All about cat training - Elizabeth Williams - E-Book

All about cat training E-Book

Elizabeth Williams

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Not all cats are trainable and some of them are not easy to train.
Take look at the different easy to train cats and some that are not easy to train.
Barman; long hair, easy to managed once a week grooming, very careless loves humans, gentle, affectionate, inquisitive will follow you around the house, very clever.

Siamese, verbal, loving, can be difficult, serious daily play, and contact to their arousing and mental status, and does not like to be left alone.
Snowshoe: An uncommon breed of cat warm, playful, great personality enjoys the indoor living.
Somali is a very intelligent, playful, active, extreme elegance grace, alertness. This type of cat can be gentle, loyal, sensitive, sense of humor cat. Has minimum care for grooming, love to play, loves water, and loves to be next to you or in the lap napping. Will capture you heart.
Pixie-Bob is a very trainable, is a bright, loyal, fully family breed. The hair can be long or short.
American Bobtail is not a wild nature cat. They have an untamed look, medium to large size.
Anatolian is a mild, kind cat, elder cats might have trouble adapt to a classic pet cat life.
Bengal’s are active, clever companions. The best friendly cat they are known for in this breed. Most pet Bengal’s are wild only in looks, not in character.
Ocicat: looks like a small wild spotted cat, fully household, energetic, affectionate, and very public despite their wild look; they are gracious, sociable, people-oriented cats without being clingy or intolerable. They are clever, dedicated, extremely adaptable companions.
The most familiar and easily well-known cat is the Persian. This well-known cat is available in a broad range of colors and patterns. A Persian are known for quiet mild temper and a loving cat. Although easygoing, they are playful in their own way. Their long hair mats simply. General daily grooming is required, at least 20 minutes per day, with a one-hour grooming weekly to keep the hair in good condition.
Selkirk Rex is a enduring, broadminded, affectionate cat that enjoys a good embrace is not a good choice for someone with cat sensitivity as the shedding undercoat as of their breeds.
Rag doll; is finest acknowledged for its quiet and easygoing nature. Perhaps it is the gentlest and mainly laid-back of breed is biggest fully house breed of cat. Their long hair needs minimum care.
Exotic; is a passive, mild cat with a yielding tone. A thoughtful cat enjoys sitting on laps and likes comforts of home.  The grooming needs to be done each day with a weekly grooming at least for an hour.
Sphinx; is a content friend cat. A huge outgoing, aware, and very inquisitive cat, enjoys the company of humans and other pets. Their skin feels like warm, soft suede, and does need grooming also without the hair.
This is a list of some cats with some traits to help you look for a trainable cat. There are many different breeds of cats to choose from. Choosing one that is right for you and your family can be a fun experience with looking at the different breeds a deciding, which one is the right breed for you. Check out the internet and books for the different breed of cats. After you have done a research on the different breeds, you might want to consider visiting a humane society. This can give you an idea of the some of the cats that may
be looking for.  This would be a good idea to be able to find the one, which can fit the needs of the family. Cats have different personalities and traits, some need a lot of attention, and some will need a lot of grooming. With this and other factors about cats will be important to you and your family to be able to have as a friend and train.
Looking for that breed for you and your family will also be a great family project. Making this a great family project will help the cat and family adjust to each other.

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Elizabeth Williams





Author’s name

Elizabeth Williams





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IMPORTANT: This ebook contains encrypted data aimed at a recognition in case of piracy. All rights are reserved according to law. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of author and publisher. It is expressly forbidden to pass on to others this book, either in hard copy or electronic format, either for money or for free. The concepts and techniques described in this book are the result of years of study and specializations, so the same outcome is not guaranteed either in personal or professional growth. The reader assumes full responsibility for his choices and he is aware of the risks associated with any form of exercise. The author and publisher are not responsible for the misuse or for any prohibited purpose of the content of this book. The book has merely educational and informative purposes and does not replace any type of medical, psychological or professional treatment. If you suspect or are aware of any health problems or any physical or psychological problem you will need to rely on an appropriate medical treatment.The book does not replace the advice and help of a professional in the field, for any specialized discipline it is advisable to rely on an expert professional who follows the question in the first person.

Table of Contents
What type of cat is trainable?
Training your cat
Cat behavior training
Cat door training
Cat playing or fighting
Cat toilet training
Cat training collar
Cat training for sever weather
Cat training supplies
Cat training tips
Cat training with a clicker
Cats training on extreme meowing
Feeding and Training a Cat
Finding a good trainer for your cat
Holiday training your cat
House train your cat
How to litter train your kitten
How to train your cat on a leash
Leash training your cat
Litter training a cat
Natural cat training
Small tips on training your cat
Tips on training your kitten
Train a cat to listen
Train a kitten for playing
Train your cat for behavior problems and basic commands
Train your cat for vacations
Train your cat to be groomed
Training a cat around the plants
Training a Cat for the litter box
Training a cat not to chew on dangerous objects
Training a cat not to spray
Training a cat to a new environment
Training a cat to do tricks
Training a cat to have likeable behaviors
Training cats with nocturnal behaviors
Training the cat to scratch on a scratching post
Leash training your cat
Training your cat for aggression
Training your cat for the outdoors
Training your cat not to scratch furniture
Training your cat to be transported in a pet carrier
Training your cat to go to a veterinary
Training a cat to hunt
Training your cat to train you for the holidays
Training your cat with constructive training
Training your hyperactive cat
Training Your Cat To Use The Toilet

What type of cat is trainable?


Not all cats are trainable and some of them are not easy to train.


Take look at the different easy to train cats and some that are not easy to train.


Barman; long hair, easy to managed once a week grooming, very careless loves humans, gentle, affectionate, inquisitive will follow you around the house, very clever. 

Siamese, verbal, loving, can be difficult, serious daily play, and contact to their arousing and mental status, and does not like to be left alone.


Snowshoe: An uncommon breed of cat warm, playful, great personality enjoys the indoor living.


Somali is a very intelligent, playful, active, extreme elegance grace, alertness. This type of cat can be gentle, loyal, sensitive, sense of humor cat. Has minimum care for grooming, love to play, loves water, and loves to be next to you or in the lap napping. Will capture you heart.


Pixie-Bob is a very trainable, is a bright, loyal, fully family breed. The hair can be long or short.


American Bobtail is not a wild nature cat. They have an untamed look, medium to large size.


Anatolian is a mild, kind cat, elder cats might have trouble adapt to a classic pet cat life.





Bengal’s are active, clever companions. The best friendly cat they are known for in this breed. Most pet Bengal’s are wild only in looks, not in character.

Ocicat: looks like a small wild spotted cat, fully household, energetic, affectionate, and very public despite their wild look; they are gracious, sociable, people-oriented cats without being clingy or intolerable. They are clever, dedicated, extremely adaptable companions.

The most familiar and easily well-known cat is the Persian. This well-known cat is available in a broad range of colors and patterns. A Persian are known for quiet mild temper and a loving cat. Although easygoing, they are playful in their own way. Their long hair mats simply. General daily grooming is required, at least 20 minutes per day, with a one-hour grooming weekly to keep the hair in good condition.

Selkirk Rex is a enduring, broadminded, affectionate cat that enjoys a good embrace is not a good choice for someone with cat sensitivity as the shedding undercoat as of their breeds.

Rag doll; is finest acknowledged for its quiet and easygoing nature. Perhaps it is the gentlest and mainly laid-back of breed is biggest fully house breed of cat. Their long hair needs minimum care.

Exotic; is a passive, mild cat with a yielding tone. A thoughtful cat enjoys sitting on laps and likes comforts of home.  The grooming needs to be done each day with a weekly grooming at least for an hour.

Sphinx; is a content friend cat. A huge outgoing, aware, and very inquisitive cat, enjoys the company of humans and other pets. Their skin feels like warm, soft suede, and does need grooming also without the hair.

This is a list of some cats with some traits to help you look for a trainable cat. There are many different breeds of cats to choose from. Choosing one that is right for you and your family can be a fun experience with looking at the different breeds a deciding, which one is the right breed for you. Check out the internet and books for the different breed of cats. After you have done a research on the different breeds, you might want to consider visiting a humane society. This can give you an idea of the some of the cats that may

be looking for.  This would be a good idea to be able to find the one, which can fit the needs of the family. Cats have different personalities and traits, some need a lot of attention, and some will need a lot of grooming. With this and other factors about cats will be important to you and your family to be able to have as a friend and train.

Looking for that breed for you and your family will also be a great family project. Making this a great family project will help the cat and family adjust to each other.

Training your cat


Training your cat can be fun and a rewarding experience. Patience and time is something that will be necessary with training. You can train your cat do have good behaviors so that when you are gone you will know they are safe.


Kittens are much easier to train then an older cat, because a kitten is like a child and we have to teach them the right and wrong. With the older cats, it is not easy as they are set in their ways, but they are still trainable.


Some of the reasons you might want to train your cat is not to scratch the furniture, jump on items, and climb the drapes or the counter top, to use the litter box and not your favorite chair. On the other hand, have your cat pulling the stuffing out of pillows, and most to use the kitty litter box and not that favorite rug that you have. A cat may do these a few things and you would like to change the behavior.


One of the first things you want to train your cat to do is come or get the cat’s attention when you call the cat’s name. A clicker can be use and is efficient as to help with training a cat. We have to remember that all cats have their own personalities so there could be a chance that your cat will not act as quickly or to the clicker.


First you will want to call the cats name click the clicker, if the cat responds in any way, you need to give the cat a small treat. Small treats are great rewards for cats and cats love liver. You do not want to make a full meal out of the treats. Once the cat does respond you will want to use this till, the cat does come to you when called. The next step is to stop using the clicker for calling and reduce the treats until the cat does come once you call them. The clicker and treats can be use then for other training.


The next training should be litter box training. In addition, if the cat or kitten is not trained already. Purchase a litter box, as boxes are very inexpensive. You will want to make sure you do not get one that is too tall for the cat to get in. You want the cat to be able to comfortable get in the box and not have to climb. Kitty litter should be about couple of inches in the litter box. Putting to much in will just be all over when the cat uses it and digs. Kitty litter comes in all kind of form, scents, and prices.


This will be up to you and your cat as to which one is the best. Purchase kitty litter that will absorb the smell and the poop from the cat. If it does not do this for you or the cat, the cat may not want to go back in the little box to use. The litter box needs cleaning daily, with removing the waste. Once a week the litter box needs cleaning, you will need to throw out the old litter, was the litter box and replace the litter in the box.


Set the box near the place that the cat is going. When you see the cat going or needs to go pick the cat up and place in box. Then give your cat a treat, you will need to watch for this, as you will want to get the cat to use the box. Once the cat is using the litter box, you can start moving very slowly day by day the litter box to the area that is set up for your cat to use. Moving the litter box to quickly, or all once will not work, as the cat will not know where the litter box is. Continue the treats and once your cat has successfully used the box in the proper area, then you can decrease the treats.


Researching and using the internet for more information on training your cat will help you with training and successful relationship between you and the cat.

Cat behavior training


Learning cat behaviors before you start training them would be an good idea for anyone that is going to train a cat’s behavior.


A cat can jump and lands on its feet as this are a natural instinct for a cat. When a kitten is first born, the cushion in a kittens paws are not developed with the cushion to land on its feet. It takes about 7 wk to develop the cushion in a cats paw for landing. A cats bone structure is unique to other animals as the bones are flexible , cat has no collar bone, which enables them to be able to twist and bend their bones A cat can jump from short distant with out sustaining any injuries.


With this behavior, you will want to teach the cat to jump hoops, sticks, or off the scratching tree. Letting a cat jump from extreme heights will cause injury to the cat.


Cats have a unique hearing ability; they are able to hear high tones and pitches, like opening a door or a can of food. Cats also have unique smelling abilities. The reason a cat will scratch or urinate on the floor , rub its self up against a door or furniture, is the cat is  leaving their scent in that areas so they will be able to come back and know they were there, in other words marking its territory. In addition, if another cat or animal comes along in the area a cat will know this. Cats can also smell with their mouths. There is a gland call 'Jacobson's organ’, it is a sac in the cats upper mouth filled with blood, as the cat smells the scent and the slightly opens their mouth and upper lip, this allows the scent to be carried in and to the sac, which it will carry the scent goes to the cat brain. This mostly happen to male cats when a female has urinated.


With these natural instincts and behaviors this can give you some insight to help you train you cat. With behavior training you will want to make sure that you allow your cat the ability in some way to play out it natural instincts and behaviors.


When training a cat for behaviors here are some things that you need to look at and take in consideration when training. Aggression especially in older cats, this can be cause from illness, other cats in the home. This you may want to contact your vet to have the cat check out to see if it is all right at this time to train a cat.


Depression and anxiety could play another part with trying to train your cat. If a cat is separated by it recent owner the cat can become depressed. Stress on a cat can be common effect on a cat. If you think that your cat has depression or high anxiety, this would be a good time to take the cat to the vet. Vets can talk to you about some of the things that may be causing this and a help list to help the cat. There are medications that a vet can prescribe for the cat to help with depression and anxiety.


Never hit a cat for a punishment the cat will learn to fear you, and fearing will be a behavior you will not be able to control or retrain. When they do something that is not right. Ignore the problem or if you catch them right a way you can associate a noise with that behavior on what you do not like or just in a stern voice tell them “NO”.


If a behavior is becoming impossible you may have to resort to the baby proof home, all containers that have food in them have a lid on it. Make sure that the counters are clean and have nothing that a cat would want to play with.


The day that you get your cat or kitten, you will want to start training at this point. This will keep many unwanted behaviors away, and hopefully not let any new behaviors to start.


Healthy cats need healthy relationships with their owner.

Cat door training

Are you tired of listening to the cat is meowing up a storm or scratching up the door to get in.

Let us look at some simple solutions to this problem. Let us take a look at some of the training aids to help train your cat to alert you to come in.

Put a small bell on a string that hangs down from the door. This will allow the cat to play with the string and ring the bell. This is a good learning tool to help both you and the cat. Bells come in a variety of different sizes. A small one would be the prefect size for a cat to play with so they are able to ring the bell. Bells are very inexpensive and can be found and purchased most stores. Craft store have them and are very inexpensive. String should hang down long enough so that the cat can reach it with out jumping at it or having to use the door for support. You can put a small amount of catnip on the string or in the bell. This to will attract them to play with the bell. Get catnip in a spray, smell this will help attract them to the bell.

Teaching the cat to use the bell is another thing that you will have to do for them. This is so they learn how the bell works to play with. The sound from the bell will warn you kitty is ready to come inside.

When you put the cat outside you will want to keep an eye out for them coming in and show them to ring the bell. Once your cat rings the bell, you want to reward them with a good healthy snack. As you help the cat ring the bell you will need to open the door allow the cat to come in with a reward right as they can get in.

Let us look at another way of training a cat to use a cat door to entrance and exit in. You can find cat doors and entrances in most large pet stores, on the web, or ask you vet where you can purchase a cat door. The doors are small enough so that a cat can get in and out when it wants to, and frees you up from having to attend to the cat going in and out. One simple suggestion is make sure your cat is not going to run off before installing the door.

These doors can be installing right in your door, or possible next to your door for a wall mounting. This is something that you will have to look at before purchasing a door for the cat. Measuring the size of the opening is also important to look at before purchasing. You will want to know the size that you are able to fit the door in. You also will want to measure your cats’ height and width. To know what size of opening you will need to get. When measuring the width make sure, you allow at least a couple of inches more than the width of the cat. The height from the shoulders to the back of the front legs this will give the right height. With the many different types of doors, sizes, quality, and sizes, a search in store or on the Internet would be a great place to start looking.