, the annual Christmas party, New Year, milestone anniversaries, the long-awaited holiday, the occasional party night or the usual visit to our favourite restaurant. How do you cope with such situations when you are trying not to drink? Have you ever tried to flirt sober? Imagine you can do it and maybe you'll finally fall in love! This might save you a nasty surprise the next day when you can't remember anyone's name or don't know exactly what you talked about on your first date. Learn the best tricks in this chapter to stay happy and dry in social gatherings.